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Surat diamond firm gifts 491 cars, 200 two-bedroom houses & jewellery to 1,200 staff

You fly an Indian flag and ask astounding questions !

Diwali is the begining of the New Year, its also a time when traders close books for the year & start new pages.

Consequently, this is time when a trader assess his profit / loss and decides what he would like to do with his loyal employees.

Wrong. Basakhi is the beginning of the New Year. New Year is April 14th, not Diwali.
Wrong. Basakhi is the beginning of the New Year. New Year is April 14th, not Diwali.

BTW are you a Sikh ?

Diwali, celebrated in October or November each year, originated as a harvest festival that marked the last harvest of the year before winter. India was an agricultural society where people would seek the divine blessing of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, as they closed their accounting books and prayed for success at the outset of a new financial year.

Today, this practice extends to businesses all over the Indian subcontinent, which mark the day after Diwali as the first day of the new financial year

Diwali -- National Geographic Kids
I think all employees working for this firm are eligible for Diwali bonuses regardless of their faith.

I think whosoever has completed 5 or 10 years are eligible. Other's turn will come next year.
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BTW are you a Sikh ?

Diwali, celebrated in October or November each year, originated as a harvest festival that marked the last harvest of the year before winter. India was an agricultural society where people would seek the divine blessing of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, as they closed their accounting books and prayed for success at the outset of a new financial year.

Today, this practice extends to businesses all over the Indian subcontinent, which mark the day after Diwali as the first day of the new financial year

Diwali -- National Geographic Kids

Yes I am a Sikh although Baisaki is a pan-Indian event.

Vaisakhi coincides with the New Year's Day (according to the solar new year) celebrated by people across the Assam Valley, Kerala, Odisha, West Bengal, Punjab, Haryana, Uttrakhand and other regions of India.
The conditions for employees-
1.) They will abide to the traffic rules and they will not be allowed to work if they come without a helmet (only if they travel on 2-wheeler)
2.) They will give % of their income to parents.
3.) They will keep their parents with them.
4.) They will not consume alcohol, drugs, cigarette and tobacco.
That's discrimination. Did he gift cars for Eid or Christmas?

You live in Canada right? Next time your employer gives you Christmas bonus cry discrimination and sue them.

