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Convince someone else with your delusional rambling, not an Indian who knows his people very well. I m from the North Western Indian state of Punjab which has people with lighter complexion and I know how people in our state compare with the Europeans.

Punjab woman:

Italian woman:

By the way, don't be so smug about the light color. It is coded by a set of six genes -- all recessive. :D. So you can extrapolate how you descendants will look like after these weak genes have been overshadowed.

More gypsy fortune telling...i wonder if it would be so easy as you say, why we aren't all black or how did you put it "golden"?
Also it's based on the premise carriers with light color genes will stop having children among themselves. Full of shit as usual...
PPP is not good for calculating it as per PPP India is already world's 3rd largest economy :wave:
Punjab woman:

Italian woman:

More gypsy fortune telling...i wonder if it would be so easy as you say, why we aren't all black or how did you put it "golden"?
Also it's based on the premise carriers with light color genes will stop having children among themselves. Full of shit as usual...

Ha! Ha! Trying to convince an Indian how his own people look like. I know whites are experts at selling snake oil but this is pathetic..:cuckoo:

And the Italian one is pretty tanned looking...artificial tan I guess...not the usual pasty white of Northern Europeans.
Ha! Ha! Trying to convince an Indian how his own people look like. I know whites are experts at selling snake oil but this is pathetic..:cuckoo:

aww out of arguments so soon? That picture is result of a search on the keywords "Punjab woman".
Disapointed, i have half an hour longer i wanted to spend on ridiculing you.
But that's alright, i know your limited mental capacity and the environmental challenges in India that result in severe overheating of your cranium hamper your ability to construct arguments more complex then your initial punch line.
PPP is not good for calculating it as per PPP India is already world's 3rd largest economy :wave:

GDP PPP per capita is good for calculating the standard of living. GDP at market exchange rates is best for calculating the size of the economy.

It burns you inside that lighter skin is prefered among Indians doesn't it? :dirol:

Yes it does, which is why they obsess over it.

"A couple of generations later children will wonder why grandpa had such an ugly white skin."

I'm telling you dude, they have such a large inferiority complex, it's not even funny.

Not only are we going to have "ugly skin" but we are also going to be their slaves! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xl0b2LGf9jM

LOOOL! Apparently this imbecile doesn't really that a tiny island nation off the coast of mainland Europe wiped the floor with their entire subcontinent, and the only reason they are even a country is because they were freed.
aww out of arguments so soon? That picture is result of a search on the keywords "Punjab woman".
Disapointed, i have half an hour longer i wanted to spend on ridiculing you.
But that's alright, i know your limited mental capacity and the environmental challenges in India that result in severe overheating of your cranium hamper your ability to construct arguments more complex then your initial punch line.

Sure. Having lived in the USA, I am well aware of your severe dependence on experts and susceptibility to the media / web. I know that you would, ideally, like to consult an expert / refer the web before even taking a crap. And your comprehension handicap and thinking inability appear to be in the moderate to severe range.

Did you not read me saying that the Italian appears tanned. Look at the Photos. The Indian has been shot outdoors while the Italian is smothered with artificial photo lights. And yet they look similar in complexion. So how will the Italian look when she is outdoors??? A pasty, blotchy white as you normally do and which even now is visible on the Italian's chest. Don't even know why I m trying to explain all this to a retard who probably refers the web even for learning how to breathe. You may have a lot of time to waste, but I don't. So goodbye.:hitwall:

GDP PPP per capita is good for calculating the standard of living. GDP at market exchange rates is best for calculating the size of the economy.

Yes it does, which is why they obsess over it.

"A couple of generations later children will wonder why grandpa had such an ugly white skin."

I'm telling you dude, they have such a large inferiority complex, it's not even funny.

Not only are we going to have "ugly skin" but we are also going to be their slaves! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xl0b2LGf9jM

LOOOL! Apparently this imbecile doesn't really that a tiny island nation off the coast of mainland Europe wiped the floor with their entire subcontinent, and the only reason they are even a country is because they were freed.

Looks like retards are ganging up. Well, you are no match for the other gangs.:devil:
Sure. Having lived in the USA, I am well aware of your severe dependence on experts and susceptibility to the media / web. I know that you would, ideally, like to consult an expert / refer the web before even taking a crap. And your comprehension handicap and thinking inability appear to be in the moderate to severe range.

