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SUPPRESSION OF ENEMY AIR DEFENCES - Disrupt, disable, destroy


Apr 24, 2007
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3-4 yrs old article but still interesting read.....

SUPPRESSION OF ENEMY AIR DEFENCES - Disrupt, disable, destroy

Martin Streetly Editor Jane's Electronic Mission Aircraft and Jane's Radar and Electronic Warfare Systems - London

While the role of suppressing enemy air defences remains key, new means of achieving the goal are on the horizon. Martin Streetly reports

* Anti-radiation missiles are the traditional weapon of choice against air-defence radars

* Unmanned combat air vehicles will form the basis of future capabilities for suppressing and destroying enemy air defences

* The use of microwave energy weapons to 'burn out' air-defence networks also holds promise

The suppression of enemy air defences (SEAD) remains a cornerstone in establishing air superiority over a battle area, though it is somewhat overshadowed by the need to defeat the threat posed by shoulder-launched, infra-red guided surface-to-air missiles (SAMs).

SEAD operations, together with the related destruction of enemy air defences (DEAD), seek to disrupt, disable and/or destroy hostile, predominantly radar-based air-defence networks to the point were they are unable to respond effectively to the application of air power.

SEAD functions may be divided into 'soft' and 'hard' kill actions, with the former seeking to attack, disrupt and even control a network's sensors, communications links and decision-making/command tools. In the hard kill sphere, the intention is to either disable or destroy key nodes within a network under attack with a heavy emphasis on sensor systems such as radars.

In the 'hard' kill arena, the traditional weapon of choice against air-defence radars (still central to successful wide-area defence against air attack) has been the anti-radiation missile, which first saw widespread use during the Southeast Asian conflicts of the 1960s and 1970s.

Anti-radiation missiles remain in widespread service around the world, with key systems, including the Raytheon AGM-88 High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile (HARM), MBDA's Air-Launched Anti-Radiation Missile (ALARM) and a series of weapons developed by Russia.

The AGM-88 takes the form of a 4.1 m-long missile that is powered by a Thiokol solid-fuel motor, is equipped with a blast/fragmentation warhead and a passive radar seeker and which has, to date, appeared in A, B and C configurations. The AGM-88A is understood to feature a fuzable-link memory and to be in service aboard Spanish EF-18 aircraft. The AGM-88B differs from its predecessor in its use of an erasable, electronically programmable, read-only memory - thereby allowing it to be reprogrammed without disassembly. It is known to be in service with the German and Italian air forces.

The AGM-88C features an enhanced guidance section, increased receiver sensitivity, a larger memory, a 68 kg warhead and enhanced software.

'Charlie' is the primary US HARM and is carried by US Air Force (USAF) F-16CJ SEAD aircraft and US Navy (USN) and US Marine Corps (USMC) EA-6B and F/A-18 platforms.

Other known HARM users include Greece (F-16C Block 50+ aircraft), South Korea (F-16C Block 52), Turkey (F-16C Block 50) and the United Arab Emirates (F-16E/F).

Emitter shutdown problems

As might be expected, HARM functions by detecting emitting radars and homing in on their signals. As such, it has a number of operating modes (designated as target-of-opportunity, pre-briefed, self-protection and range-known) and a singular weakness in its inability to handle targets that shut down.

Operational experience has demonstrated HARM's tendency to go ballistic in such a situation, with a very real potential for fratricide and/or unwanted collateral damage. Various attempts have been made to address this problem, culminating in the USN-sponsored AGM-88E and USAF interest in the Raytheon/BGT HARM Destruction of enemy air defences Attack Module (HDAM).

Developed by Alliant Techsystems, the AGM-88E (also known as the Advanced Anti- Radiation Guided Missile or AARGM) combines the existing AGM-88B/C motor, airframe and warhead with a modified control section and a multimode guidance section that incorporates an active millimetre wave seeker and a passive digital radar homing receiver. The combination of the two guidance methods allows the weapon to counter emitter shutdown and, when combined with its GPS/ inertial navigation package and weapon impact assessment transmitter, facilitates geo-specificity, netted targeting and impact assessment. Currently in its system development and demonstration phase, the AGM-88E is expected to be introduced into service from 2008-13, with up to 1,750 existing USN and USMC HARM rounds being updated to the new standard.

Most recently, JDW's sources suggest it is likely Italy will join the AMG-88E programme as a means of updating up to 250 of its existing HARMs.

