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Surgeon assaulted after he objects to 'hate' speech against Muslims

Sometimes I wonder, why does these false flags like mujhaidind use such cheap languages, ye to wohi baat ho gyi na ki g.... main dum nahi, hum kisi se kum nahi.
???? what are you on about here mate???elaborate???
we have 180 million muslims???

Riots do happen from time to time look at London or America? Gujarat witnessed bloodshed due to the burning of pilgrims which lit the fuse for the riots. Modi needs to focus on development and stop communal forces or least keep them at bay.

yeah thats what i meant to say that it happens everywhere then why lecture us about it??? and that lecture too is coming from india??? huh

little education my friend Hindus believe in One God also and cow is sacred to Buddhist too because Krishna was born into a cow herding family. Burma banned the slaughter of cow meat in the past as it was banned in the Moghul days as well.

my friend you need to learn about your own religion first you have Monkey GOD, a Snake GOD and 1000's of other Gods. how can you say Hinduism believe in one God???

here comes another lecturer of "Minority Rights" AND THAT TOO FROM INDIA.
to sum up everything and answer you in a single sentence let me ask you " would anyone in you "MAHA BHARAT" lasts a single day if he/she disrespects hindu Gods???

Read the teachings of the Vedas and Gitas to enlighten you, interesting fact about Hanuman is that he is told in Chinese fables also but known as a different name.

That was the point I was making if Pakistan had say 50 million Hindus you might witness more communal tension it is a natural aspect just like there is shia/sunni tension.
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Before independence in 1947 the areas of Pakistan had 22% non-Muslim population while India had 28% non-Hindus. In 2001 Pakistan had 3% non-Muslims while India had 18% non-Hindus.

There were about 6-7 million Muslims that migrated from India to Pakistan while nearly same number of Hindus and Sikhs that migrated from Pakistan to India in 1947.

The Indians love to quote 22% non-Muslim figure of Pakistan while forget about 28% non-Hindus in India.
before independent, india included pakistan and bangladesh...
it wont hurt much, if you start taking geography and history lessons...
Ok...agreed that there is an issue with communal ism in India...but pakistanis preaching about it to us is ridiculous...and a terrorist sympathiser mujahidind joining in with a bunch of who are essentially rabid Islamists from a extreme right wing islamic country is hilarious.

It's like osama bin Laden chiding someone for terrorism.

The very same..these communal goons regardless of which God they pray too are infecting my country. They are a disease they need to be sanitized from this nation.

And what you are doing against them we have our fair share here but atleast we are slaughtering them on daily basis. Cut the legs of VHP, RSS b4 its too late
And what you are doing against them we have our fair share here but atleast we are slaughtering them on daily basis. Cut the legs of VHP, RSS b4 its too late

vhp and rss are not 'terrorist' they are on par with jamaat e islami a religious social organisation.
Ahhh same old good comment they are not terrorist good for you mate good for you.

What constitutes a 'terrorist organisation'? in your eyes? can you name me a terrorist act they have conducted?

Yes there is some militant splinter cells such as Abhinav Bharat but they are a small disorganised outfit not on par with a terror organisation such as LET, IRA, Tamil Tigers etc.
What constitutes a 'terrorist organisation'? in your eyes? can you name me a terrorist act they have conducted?

Yes there is some militant splinter cells such as Abhinav Bharat but they are a small disorganised outfit not on par with a terror organisation such as LET, IRA, Tamil Tigers etc.

This is the definition of Terrorist .My definition might be wrong so im providing from mighty GOOGLE
"a person who uses terrorism in the pursuit of political aims" and i will also add Religious beliefs

And VHP and RSS are organised terrorist group and are part of govt
This is the definition of Terrorist .My definition might be wrong so im providing from mighty GOOGLE
"a person who uses terrorism in the pursuit of political aims" and i will also add Religious beliefs

And VHP and RSS are organised terrorist group and are part of govt

....the point being made is that the VHP& RSS are not indulging in acts that might be normally classified as terrorism. "Goondaism" is not the same as terrorism
let see what happens if pgi rohtak goes on a 24 hrs strike,,no opd,,no casuality,,,,,,,,maybe authorities will take notice
I believe it's idiocy on the behalf of the doctor to confront a mob as someone said a wise man knows his limits. Despicable act nonetheless. Remember last time some police acted hand in glove with a gunda mla to beat medical students in UP. nothing happened afterwards.
This is the definition of Terrorist .My definition might be wrong so im providing from mighty GOOGLE
"a person who uses terrorism in the pursuit of political aims" and i will also add Religious beliefs

And VHP and RSS are organised terrorist group and are part of govt

Okay and have these 'terrorist organisations' been banned by any country? or committed a 'terror' attack?
Regrettable incident, nothing more than an act of cowardice and plain brutish thuggery.
wen was the last time a mob of minorities in u r country went and burnt a train killing 59 people of wch 25 are women and 15 are children of majority community ???
if you are talking about samjhota express then you need to enlighten yourself with some facts it was a hindu major of your army who was blamed for.

But for riots, two groups are needed to fight with each other. How can there be riots when the incidents like Joseph colony blowing of shia in bomb take place.
i never said things are ideal for minorities in Pakistan but certainly they aren't ideal for minorities in India too, yet i see a lot of indians giving us lectures about rights of minorities lets accept the fact that neither pakistan nor india has ideal environment for minorities.


look at those pics .. do u feel it was a bomb tat killed people ?? i am not posting the pics of charred bodies of children u can google them.. an excerpt from nanavati comission established to probe the godhra train burning..

In September 2008, the commission submitted the "Part I" of the report dealing with the Godhra incident, in which it supported the conspiracy theory originally propounded by the Gujarat police.[4] Maulvi Husain Haji Ibrahim Umarji, a cleric in Godhra, and a dismissed Central Reserve Police Force officer named Nanumiyan were presented as the "masterminds" behind the operation.[26] The evidence marshalled by the committee in favour of this conclusion was a statement made by Jabir Binyamin Behra, a criminal in custody at the time, although he later denied giving any such statement.[27] In addition, the alleged acquisition of 140 litres of petrol hours before the arrival of the train and the storage of said petrol at the guest house of Razzak Kurkur, accused of being a key conspirator, as well as forensic evidence showing that fuel was poured on the train coach before it burnt, was presented by the committee.[26] The report concluded that the train was attacked by thousands of Muslims from the Signal Falia area.[28][29]

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