Did you not read me saying that the Italian appears tanned. Look at the Photos. The Indian has been shot outdoors while the Italian is smothered with artificial photo lights. And yet they look similar in complexion. So how will the Italian look when she is outdoors??? A pasty, blotchy white as you normally do and which even now is visible on the Italian's chest. Don't even know why I m trying to explain all this to a retard who probably refers the web even for learning how to breathe. You may have a lot of time to waste, but I don't. So goodbye.:hitwall:

That's alright, let it all out, i'd imagine it hurts living in a dumpster, while at the same time dreaming about supapower India, the downfall of another race and seeing none of it seems to be happening.:dirol:
Look who's talking about crime rates:P

1. rapes / 100000 : USA - 21.7 India- 1.4
2. Homicides : USA - 4.5 , India -3.5

Complete lies. You are saying that the White American rape rate is 21.7 per 100,000? WRONG.

The rape rate by Whites, regardless of nationality, is much lower than India. And apparently India has a rape rate that is 1/2 their homicide rate? That's a first! Hahahaha! And you have a much lower reporting ratio, seeing as how your women are often killed or disparaged for being raped.

White rape rates are the lowest on Earth. Maybe East Asians are comparable, but that's it. Deal with it.

As for our homicides, I guess I'm going to have to repeat myself to this illiterate. WHITE American homicide rate is 2.4 per 100,000, and that's the highest homicide rate of Westerners (excluding E. Europe). Funny, you have to compare the HIGHEST homicide rate of a developed White country to your people. Isn't that embarrassing? And you're still wrong. White American homicides are lower.

Most of our incarcerations are due to harmless drug offenses, and Blacks and Hispanics are disproportionately represented among them.

And of course, shootouts in which innocent school children are massacred are obviously symptoms of a very healthy and cultured society.

1: That doesn't happen commonly in White society; only in the USA (1 out of 55 White countries)

2: It doesn't happen as much as you suggest. Every time there is a massacre in India, it barely even shows up on the newspapers.

3: Our gun ownership rate is higher than any other country in the world. The fact that we still have such low crime rates (among Whites) ins spite of this, is a testament to our level of civilization.

There is nothing you do apart from printing paper money and manufacturing war equipment. Your whole economy is a rent seeking machine designed to circulate fake money in endless loops. So dont give me any of your crap about hard work or giving to others.

We CREATED modern civilization.

It was the West that first developed steam power and adapted its use into factories, and for the generation of electrical power.[48] The electrical motor, dynamo, transformer, and electric light, and indeed most of the familiar electrical appliances, were inventions of the West. The Otto and the Diesel internal combustion engines are products whose genesis and early development were in the West. Nuclear power stations are derived from the first atomic pile constructed in Chicago in 1942.

Communication devices and systems including the telegraph, the telephone, radio, television, communication and navigation satellites, mobile phone, and the Internet were all invented by Westerners.[49] The pencil, ballpoint pen, CRT, LCD, LED, photograph, photocopier, laser printer, ink jet printer, plasma display screen and world wide web were also invented in the West.

Ubiquitous materials including concrete, aluminum, clear glass, synthetic rubber, synthetic diamond and the plastics polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC and polystyrene were invented in the West. Iron and steel ships, bridges and skyscrapers first appeared in the West. Nitrogen fixation and petrochemicals were invented by Westerners. Most of the elements, were discovered and named in the West, as well as the contemporary atomic theories to explain them.

The transistor, integrated circuit, memory chip, and computer were all first seen in the West. The ship's chronometer, the screw propeller, the locomotive, bicycle, automobile, and aeroplane were all invented in the West. Eyeglasses, the telescope, the microscope and electron microscope, all the varieties of chromatography, protein and DNA sequencing, computerised tomography, NMR, x-rays, and light, ultraviolet and infrared spectroscopy, were all first developed and applied in Western laboratories, hospitals and factories.

In medicine, vaccination, anesthesia, and all the pure antibiotics were created in the West. The method of preventing Rh disease, the treatment of diabetes, and the germ theory of disease were discovered by Westerners. The eradication of smallpox, was led by a Westerner, Donald Henderson. Radiography, Computed tomography, Positron emission tomography and Medical ultrasonography are important diagnostic tools developed in the West. Other important diagnostic tools of clinical chemistry including the methods of spectrophotometry, electrophoresis and immunoassay were first devised by Westerners. So were the stethoscope, electrocardiograph, and the endoscope. Vitamins, hormonal contraception, hormones, insulin, Beta blockers and ACE inhibitors, along with a host of other medically proven drugs were first utilized to treat disease in the West. The double-blind study and evidence-based medicine are critical scientific techniques widely used in the West for medical purposes.

