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Surgeon assaulted after he objects to 'hate' speech against Muslims

What minorities? You dont have any left..at the time of independence or soon after independence, your first census, you had more than 22% minority population now you have less than 3%.

You don't need large scale riots to reduce/discriminate minorities, your constitution, blasphemy laws and general intolerance towards those of other religions is enough to either drive them away or convert just so that they can survive.

Your country itself was created on the principles of Hindu -Muslim hatred.
22% ??? Seriously can you back up your claim with some substantial proof??

And this Hindu Muslim haterd enmity existed long before the creation Of Pakistan, infect that was the reason why we got separated coz Hindus and Muslims are two completely diff religions where one believes in one God and another believes in 1000's where one considers Cow as holly and another eates them.

That lecture of secularism and rights of minorities you give us why don't you be honest to yourself for once that your country is equal or even worse in the things you lecture us about.
Modi was elected in part because of his involvement in the slaughter in Gujraat, whether you believe he was involved or not the perception that he slaughtered muslims and was a hindu strong man played a big part in why india elected him

So, what was the reason India waited from 2002(when riots happened) till 2014?

Never have pakistanis voted for or elected

As far as I know, 2013 was the 1st time in Pakistan a National government was reelected.

extremist parties or individuals into power

Have you checked what the Pakistan constitution says which I guess is the minimum baseline on what the State guarantees as LEGAL rights to it's citizens?

Following are few examples:
  1. Blasphemy laws - The Pakistani government does not restrict religious publishing per se. However, it restricts the right to freedom of speech with regard to religion. Speaking in opposition to Islam and publishing an attack on Islam or its prophets are prohibited. Pakistan's penal code mandates the death penalty or life in prison for anyone defiling the name of Prophet Muhammad. This penal code mandates life imprisonment for desecrating the Quran, and up to 10 years' imprisonment for insulting another's religious beliefs with intent to outrage religious feelings.
  2. The Ahmadi position - The Pakistan government does not ban formally the public practice of the Ahmadiyya, but its practice is restricted severely by law. A 1974 constitutional amendment declared Ahmadis to be a non-Muslim minority because, according to the Government, they do not accept Muhammad as the last prophet of Islam.
  3. Electoral process for non-Muslims- In 1980s Zia ul-Haq introduced a system under which non-Muslims could vote for only candidates of their own religion. Seats were reserved for minorities in the national and provincial assemblies. Government officials stated that the separate electorates system is a form of affirmative action designed to ensure minority representation, and that efforts are underway to achieve a consensus among religious minorities on this issue. But critics argue that under this system Muslim candidates no longer had any incentive to pay attention to the minorities. Pakistan's separate electoral system for different religions has been described as 'political Apartheid'.On 28 June 2001, the Supreme Court ruled that non-Muslims may vote for any candidate at the Union Council level for seats reserved for mayor, deputy mayor, laborers, farmers, and women. However, non-Muslims still are barred from voting for Muslim candidates who run for general seats. Few non-Muslims are active in the country's mainstream political parties. Christian and Hindu leaders conducted a boycott to protest against the system of separate electorates during the local elections. In October 2000, a coalition of Christian non-governmental organizations sent a petition to Pakistan's president, Pervez Musharraf, requesting a dialogue between the government and minority religious leaders on the controversy. The government did not acknowledge receipt of this petition.
  4. Legal and personal freedom for non-Muslims
    The federal sharia court and the sharia bench of the Supreme Court serve as appellate courts for certain convictions in criminal court under the Hudood Ordinances, and judges and attorneys in these courts must be Muslims. The federal sharia court also may overturn any legislation judged to be inconsistent with the tenets of Islam.

    Although both types of cases are tried in ordinary criminal courts, special rules of evidence apply in Hadd cases, which discriminate against non-Muslims. For example, a non-Muslim may testify only if the victim also is non-Muslim. Likewise, the testimony of women, Muslim or non-Muslim, is not admissible in cases involving Hadd punishments. Therefore, if a Muslim man rapes a Muslim woman in the presence of women or non-Muslim men, he cannot be convicted under the Hudood Ordinances.

    Christian Church leaders argue that the government needs to go beyond the rhetoric of “minorities are enjoying all rights in the country” when they are not, and take practical steps to ensure that this is done. [8]

    According to the survey in 2010 by the Pew Global Attitudes Project, 76% of Pakistanis polled supported the death penalty for those who leave the Muslim religion
What?? Secular?? My foot.
Nothing like gujrat riots has ever happend to minorities in Pakistan its time for you to get off your high horse.