For its part, HDAM is designed to provide target specificity (including operations within 'restrictive' rules of engagement and post emitter shutdown), avoid fratricide and reduce collateral damage. As such, the module, which modifies or replaces the weapon's existing control/guidance sections, integrates a GPS capability with that of a 'robust' fibre-optic gyro inertial measurement unit and utilises a control section that incorporates a GPS antenna, a navigation set assembly, carrier and flight-control boards and a power supply. From late 2004 USAF was reported to be considering a year-long HDAM demonstration that would involve up to seven test rounds.

While the AGM-88E and HDAM overcome HARM's major operational disadvantage, the weapon requires external cueing if it is to maximise its effectiveness. Here, Northrop Grumman's Emitter Location System (ELS) and AN/ALQ-99 System Integrated Receiver (SIR)/ALQ-218 systems, Raytheon's AN/ASQ-213 HARM Targeting System (HTS) and the EADS Fast ELS come into play.

Of these, the ALQ-99 SIR equips USN and USMC EA-6B Improved CAPability (ICAP) II aircraft and allows the electronic environment to be sampled and cues developed for both the platform's 'soft' and 'hard' kill capabilities. In EA-6B ICAP III and EA-18G aircraft, the ALQ-99 SIR has been replaced by the ALQ-218 receiver group that is able to cue HARM in its most effective 'range-known' operating mode.

Northrop Grumman's ELS performs a similar emitter location and HARM cueing function aboard German and Italian Tornado electronic combat and reconnaissance SEAD platforms, while the EADS Fast ELS (FELS) seeks to improve on this via the use of long- and short-line interferometer technology to enhance location accuracy and detection speed. The FELS is known to have been flight tested aboard a Tornado electronic combat and reconnaissance aircraft during early 2005 and is being offered as an upgrade for such platforms.

Raytheon's ASQ-213 HTS equips USAF's F-16CJ SEAD aircraft and takes the form of a pod-mounted system that detects, identifies and locates radars and provides the data needed to calculate appropriate targeting and launch parameters for the AGM-88 in most (if not all) of its operating modes. Using the time difference-of-arrival technique for emitter location, HTS has been the subject of a number of software upgrades, the latest of which is designated as Revision 7 (R7).

This version will allow for multi-ship emitter location and will facilitate cross-cueing between itself and an onboard electro-optic capability. Within the F-16CJ weapon system itself, this will allow the aircraft to use 'smart' munitions as well as anti-radiation missiles to attack air defence targets and, when combined with Link 16, will generate real-time targeting quality data for 'shooters' that have no inherent SEAD location capabilities. Such a migration is further expected to move USAF SEAD operations into DEAD mode.

European capabilities

Looking outside the US, MBDA's 4.3 m-long ALARM is currently Western Europe's only operational anti-radiation missile. Designed to be carried by Tornado interdiction and strike aircraft and the four-nation Eurofighter, ALARM is essentially a self-defence weapon and features a unique 'loiter' mode in which it is suspended from a parachute while it conducts an expanded emitter search regime.

Having found a target, the missile detaches itself from its parachute and performs a near vertical terminal attack. Alongside the described loiter mode, ALARM offers corridor/area suppression, direct attack, dual mode and universal modes and is in service with both the UK Royal Air Force and the Royal Saudi Air Force.

In UK service, the latest known ALARM configuration is the Mk 2, which features an Alenia Marconi Systems (subsequently Selex Sensors and Airborne Systems)-developed seeker upgrade and new EADS-LFK-supplied solid-fuel propellant (housed in EADS-LFK-refurbished motor casings). Regarding the upgraded seeker, the main thrust of the effort appears to have centred on improving the device's sensitivity and its ability to remember target locations in the event of emitter shutdown during an attack. ALARM is further understood to have a range of approximately 45 km compared with the HARM's 91 km.

Elsewhere within NATO, German contractor BGT is developing the Anti-Radiation Missile with Intelligent Guidance and Extended Range (ARMIGER) weapon as a possible replacement for HARM within the German air force and other forces worldwide.

As such, ARMIGER makes use of a dual-mode (passive radar and infra-red) seeker, an M3.0-class LFK rocket/ramjet motor, a combined GPS/inertial navigation package and a 20 kg blast and fragmentation warhead. Range would be around 150 km. The ARMIGER development programme is understood to be funded until 2006.