In mathematics, calculus, statistics, logic, vectors, tensors and complex analysis, group theory and topology were developed by Westerners. In biology, evolution, chromosomes, DNA, genetics and the methods of molecular biology are creatures of the West. In physics, the science of mechanics and quantum mechanics, relativity, thermodynamics, and statistical mechanics were all developed by Westerners. The discoveries and inventions by Westerners in electromagnetism include Coulomb's law (1785), the first battery (1800), the unity of electricity and magnetism (1820), Biot–Savart law (1820), Ohm's Law (1827), and the Maxwell's equations (1871). The atom, nucleus, electron, neutron and proton were all unveiled by Westerners.
In finance, double entry bookkeeping, the limited liability company, life insurance, and the charge card were all first used in the West.

Westerners are also known for their explorations of the globe and Outer space. The first expedition to circumnavigate the Earth (1522) was by Westerners, as well as the first journey to the South Pole (1911), and the first moon landing (1969). The landing of robots on Mars (2004 and 2012) and on an asteroid (2001), and the Voyager explorations of the outer planets (Uranus in 1986 and Neptune in 1989 were significant recent Western achievements.

In 1850, India contributed 32% of world GDP. And when the British left in 1947, it was 3%.

Is that why a tiny island nation was able to wipe the floor with your "32% GDP" country?

And how did Britain, a poor nation which could not even grow enough food for itself

So this tiny poor nation was able to wipe the floor with you? A tiny island nation with 1/20 the population? Yea, must have been due to their extraction of your resources. Oh wait, they weren't even in India before they invaded India.

How can you explain that? And what capital exactly? You had (and still don't have) NOTHING worth stealing. What "capital" are you referring to? Answer the question retard.

In fact, recently the British were grovelling before us because our Finance Minister shrugged off the British aid offer as peanuts

Typical lying Indian. Go ahead and cite the source.

We're still giving you ungrateful 3rd Worlders aid.

End of UK aid to India divides opinion | World news | guardian.co.uk

Association for India's Development - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


You are just left with your toys which you may take with you to your graves if you wish. And you will be plucked off one by one by people who still cherish social and ethnic bonds

As I said, this would only be true if we aren't winning so many elections. And what you are going to do when the White race dies out? Devolve into your 3rd world rape, theft, and murder?

Destroy the good that the White race has brought forward? Everything from the internet to spacecraft, from the laptop to the discovery of DNA, from chemotherapy to Democracy? We created virtually everything you see around you today 3rd worlder. Be happy you're not living in a shack with no AC or modern medicine.
Italian woman:

More gypsy fortune telling...i wonder if it would be so easy as you say, why we aren't all black or how did you put it "golden"?
Also it's based on the premise carriers with light color genes will stop having children among themselves. Full of shit as usual...

What a beaut! As only the White race can deliver!

But I prefer my Nordics (1/2 Norwegian myself).




This thread has become so off-topic, but I must say... How can ANYONE, in their rightful mind, compare THAT ^^^^^^^ to THIS:





Complete lies. You are saying that the White American rape rate is 21.7 per 100,000? WRONG.

The rape rate by Whites, regardless of nationality, is much lower than India. And apparently India has a rape rate that is 1/2 their homicide rate? That's a first! Hahahaha! And you have a much lower reporting ratio, seeing as how your women are often killed or disparaged for being raped.

White rape rates are the lowest on Earth. Maybe East Asians are comparable, but that's it. Deal with it.

As for our homicides, I guess I'm going to have to repeat myself to this illiterate. WHITE American homicide rate is 2.4 per 100,000, and that's the highest homicide rate of Westerners (excluding E. Europe). Funny, you have to compare the HIGHEST homicide rate of a developed White country to your people. Isn't that embarrassing? And you're still wrong. White American homicides are lower.

Most of our incarcerations are due to harmless drug offenses, and Blacks and Hispanics are disproportionately represented among them.

1: That doesn't happen commonly in White society; only in the USA (1 out of 55 White countries)

2: It doesn't happen as much as you suggest. Every time there is a massacre in India, it barely even shows up on the newspapers.

3: Our gun ownership rate is higher than any other country in the world. The fact that we still have such low crime rates (among Whites) ins spite of this, is a testament to our level of civilization.

We CREATED modern civilization.

Is that why a tiny island nation was able to wipe the floor with your "32% GDP" country?

So this tiny poor nation was able to wipe the floor with you? A tiny island nation with 1/20 the population? Yea, must have been due to their extraction of your resources. Oh wait, they weren't even in India before they invaded India.

How can you explain that? And what capital exactly? You had (and still don't have) NOTHING worth stealing. What "capital" are you referring to? Answer the question retard.