But Pakistan does not have 150 million Hindus does it? comparing apples to oranges

Riots do happen from time to time look at London or America? Gujarat witnessed bloodshed due to the burning of pilgrims which lit the fuse for the riots. Modi needs to focus on development and stop communal forces or least keep them at bay.

22% ??? Seriously can you back up your claim with some substantial proof??

And this Hindu Muslim haterd enmity existed long before the creation Of Pakistan, infect that was the reason why we got separated coz Hindus and Muslims are two completely diff religions where one believes in one God and another believes in 1000's where one considers Cow as holly and another eates them.

That lecture of secularism and rights of minorities you give us why don't you be honest to yourself for once that your country is equal or even worse in the things you lecture us about.

little education my friend Hindus believe in One God also and cow is sacred to Buddhist too because Krishna was born into a cow herding family. Burma banned the slaughter of cow meat in the past as it was banned in the Moghul days as well.
What minorities? You dont have any left..at the time of independence or soon after independence, your first census, you had more than 22% minority population now you have less than 3%.

Before independence in 1947 the areas of Pakistan had 22% non-Muslim population while India had 28% non-Hindus. In 2001 Pakistan had 3% non-Muslims while India had 18% non-Hindus.

There were about 6-7 million Muslims that migrated from India to Pakistan while nearly same number of Hindus and Sikhs that migrated from Pakistan to India in 1947.

The Indians love to quote 22% non-Muslim figure of Pakistan while forget about 28% non-Hindus in India.
But Pakistan does not have 150 million Hindus does it? comparing apples to oranges

???? what are you on about here mate???elaborate???
we have 180 million muslims???

Riots do happen from time to time look at London or America? Gujarat witnessed bloodshed due to the burning of pilgrims which lit the fuse for the riots. Modi needs to focus on development and stop communal forces or least keep them at bay.

yeah thats what i meant to say that it happens everywhere then why lecture us about it??? and that lecture too is coming from india??? huh

little education my friend Hindus believe in One God also and cow is sacred to Buddhist too because Krishna was born into a cow herding family. Burma banned the slaughter of cow meat in the past as it was banned in the Moghul days as well.

my friend you need to learn about your own religion first you have Monkey GOD, a Snake GOD and 1000's of other Gods. how can you say Hinduism believe in one God???

So, what was the reason India waited from 2002(when riots happened) till 2014?

As far as I know, 2013 was the 1st time in Pakistan a National government was reelected.

Have you checked what the Pakistan constitution says which I guess is the minimum baseline on what the State guarantees as LEGAL rights to it's citizens?

Following are few examples:
  1. Blasphemy laws - The Pakistani government does not restrict religious publishing per se. However, it restricts the right to freedom of speech with regard to religion. Speaking in opposition to Islam and publishing an attack on Islam or its prophets are prohibited. Pakistan's penal code mandates the death penalty or life in prison for anyone defiling the name of Prophet Muhammad. This penal code mandates life imprisonment for desecrating the Quran, and up to 10 years' imprisonment for insulting another's religious beliefs with intent to outrage religious feelings.
  2. The Ahmadi position - The Pakistan government does not ban formally the public practice of the Ahmadiyya, but its practice is restricted severely by law. A 1974 constitutional amendment declared Ahmadis to be a non-Muslim minority because, according to the Government, they do not accept Muhammad as the last prophet of Islam.
  3. Electoral process for non-Muslims- In 1980s Zia ul-Haq introduced a system under which non-Muslims could vote for only candidates of their own religion. Seats were reserved for minorities in the national and provincial assemblies. Government officials stated that the separate electorates system is a form of affirmative action designed to ensure minority representation, and that efforts are underway to achieve a consensus among religious minorities on this issue. But critics argue that under this system Muslim candidates no longer had any incentive to pay attention to the minorities. Pakistan's separate electoral system for different religions has been described as 'political Apartheid'.On 28 June 2001, the Supreme Court ruled that non-Muslims may vote for any candidate at the Union Council level for seats reserved for mayor, deputy mayor, laborers, farmers, and women. However, non-Muslims still are barred from voting for Muslim candidates who run for general seats. Few non-Muslims are active in the country's mainstream political parties. Christian and Hindu leaders conducted a boycott to protest against the system of separate electorates during the local elections. In October 2000, a coalition of Christian non-governmental organizations sent a petition to Pakistan's president, Pervez Musharraf, requesting a dialogue between the government and minority religious leaders on the controversy. The government did not acknowledge receipt of this petition.
  4. Legal and personal freedom for non-Muslims
    The federal sharia court and the sharia bench of the Supreme Court serve as appellate courts for certain convictions in criminal court under the Hudood Ordinances, and judges and attorneys in these courts must be Muslims. The federal sharia court also may overturn any legislation judged to be inconsistent with the tenets of Islam.