Russian variants

Turning to Russia, the country's Tactical Missile Corporation (TMC - formerly Zvezda-Strela) has produced a range of anti-radiation missiles that includes the Kh-25MP/MPU, Kh-27, Kh-28 and Kh-31P. Of these, the Kh-27 is thought to have been withdrawn from service while the Kh-25MP (AS-12 'Kegler') is a solid-fuel powered missile that over time has been targeted at a range of emitters, including the AN/MPQ-4 (Nike Hercules SAM), AN/MPQ-33/-34/-39 (Homing All the Way Killer, HAWK) and AN/MPQ-46/-48 (Improved HAWK). The Kh-25MP works in conjunction with the 'V'yuga' (Snowstorm) target detection/identification/designation pod and is equipped with either the PRGS-1VP or PRGS-2VP passive seeker head. For its part, the Kh-25MPU is aimed at emitters associated with the Roland and Crotale SAM systems and was being promoted as recently as 2003. Looking to the future, JDW sources suggest that the TMC is developing a new anti-radiation missile (designated as the Kh-38) as a replacement for the Kh-25 series.

The Kh-28 (AS-9 'Kyle') is described as being designed to attack both ground-based and shipborne radar emitters, with the target set including the AN/MPQ-4 (Nike Hercules) and the AN/MPQ-33/-34/-39 (HAWK - Kh-28M variant). Like the Kh-25, the Kh-28 is teamed with a target-detection/cueing system ('Filin' or 'Metel' targeting systems) and is only likely to remain in service with former Soviet Union client states.

The Kh-31P (AS-17 'Krypton'), which entered Russian service in 1991, is targeted against radars such as the shipboard AN/SPY-1 and the AN/MPQ-53, which is associated with the Patriot SAM system. Aircraft capable of operating the weapon include the MiG-25SMT/UBT, the Su-24M (where it is teamed with the pod-mounted L-080 or L-081 emitter location system), the Su-27, the Su-30KI/KM, the Su-32 and the Su-39. JDW sources suggest that Kh-31P variants are in service in Russia and China, where it forms the basis of the indigenous JY-91 ARM. The Kh-31P has a range of up to 200 km.

Outside the Tactical Missile Corporation portfolio, Russian contractor Raduga has produced the Kh-58U (AS-11'Kilter') anti-radiation missile for use against radars such as the AN/TPS-43, the AN/TPS-44 and the AN/MPQ-53. The weapon is reported as being compatible with the Su-17M3/-17M4, the Su-22M4, the Su-24M and the Su-39 aircraft types and, as of 2003, was being promoted in Kh-58UShE configuration. The missile was described as being a 'modernised' iteration of 'Kilter' that was fitted with a new wideband passive radar seeker.

Lethal drone

Alongside the described anti-radiation missiles, the continued development of the SEAD concept has produced the lethal drone, which adds persistence to the mix. Two examples of this approach are the Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI's) Harpy and Rheinmetall's Taifun, which individually illustrate radically different methods of target identification.

In the first instance, Harpy takes the form of a 2.7 m-long, delta-winged air vehicle that is designed for either ground or shipboard launch and provides an autonomous, fire-and-forget SEAD/DEAD capability at ranges of up to 500 km and with an endurance (over a 400 km radius) of up to two hours. Target detection is by means of an onboard passive radar receiver and, according to JDW sources, the weapon is equipped with a 32 kg high-explosive warhead that is detonated above its target by a proximity fuze.

The vehicle's seeker head is understood to have been upgraded to cover a wider frequency range and, from late 2001, IAI was reported to be in the process of developing a Harpy variant that was equipped with a datalink and a dual electromagnetic/electro-optic seeker head.

The thinking behind this putative upgrade was said to have included the ability to launch a Harpy 'swarm' into a target area and continuously update them on potential targets and target priorities, with the update data being generated by an associated ground station or an airborne control centre.

As of 2005 (and apart from the Israel Defence Force), the Harpy customer base is understood to include China, India, South Korea, Spain and Turkey. The effectiveness of the concept can perhaps be gauged from the fact that Harpy was at the centre of a disagreement between the US and Israel over potential upgrading of the Chinese examples, which became so serious that it resulted in the 'retirement' of the Director General of Israel's Ministry of Defence (Amos Yaron) in August.