Typical lying Indian. Go ahead and cite the source.

We're still giving you ungrateful 3rd Worlders aid.

End of UK aid to India divides opinion | World news | guardian.co.uk

Association for India's Development - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


As I said, this would only be true if we aren't winning so many elections. And what you are going to do when the White race dies out? Devolve into your 3rd world rape, theft, and murder?

Destroy the good that the White race has brought forward? Everything from the internet to spacecraft, from the laptop to the discovery of DNA, from chemotherapy to Democracy? We created virtually everything you see around you today 3rd worlder. Be happy you're not living in a shack with no AC or modern medicine.

Here is the link

British foreign aid: India tells Britain 'we don't need the peanuts you offer us' | Mail Online

Otherwise not worth my time to reply to the rabid ramblings of an ignorant white trash who apparently gets his "education" from TV.
Here is the link

British foreign aid: India tells Britain 'we don't need the peanuts you offer us' | Mail Online

Otherwise not worth my time to reply to the rabid ramblings of an ignorant white trash who apparently gets his "education" from TV.

The response typical of a 3rd world race that knows the evidence is unquestionable.

So, what did we learn from this escapade?

1: White crime rates, of almost all types, are lower than India by quite a margin

2: Whites have built modern civilization from the ground up. We have invented practically all of the world's modern conveniences

3: The tiny island nation of the UK was able to wipe the floor with the entire Indian subcontinent, showing the power of European civilization before she "stole" the (nonexistent) treasures of India. It also shows that India was a 3rd world backwater, incapable of fending off such a tiny nation-state.

4: Indians are incapable of reading the English language, despite my Brit ancestors force-feeding you every syllable. GO AND READ THE ARTICLE YOUR REFERRED AGAIN DIMWIT! The people that don't want aid are in the minority, and the overwhelming majority want to continue to accept NOT ONLY direct government contributions, but also private donations that number in the billions of dollars. Bill Gates and all the other philanthropists should just leave Indians to rot. I wonder how far India would get without our Western/European technology pushing you dimwits along.
Complete lies. You are saying that the White American rape rate is 21.7 per 100,000? WRONG.

The rape rate by Whites, regardless of nationality, is much lower than India. And apparently India has a rape rate that is 1/2 their homicide rate? That's a first! Hahahaha! And you have a much lower reporting ratio, seeing as how your women are often killed or disparaged for being raped.

White rape rates are the lowest on Earth. Maybe East Asians are comparable, but that's it. Deal with it.

As for our homicides, I guess I'm going to have to repeat myself to this illiterate. WHITE American homicide rate is 2.4 per 100,000, and that's the highest homicide rate of Westerners (excluding E. Europe). Funny, you have to compare the HIGHEST homicide rate of a developed White country to your people. Isn't that embarrassing? And you're still wrong. White American homicides are lower.

Most of our incarcerations are due to harmless drug offenses, and Blacks and Hispanics are disproportionately represented among them.

1: That doesn't happen commonly in White society; only in the USA (1 out of 55 White countries)

2: It doesn't happen as much as you suggest. Every time there is a massacre in India, it barely even shows up on the newspapers.

3: Our gun ownership rate is higher than any other country in the world. The fact that we still have such low crime rates (among Whites) ins spite of this, is a testament to our level of civilization.

We CREATED modern civilization.

Is that why a tiny island nation was able to wipe the floor with your "32% GDP" country?

So this tiny poor nation was able to wipe the floor with you? A tiny island nation with 1/20 the population? Yea, must have been due to their extraction of your resources. Oh wait, they weren't even in India before they invaded India.

How can you explain that? And what capital exactly? You had (and still don't have) NOTHING worth stealing. What "capital" are you referring to? Answer the question retard.

Typical lying Indian. Go ahead and cite the source.

We're still giving you ungrateful 3rd Worlders aid.

End of UK aid to India divides opinion | World news | guardian.co.uk

Association for India's Development - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


As I said, this would only be true if we aren't winning so many elections. And what you are going to do when the White race dies out? Devolve into your 3rd world rape, theft, and murder?

Destroy the good that the White race has brought forward? Everything from the internet to spacecraft, from the laptop to the discovery of DNA, from chemotherapy to Democracy? We created virtually everything you see around you today 3rd worlder. Be happy you're not living in a shack with no AC or modern medicine.

What are the 55 white countries you mentioned? I could only think of around 30-35.
Ohhh these swedish girls are sexyy

Basically all of Europe + Western offshots (USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand). I think that Argentina, Uruguay, and (maybe) Chile could be considered White countries as well.
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