It clearly says that the employees who were found deserving and contributed to the growth of the company were given this bonus. Doesn't say only Hindu employees, now had he given the gifts only to Hindu employees, then that would be discrimination.
WTF is this..? What am doing in this freaking MNC... :undecided:
Here are highlights of his interview with NDTV(for anyone who might not have access to the YouTube)
  • This is god's blessing that I have come this far from zero. I had nothing.This is god's gift.
  • I have experienced this in my life that I will not have less if I give.
  • It is the law of nature. When I sow one seed, I'll have hundred.
  • These are my employees. They will not let me suffer losses.
  • So we thought that we should have a loyalty programme. In 1991 when we started the company, our exports were worth Rs. 1 crore, now it's close to Rs. 6000 Crore.
  • Our employees are responsible for this growth.
  • We analysed the work done by these 1200 people and realised that they had a major role in taking us forward.
  • People should hear about these 1200 people and be inspired. Everyone should be feel responsible for their own work. People have skills but they need motivation.
  • We had our own method of choosing people. My son has done an MBA from New York and has been working with me for 6 years.
  • Everyone got together and analysed who are the people responsible for our growth. We know who has added what value to the company.
  • What we have given them is nothing compared to the effort put in by these people.
  • You are speaking to a person who has had little formal education but I read everyday, learn everyday. I inspire myself, motivate myself.
  • I have studied till the 4th Grade. I dropped out of school when I was 12 and joined the diamond industry.
  • The employees who I gave gifts to - I did their kind of work in Surat for 10 years with my brothers.
  • All four brothers put together will not make a graduate. My youngest brother is the most educated - he made it to the 10th Grade.
  • (Q: Are you a Communist?) I don't understand what 'communist' means. Is there a Gujarati word for it? I have learnt whatever little Hindi I know speaking to people like you.
  • In the next five years, you'll see how this impacts the diamond industry.
  • We had decided on a budget of Rs. 50 crore.
  • I wanted to give cars to everyone but then we found out that about 200 employees don't have their own houses.
  • Then we found out that there were 500 people who had both houses and cars. So we then thought we should give them jewellery for their wives.
  • Wives support the workers who work here. We do not give priority to wives in Gujarat so we thought this should be our priority.
  • I am happy that you've highlighted this effort. I did not expect it.
  • I think people will be inspired by this move. Even in your industry, the mindsets will change and you'll have higher salaries.
  • I'm a very ordinary man and you've made me very big.
  • This stadium belongs to our factory because I saw Ganguly play cricket in London.
  • My workers play cricket and I sit in the pavilion and watch them.
  • We have a gym, a steam-sauna facility. We have other sports facilities like the managers and workers play volleyball together.
  • Whether the government gives us an exemption in taxes or not doesn't matter. Paying your taxes will not kill you. These 1200 people have contributed over Rs. 10 Crore to taxes.
  • I have decided to call diamond-cutters 'diamond engineers' because they may not be educated but they work better than engineers. And we want to call the workers who polish diamonds 'diamond artists'.
  • These people earn Rs. 70-80,000 a work. They're people who earn by their talent and skill.
  • I have workers from 21 states in India and 361 villages. Everyone's parents know me because I take them on pilgrimages to Haridwar. We're indebted to their parents too.
  • I'm in what is called 'social business'.
  • When you give money to someone, the responsibility of the person who takes that money increases.
  • I am a businessmen. I want more therefore I'm paying more. I'm not doing anyone a favour.
  • I have with three others have bought a plane to start charter service for Surat. The idea is to give a service not profit. But you see in the next five years this too will be profitable.
  • I'm trying to show businessmen what they can do. I'm also telling all workers to work hard like my workers do so that your bosses are compelled to act...
  • No one from the Surat diamond industry has told me what I'm doing is wrong... I am a trader - I give first and then I take... some people do it the other way round.
  • By God's grace, none of the 28 members in the family go against what I say. My wife or brothers have never disagreed with what I do.
  • I had given three Maruti cars as gifts 18 years ago. They cost Rs.52,000 each and I had no money them.
  • We have never sacked people but there are 2 or 3 per cent people who sometimes do not fit our criteria - but some of them get training and come back and we hire them again.
  • I train my workers - they do not chew tobacco, they respect their parents...
  • My factory is not to make diamonds, it makes men. (Meri factory heerey bananey ki nahi hain, manav bananey ki hai)
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One other firm gifted 150 CC byke to all of its employees. Earlier One businessman donated Rs 51 Crore for hospital. While making Donations, he uttered some touching words. He said that he has seen the days when somebody from House was ill but they did not have the money for medicine. This must not happen to anybody. This are poor people who came out of poverty and they know the value of timely help in bad time. On the other hand these bastard Shahazada type politicians who have got lots of money in Legacy. They have no value for Human life. They are bussy in corruption.

you from where

the person who donated 51 crores originates from bhavnagar

see this

the person talking about in the interview

Surat-based diamond companies to start an airline service
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Poor b@stard. Tax guys are gonna be all over him like flies.

Bhala ho iss company ka!!
I'm sure the owner of this company will soon face an IT raid. :P

no worry these guys already faced the IT people when the diamond merchants arranged a function for Modi in Mumbai last year pre elections

some 700 daimond units in gujarat were raided by IT

Someone wote TELENT

its not Talent its Skill + Talent + Hard Work

second yes it was most probably stated as family business

also this is only big and highlighted

there are many such people in Gujrat from Saurashtra who so such kind of things

most of such people come from humble and poor backgrounds themselves climbb the ladder thru seer hardwork, skill and luck and then give a fair deal to thier employess and society


Ajanta gorup stepped into big thing in Morbi in wall clock manufacturing a few years ago

they made it a polciy to employ mostly women from morbi and surronding areas to help the household get stable income as many males in the household worked in the field and farms

in those times some more than 15-20 years ago after 2nd year they gifted kinetic Luna (2 wheeler Moped) to all their employees (approx 1000nos )

some years ago

a diamond biznessman of bhavnagar setup a diamond polishing centre at his birth town there he prepared a township where all workers were provided residences for token rent of Rs 500/- month and if those workers worked for more than 10 years with his co. those residence were transferred to the workers name without any additional money

That complex also had a school and college where all workers children + all student are still today being given free education

the trust gives shcool bag + books + lunch + no fees + 3 picnincs / year wothout any charge

all, the students parents need to spend on is uniform & shoes no other expenses

Source: Diwali bonanza: Surat boss gifts cars, flats and jewellery as bonus to his employees

to all the guys this is not a diwali bonus

The diwali bonus given is 2 times of the last years average monthly salary


this is not a diwali bonus this is a PLI (performance linked Incentive)

this has been given based on the employees annual performance
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