For its part, the Taifun makes use of a K-band (35 MHz centre frequency) active radar seeker to acquire, identify and track moving or stationary armoured fighting vehicles, artillery pieces, radars, command posts and logistical targets at the rear of the battle area. Functionally, the device can be pre-programmed (fire-and-forget mode) or can be controlled from an associated ground station using a 2 to 12 MHz band datalink. As JDW went to press, Taifun production was expected to begin during 2006.

Discussion of Taifun's guidance system leads neatly to consideration of the ways in which SEAD is moving away from dedicated counters and towards DEAD. Traditionally, SEAD 'hard' kill has been aimed at disabling rather than destroying predominantly fixed-site radars. The emergence of highly effective, highly mobile SAM systems such as the Russian SA-10 and -12 has resulted in the need to eliminate such weapons in increasingly short time scales.

The advent of real-time data transfer, improved target geolocation and GPS weapons guidance has meant that systems such as the R7 HTS can hand off target data directly into the cockpits of 'shooters' armed with high-accuracy, GPS-guided munitions.

Other platforms, such as the 'Rivet Joint' signals intelligence or E-8 Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System (Joint STARS) aircraft have similar abilities. This capacity spreads the SEAD/DEAD task over virtually the whole of the available strike capability rather than concentrating it in a limited number of high-value, dedicated assets.

The future is unmanned

Looking further ahead, there can be little doubt that unmanned combat air vehicles (UCAVs) such as the X-45 and X-47 will form the basis of future persistent SEAD/DEAD capabilities. Their inherent stealth will allow such vehicles to get close enough to a target system to minimise the power needed to jam its associated radars or physically destroy it.

The thinking suggests that a close-in UCAV will be able to at least disable an emitter using precision delivery of a small quantity of explosive rather than having to drop a heavy weapon to ensure that the effects envelope is large enough to accommodate significant miss distances.

In the same vein, it seems likely that the Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radars being developed for the F/A-22 and the F-35 will incorporate electronic attack (EA) modes, which, when combined with their inherent low observability, will allow them to seek out and blind hostile radars in support of their own operations as well as those of other platforms within the battlespace. Equally, both aircraft will have the EA capability as standard: a facility that again points towards the spreading of the SEAD/DEAD load across an ever wider spectrum of platforms.

Microwave energy weapons

Another avenue that could hold promise is the use of microwave energy weapons to 'burn out' control computers and other electronics associated with air-defence networks. Again, USAF's series of 'Suter' technology demonstrations is understood to have, at the very least, proved the viability of invading a hostile air-defence network to the extent of taking control of its computer nodes, wresting control of radars from their operators and/or introducing false target information.

While one expert suggested caution when looking at some of the more extravagant claims made for such capabilities (indeed, it could well be the case that certain 'leaks' should be considered as 'black propaganda' rather than reality), there can be no doubt that such an approach combined with other measures would render even the most sophisticated air-defence system virtually impotent.

Taking all these strands together, it is fair to say that SEAD/DEAD operations remain at the heart of the establishment of air superiority, which, in turn, remains a prerequisite for war-winning. While this centrality remains inviolate, the means of achieving the goal are expanding rapidly and are moving out of the realm of the dedicated into the world of the standard.

Key elements can be summarised as including target-grade geo-location (from multiple sources), real-time data flow across the battlespace and the availability of an expanded range of 'soft' and 'hard' kill options with which to execute attacks.

While the technologies needed to achieve the more esoteric capabilities exist, their maturation is likely to be measured in years (even decades) rather than months: a situation that points to the continued pre-eminence of the anti-radiation missile/'smart' munition/ emitter location system combination well into the foreseeable future.
but uav still very very new in the war yes they are efective no doubt but soon someone will find a weapon which will counter uav
A French Way of SEAD?

Ultima Ratio » Blog Archiv » A French Way of SEAD?
Like its predecessorin 2008, the new French White Paper on Defense and National Security highlights the need for the French air forces to keep a “forced entry” capability (see here, pages 92 and 96). However vague this phrase might sound, it seems to imply, at some point, the capability to conduct suppression of enemy air defense (SEAD) missions. However, since the decommissioning in 1999 of the French-made anti-radiation missile AS-37Martel, French air and naval air forces no longer have any dedicated SEAD means. As a matter of fact, it was considered in the late 1990s that any operations involving SEAD would be conducted in coalition – that is, with the US – and that theywould provide SEAD means in the opening phase. As we are now looking for the next decade or so, France has to face two major changes in the strategic environment: on one hand, a gradual US withdrawal from Europe and a strategic posture that might not necessarily include SEAD in its service; and on the other hand, a worrying SAM proliferation across the world, including in France’s own backyard (since Algeria purchased SA-20 in 2008 we now have a considerable challenge less than 500 miles from our shores). So, what are actual French SEAD capabilities and are they sufficient?