    Although both types of cases are tried in ordinary criminal courts, special rules of evidence apply in Hadd cases, which discriminate against non-Muslims. For example, a non-Muslim may testify only if the victim also is non-Muslim. Likewise, the testimony of women, Muslim or non-Muslim, is not admissible in cases involving Hadd punishments. Therefore, if a Muslim man rapes a Muslim woman in the presence of women or non-Muslim men, he cannot be convicted under the Hudood Ordinances.

    Christian Church leaders argue that the government needs to go beyond the rhetoric of “minorities are enjoying all rights in the country” when they are not, and take practical steps to ensure that this is done. [8]

    According to the survey in 2010 by the Pew Global Attitudes Project, 76% of Pakistanis polled supported the death penalty for those who leave the Muslim religion

here comes another lecturer of "Minority Rights" AND THAT TOO FROM INDIA.
to sum up everything and answer you in a single sentence let me ask you " would anyone in you "MAHA BHARAT" lasts a single day if he/she disrespects hindu Gods???
Fortunately most of us aren't secular. Or else we would have been bullied by these napsuk chaddis.

We beat up the police and Hindus at lalbaug when they tried to mess with us. This happened when Chaddis are in power at centre and Maharashtra.

These cowards can only know to bark but we know to bite.
You need to find some peace of mind before its too late dear
What?? Secular?? My foot.
Nothing like gujrat riots has ever happend to minorities in Pakistan its time for you to get off your high horse.

wen was the last time a mob of minorities in u r country went and burnt a train killing 59 people of wch 25 are women and 15 are children of majority community ???
What?? Secular?? My foot.
Nothing like gujrat riots has ever happend to minorities in Pakistan its time for you to get off your high horse.

But for riots, two groups are needed to fight with each other. How can there be riots when the incidents like Joseph colony blowing of shia in bomb take place.
wen was the last time a mob of minorities in u r country went and burnt a train killing 59 people of wch 25 are women and 15 are children of majority community ???

Bomb could be placed by one person and it causes death of 100 or more people. But in Gujarat, it was anti-Muslim pogram planned at state level when mobs of Hindus attacked Muslims and killed around 3000 people. There were reports that computer prints out with names of Muslim homes and businesses from government offices were sent to attack and destroy. Even the tomb of first Urdu Ghazal poet, Wali Daccani was destroyed by the Hindu mob.
International community and specially UN should declare RSS a terrorist group. Where are all these so called world watchers.
and u deserve Darwin's Award !

Bomb could be placed by one person and it causes death of 100 or more people. But in Gujarat, it was anti-Muslim pogram planned at state level when mobs of Hindu attacked Muslims and killed around 3000 people. There were reports that computer prints out with names of Muslim homes and businesses from government offices were sent to attack and destroy. Even the tomb of first Urdu Ghazal poet, Wali Daccani was destroyed by the Hindu mob.
i thought millions of muslims were killed .. only 3000 duh!
let see what happens if pgi rohtak goes on a 24 hrs strike,,no opd,,no casuality,,,,,,,,maybe authorities will take notice
Before independence in 1947 the areas of Pakistan had 22% non-Muslim population while India had 28% non-Hindus. In 2001 Pakistan had 3% non-Muslims while India had 18% non-Hindus.

There were about 6-7 million Muslims that migrated from India to Pakistan while nearly same number of Hindus and Sikhs that migrated from Pakistan to India in 1947.

The Indians love to quote 22% non-Muslim figure of Pakistan while forget about 28% non-Hindus in India.

Your figures are way off. The region that is now India had about 15% minorties and the region that is now pakistan had 21%. However, post-independence, most of the hindus left Pakistan and the percentage of minority population dropped to around 3% and remained pretty constant after that till the last couple of decades or so when they've faced severe hardship and have been killed, converted or migrated. Indian minority percentage dropped by about 3% after independence due to migration to Pakistan and BD but has risen to 18% now. The biggest drop in minority population post-independence has actually been in Bangladesh.
What?? Secular?? My foot.
Nothing like gujrat riots has ever happend to minorities in Pakistan its time for you to get off your high horse.
For that to happen, u need to have a minority, and that too in a huge number.
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