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Surgical or no Surgical strike? a difficult way to agreed upon.

This is an important point , a nation that fudges facts , makes big claims and lives off on false narratives cannot make a reliable partner , this is a point that Pakistan should drive home to the powers that be in the current world standings

This could easily be applied to Pakistan. In fact, it probably does apply to Pakistan.
This surgical farce has proven one thing for sure that even if Pakistan 'actually' starts exporting terror in India as a matter of state policy,India has no testicular fortitude to hurt Pakistan in the real sense.At best,we'll have more such invisible attacks and diplomatic outcry of little benifit.

If fear of retaliation was stopping Pakistan from fueling militancy in India,then this whole episode should give us all the more confidence to give it a go with all the might at our disposal.

Pakistan has to learn a lesson in this whole saga.It's time to move towards the offensive defense.Gone should be the days when our soldiers were fighting Indian nurtured proxies.It's time to create an atmosphere of fear and uncertanity in the ranks of Indian Army.Pakistan has to start supporting the Kashmiri struggle for freedom by whichever means possible.

No fear of retalition from India has the same effect now.They've already shown us what can they do and what will they do.Topi drama is all that they can muster.

This drama is going to make India cringe in the longer run.

Time for our security agencies,govt. and relevant stake holders to re-evaluate the Indian threat.

India just lowered the cost of engaging in Kashmir for Pakistan.

Like western powers did in several middle eastern countries....
This could easily be applied to Pakistan. In fact, it probably does apply to Pakistan.

You have been selling a lot of snake oil in the international arena and delivered nothing for a very long time , in geo politics

I think this latest episode just shows that the big claims you make are just claims with no results

Pakistan gets the job done on the other hand , if anyone chooses to partner with us
Though we do have strong points to drag India and their false claims still we won't be able to. And the reason is for sure the murmuring of NS and Govt who speak truth in so low voice that we can't even hear it. On the other hand Indians raise the situation like a blast and a bang is created. Its up to Govt how to make the things lucrative for country, unveiling the fake facts of India and use it to build allies. Equal responsibility comes on media to present the facts to earn soft corner for Pakistan.... Just hope for the best.
I think modi has again done an own goal with the farce about 'surgical' strike , they cannot back up the claims they made , they have shut out the UN and media from Indian occupied Kashmir [ The head of the UN has said that it is unable to operate in Indian occupied Kashmir due to non co-operation by india ]

Pakistan on the other hand took the journalists to the LoC and showed them the situation on ground and how india's claims are utter nonsense.

This is an important point , a nation that fudges facts , makes big claims and lives off on false narratives cannot make a reliable partner , this is a point that Pakistan should drive home to the powers that be in the current world standings
i am very sure modi and co forgoten the power of social media.. they are still in 90zzzz .. they thought they may get away with it .... but i dont think soo.... yeha they got away with so called failed sir g gal.. ....... with misleading propaganda.... but deep inside ..... they are so much worried. they were not expecting .... because this is the only way thy could do things after hot and cold doctrine have been failed miserably ...... now Pakistan is in equal dreams
I think modi has again done an own goal with the farce about 'surgical' strike , they cannot back up the claims they made , they have shut out the UN and media from Indian occupied Kashmir [ The head of the UN has said that it is unable to operate in Indian occupied Kashmir due to non co-operation by india ]

Pakistan on the other hand took the journalists to the LoC and showed them the situation on ground and how india's claims are utter nonsense.

This is an important point , a nation that fudges facts , makes big claims and lives off on false narratives cannot make a reliable partner , this is a point that Pakistan should drive home to the powers that be in the current world standings
Now you can imagine what is his capability, he is a sole winner whether the raids were carried out or not. He has proved himself that without even firing any shots he can bring down the enemy to his knees and after producing the proof atleast top brass of PA should resign.
This could easily be applied to Pakistan. In fact, it probably does apply to Pakistan.
how exactly it is applied to Pakistan, we are'nt the one who did it and have to prove it? why don't your govt shows the proof and end the drama here.
the international community has zero interest in this latest flare up.
Well PAK is like this .

A) Baloch, :- India is Supporting terror
B) TTP: - India training Terror
Bla bla

India Response :- We are not doing it
PAK Response :- We have proof , but we cant show ...

India Reponse:-
India To World :- YES we Enter PAK and KILL ITS Terrorist along with soldiers , NOW WHAT?

PAK :- NO NO NO , INDIA didn't do it.....India didnt killed anyone.
Two days after surgery , Pakistan still in comma, by Defense Minister. ( while Appreciating PARA ) He said jis ki surgery hoti hai usko pata nahin chalta ki operation me kaya hooaa, ( some one who goes through an operation is not aware what exactly happened during the surgery.
Kashmiri separatists along with terrorist is in state of shock, yet to recover from that .... no protest since then....

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