Self-protection instead of stealth

Unlike the US Air Force, but much more like US Navy and USMC aviation, the French Air Force did not make stealth its paramount capability for penetrating enemy air spaces – for quite obvious budgetary reasons. The main French fighter aircraft, the Rafale, does benefit from a reduced radar cross section (RCS) but can hardly be considered a stealthy plane. Instead, French air forces rely on an electronic warfare suite called SPECTRA, which combines passive radars, laser and infrared detectors, intelligent chaff launchers, infrared flares, and most of all a comprehensive suite of 3 defensive jammers based on an AESA technology.

SPECTRA is a battle-proven and very effective tool, and there is even some evidence that it was the only platform that performed well against an SA-10B during the NATO exercise MACE XIII in April 2012 in Slovakia. Yet it confronted only one SAM system, and experts are quite skeptical about SPECTRA’s performance when facing integrated air defense systems, which means dealing with multiple threats and multiple enemy radars, possibly AESA ones.

Real but limited DEAD capabilities

Of course self-protection is not enough to conduct SEAD operations, nor even to enforce a No-Fly Zone. That is why French air forces need hard-kill, kinetic strike capabilities to take out SAM systems. Thanks to its main air-to-ground guided bomb (A2SM), the French Air Force was able to take out a Libyan SA-3 in the first days of operationHarmattan in March 2011. Here again, SPECTRA is also a key instrument to target SAMs for hard kills as it detects them and transmits the target information to the guidance system. In this case, the range of the A2SM (about 45 km) also allowed the pilot to shoot the SA-3 outside its target engagement ring.

Like self-protection however, these kinds of DEAD capabilities are only relevant against second or third-rate, non-integrated air defense systems that we can take out one by one and with limited range so that the shooter can remain standoff. I doubt the system can hang on for long against double digit-based, digitally integrated air defense systems.

Tactics, maneuver and risk taking

The Libyan air campaign showed some discrepancies between US (and even UK) approaches to SEAD operations and French ones. For instance, as French SIGINT reports indicated that the SA-5s were not operational (as they weren’t indeed), the Air Staff did not « air task » them, concentrating only on SA-3s, SA-6s, and SA-8s. The US, on the contrary did not want to take the chance and considered the SA-5s active until positively destroyed. By the same token, it looks like ruse and craftiness (e.g. using diversions to penetrate SAM rings) are more important in today’s French training than they are in the US (e.g. number of tacticians in a fighter squadron). Because it cannot always afford overwhelming material superiority, the French Air Force sometimes use tactics and maneuver to trump material limitations. This being said, and however much leverage these tactics and maneuvers can generate, it is doubtful that such tricks will, in the end, prove sufficient against modern threats – at least at a reasonable human and material cost.

Is the French way of SEAD sustainable?

To conclude, it seems that the current French way of SEAD is an interesting, cost-effective, and performing tool in some cases, but insufficient in many other. The current trend of SAM proliferation in developing countries will make this model more and more insufficient against first-rate, but also second-rate and even third-rate adversaries. So, is the French way of SEAD sustainable? Yes, if it adapts its capability: this means 1/ maintaining its SIGINT and strengthening its ISR capabilities; 2/ strengthening our existing standoff strike capability (especially by expanding cruise missilestockpiles); 3/ seriously considering developing/buying some means of electronic attack (whether it be traditional antiradiation weapons,modern AESA-based offensive jamming or even ground-breaking cyber-SEAD). Without these three efforts, France will soon find itself unable to conduct any serious « forced entry » missions, whatever the new White Paper might say.

MAR-1 antiradiation missile


Notes: Developed by Mectron, the MAR-1 is intended to be a weapon comparable to the American-made AGM-88 HARM.

Development of this missile started in 1998. An early problem was the design of a suitable autopilot, which had to small enough to not take up too much internal space needed by the seeker processor yet still be effective. Early designs were either too large or delivered insufficient control for the missile to "graze" as it sought out targets after launch (MAR-1 can be locked on either before or after firing). Finally a hybrid GPS/inertial system was developed. Brazil reasons that in a war not directly affecting the USA, the American government may choose not to blank out GPS in South America due to the economic disturbance it would cause. If the USA does choose to do so, the inertial mode could be used with less effectiveness. Use of either mode could also allow MAR-1 to be used as a simple freeflight land-attack missile against known stationary targets, although it would be obviously quite wasteful to do so.

Progress of the MAR-1 was again slowed in 1999. Mectron had intended to import the spiral antenna design for the seeker head assembly. At the last minute the United States Department of State blocked the export; not on the grounds of hostility towards Brazil but rather that it preferred to see South America as a whole free of an arms race between more sophisticated radars and ARMs. Thus, an antenna had to be developed domestically. The Brazilian AF desired a frequency range of 0.5 to 18 GHz and it was found that design of a suitable antenna would be too difficult, so two were designed to cover both halves of that range. The antenna is modular and would be switched out prior to the mission. This would make MAR-1 less flexible than the AGM-88, but it was regarded as an acceptable tradeoff. The antennas were tested on a modified Embraer P-95 Bandeirulha. In the future, a single common antenna will likely be developed.

The seeker can detect high-powered radars such as "Fan Song" or AN/SPY-1 Aegis at ranges between 25-30 NM, while smaller tactical radars such as Skyguard or "Gun Dish" at 15-20 NM. Unlike HARM (which can be fired "over-the-shoulder") MAR-1 has a set forward-facing window however Brazil considers this an acceptable limitation.

The laser proximity fuze was developed domestically by Opto Eletronica and is regarded as a substantial technological achievement. Much like HARM, MAR-1 is intended to detonate several yards above and away from the target radar’s antenna, showering both the antenna and any nearby support structures with shrapnel.

The main delta fins are fixed while the stub tail finlets move (this is a reversal of HARM’s arrangement). The rocket motor is unique; the main rocket is fitted in the middle of the missile and exhausts through a tube, around which are six small boost rockets. The sustainer rocket engine is partially constructed of nonflammable composite to save weight. The launcher is fired from a special rail simply designated "MAR-1 Dedicated Launcher" which bolts on to the pylon, meanwhile onboard the plane a small interface box translates instructions from the host aircraft’s databus. This is necessary because the Brazilian AF operates aircraft of several different nationalities’ manufacture.

In 2003, the whole project was put on hold as the Brazilian AF again sought to import AGM-88 HARMs from the United States. The request was again denied, but the incident resulted in another two years slippage of the timeline. As of 2012, development is complete and pre-production missiles are being issued to evaluation units. Frontline squadron IOC in the Brazilian AF is expected in late 2013 / early 2014. The primary carrying planes are expected to be the Mirage 2000, F-5 Freedom Fighter, and AMX; while the Brazilian navy may select it for it’s carrier-based A-4 Skyhawks.


Mectron designed the missile with possible export in mind, and the Dedicated Launcher (and the actual missile) is intended to be compatible with the F-16 Falcon and F/A-18 Hornet for countries that use one of those planes. The first export customer is Pakistan, which pre-purchased 100 missiles in December 2008. The actual missiles will be delivered in stagger with Brazil’s; Mectron estimates it can produce 2-3 missiles monthly eventually ramping up to 1 per week. Pakistan will use it on the JF-17 fighter.



Anti-Radiation Missile MAR-1 Mectron
Forças Armadas do Brasil - Tudo em defesa: Mísseis Anti-Radiação MAR-1 Mectron


The MAR-1 missile is a tactical air-surface anti-radiation medium range with passive radar guidance type with multiple choice bandpass to attack on the land-based or offshore platforms anti-aircraft defense systems.The MAR-1 will be used in the context of electronic warfare function Suppression of Enemy Air Defense.

The anti-radar missile limitation has to be acquired and that the FAB is developing the MAR-1 along with the CTA and Mectron since 1998. Once fired the missile climbs to 10,000 feet and starts scanning the target area before diving. The engine will have 2 stages and a range of about 25 miles when launched from an altitude of 10,000 meters, and reached a speed between Mach 0.5 and Mach 1.2. The missile can be programmed with the reference points. The RWR AMX can be used to detect targets assuming a mode of self-defense. The fins of control stand in the middle of the missile.


In 1998 the program for development of an anti-radiation missile to equip the aircraft A-1 (AMX) FAB, being expected for 2008 the end of their development has started.

From the beginning the program was conducted by the DCTA (Department of Aerospace Science and Technology), along with the company Mectron, also from São José dos Campos, and is currently in the testing phase. According disclosure of FAB, since the separation tests with the aircraft A-1B of the ENPI (Institute of Pesquissa and Flight Test) DCTA have been performed.

A simulated scenario analysis showed that the seeker head of the MAR-1 is able to detect a radar low power (in the case of an officer shot Skyguard) at distances greater than 50 km.

During this stage of development it is in, it was found that one of the limitations to the use of MAR-1 is the definition of distance-aircraft radar, essential parameter for a successful launch. This may have led its developers to re-evaluate some concepts.

A major difficulty was the lack of a national platform girométrica (navigation system that "pilots" the missile while it searches for the target during its flight) available to the missile. Such technology is susceptible to embargoes for political and strategic reasons by countries that dominate.

This required a project, starting almost from scratch, a block Girométrico Miniaturized Fiber Optics with three orthogonal axes to provide the on-board computer necessary information from the accelerometers, ensuring the precision missile.

The design of this subsystem was financed by FINEP and conducted by IEAv (Institute for Advanced Study of DCTA) and Mectron. Apparently it was completed.

Another obstacle arose in 1999 when the Brazilian government tried to make a purchase of spiral antennas and some other systems for the development of the seeker head of MAR-1 in a Las Vegas manufacturer, but the U.S. government vetoed the purchase claiming that "no is interesting for the American defense Brazil introduce anti-radiation weapons in this region. " Faced with this obstacle, the DCTA found himself with only one alternative: to develop locally seeker head. This subsystem was developed and then tested with simulators TS-100 + emissions from Excalibur Systems (0.5 to 18 GHz) and HS-125 aircraft of the Flight Test Division of the CTA, it is known that it was even studied by the FAB installation of sensors in similar patrol aircraft P-95.

It is likely that two heads search are being developed for the missile, each for a certain range of frequencies of radar targets. They could be changed according to the radar to be attacked.

Initially it was expected that the MAR-1 is derived from the MAA-1, mutatis mutandis sensors and similar to the American AGM-122 Sidearm appearance, which proved wrong when the disclosure of the first images of the missile. Its proximity fuse was (or is being) developed by company Opto Electronics of San Carlos who also participates in the CBERS program in which you will be responsible for manufacturing the MUX camera for CBERS-3 capable of generating images of 20 meter resolution satellite and the development of night vision goggles (NVG) for the Brazilian Army, as well as lenses, mirrors and proximity fuse for the MAA-1 and MAA-1B missile.

The scope that had been publicized in the trade press, which gave figures of 25 km for a launch at 30 thousand feet, Mectron states: "This is totally out of reality, are given an aerodynamic study that were not updated. The current range, demonstrated in tests, is much, much bigger than that, and we will improve it even more. So you can get an idea a little while ago we made a test with a new engine that was so powerful it melted the exhaust nozzle and the rear portion of the missile, so that we had to redesign everything. Now, a real number set and I can not provide. It is confidential ".1
According to Brigadier Bueno, Air Force, several countries have requested information about the missile.
The MAR-1 will be used in the context of electronic warfare, suppression function of enemy air defenses.

In Pakistan

Pakistan began to integrate anti-radiation 100 MAR-1 missiles, manufactured by Mectron in their fighter jets JF-17 Thunder and Dassault Mirage III and V.
The missile has a "seeker" passive able to seek and target different types of radars. Radars can be directed independently or with data provided by the aircraft launch.

Manufacturer: Mectron Industry and Trade
Produced: 2012
Range: 60km to 100km
Altitude: 25,000 10.000ma Release speed: Mach 0.5 to Mach 1.2 (1200km / h) Display angle: lateral lobes of the radar antenna detected Viewing angle: 60 ° Overall length: 4,030 mm Diameter: 230 mm Total weight: 274 kg
Motor: rocket Head of War: 90 Kg
Warhead: High explosive Guidance: Passive
Guidance System: Passive radar homing, home-on-jam, 800 MHz to 20 GHz Fuze: Active laser
Cost: R $ 1,250,000.00 (Estimated Price of the Sale of Missiles to Pakistan)
Launching platform A-1M F-5M Mirage III Project (ROSE) Mirage V Project (ROSE) JF-17 Thunder
Brazil Brazilian Air Force (?)
Pakistan Pakistan Air Force (100)
Credits: Usayd at PAKDFEF.

Brazilian F-5 firing MAR-1 ARM. Youtube link. @1:50-2.05



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