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Support change in Iran. Support Maryam Rajavi!

This is one of the few areas on which all Iranians agree on. From seculars to religious, from democrats to monarchists, from communists to liberals from young to old that she and her cult are traitors and a violent puppet tool.

But coming from a Turk, makes it funny. So have fun guys.
Majority of Iranians doesn't support Mullah. There is a reason why the regime is so oppressive. Most Iranians want change.
Majority of Iranians doesn't support Mullah. There is a reason why the regime is so oppressive.

Majority of Iranians actually do support Mullahs. Unlike Turkey, Iran did not/does not have an American made "deep state". Without overwhelming and substantial public support, Iranian government can not survive. There is a minority of people who do not like Mullah, but even most of these people who are against Mullahs accept the fact, that trying to bring down the government will only lead to more troubles and the only way they preach is evolution of system not, its dismantling. Only a small minority of this minority preach for overthrow of the government. And then only even a smaller handful of people among this minority of minority support and preach for overthrow of government by foreigners and with the help of foreigners.

On the other hand, in Turkey, you have "deep state" ruling a supposedly secular state. You have the military which in case of Turkey can only re-locate graves and overthrow its own government. And then you have a government which gains its popularity by preaching for a particular interpretation of Sunni Islam. And then you have Gulen movement which has taken over the roots of your state and society. And then you have ultra-nationalists whose sole purpose is to keep Kurds and non-Sunnis scared. And then you have ultra-religious whose purpose is to support Isis with permission of your religious government. And then you have violent communists/leftists.

Turkey is in a mess.

Erdogan is your Ziaulhaq.

It is only a matter of time, before things will implode in Turkey.

It is already running on borrowed time, both politically and financially.

The debt burden of Turkey and foreign investment in non-production sectors of economy (property, land etc) is high.

The bubble will eventually burst.

Then we can have the last laugh. As we have always had.

Iran is a country with a history of thousands of years. Many Ottomans, Pharaohs, British Empires, and Saddams came and became dust at Iran's feet.

What matters is who will have the last laugh.

Historical evidence says, it is always us. No need to doubt it.
Majority of Iranians actually do support Mullahs. Unlike Turkey, Iran did not/does not have an American made "deep state". Without overwhelming and substantial public support, Iranian government can not survive. There is a minority of people who do not like Mullah, but even most of these people who are against Mullahs accept the fact, that trying to bring down the government will only lead to more troubles and the only way they preach is evolution of system not, its dismantling. Only a small minority of this minority preach for overthrow of the government. And then only even a smaller handful of people among this minority of minority support and preach for overthrow of government by foreigners and with the help of foreigners.

On the other hand, in Turkey, you have "deep state" ruling a supposedly secular state. You have the military which in case of Turkey can only re-locate graves and overthrow its own government. And then you have a government which gains its popularity by preaching for a particular interpretation of Sunni Islam. And then you have Gulen movement which has taken over the roots of your state and society. And then you have ultra-nationalists whose sole purpose is to keep Kurds and non-Sunnis scared. And then you have ultra-religious whose purpose is to support Isis with permission of your religious government. And then you have violent communists/leftists.

Turkey is in a mess.

Erdogan is your Ziaulhaq.

It is only a matter of time, before things will implode in Turkey.

It is already running on borrowed time, both politically and financially.

The debt burden of Turkey and foreign investment in non-production sectors of economy (property, land etc) is high.

The bubble will eventually burst.

Then we can have the last laugh. As we have always had.

Iran is a country with a history of thousands of years. Many Ottomans, Pharaohs, British Empires, and Saddams came and became dust at Iran's feet.

What matters is who will have the last laugh.

Historical evidence says, it is always us. No need to doubt it.
We don't need a Hezbollah blowing up people who demonstrate, killing dozens of their own people :lol:. If the people don't rise in Iran for their democratic right, it is because they will be thrown into jail, beaten, raped and then getting strangled by a bearded Mullah supporter. :lol: Seriously, ask yourself this. If majority of the people support Mullah. Why are there no fair elections and why does every democratic movement get beatendown, raped and killed? It is only iron fist that keeps Iran together.
We don't need a Hezbollah blowing up people who demonstrate, killing dozens of their own people :lol:. If the people don't rise in Iran for their democratic right, it is because they will be thrown into jail, beaten, raped and then getting strangled by a bearded Mullah supporter. :lol: Seriously, ask yourself this. If majority of the people support Mullah. Why are there no fair elections and why does every democratic movement get beatendown, raped and killed? It is only iron fist that keeps Iran together.

The mere fact that you have brought in Rajavi into this to support your argument, discredits you. Now you can go on ranting as much as you like. But all Iranians can now see what you really are.

'nuff said.
The mere fact that you have brought in Rajavi into this to support your argument, discredits you. Now you can go on ranting as much as you like. But all Iranians can now see what you really are.

'nuff said.
I'm not saying you are wrong but in the eyes of Mullah supporters. Only way you can get credibility is when you are Mullah supporter. That is Mullah logic. Anyway, I don't look at her background. I look at what she says and it is not that crazy. Actually she sounds pretty sensible compared to what the Mullah says and does. So if Mullah threatens every neighbor with terrorism support and war, it is sensible but when a somebody lays the finger where the problem is she is the problem? LOL. So who would you support then?
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I'm not saying you are wrong but in the eyes of Mullah supporters. Only way you can get credibility is when you are Mullah supporter. That is Mullah logic. Anyway, I don't look at her background. I look at what she says and it is not that crazy. Actually she sounds pretty sensible compared to what the Mullah says and does. So if Mullah threatens every neighbor with terrorism support and war, it is sensible but when a somebody lays the finger where the problem is she is the problem? LOL. So who would you support then?

OK buddy, nice try... thank you for the unintended humor
For God sake @atatwolf, this terrorist organization call ISIS "revolutionaries" in their official site ... do you support them? let's forget killing 17000 of Iranian people .
And what the hell are they doing in abroad if they enjoy Iranians' support ?

Be careful what you wish for dear turk friend , the MOK are ethnic kurds , they might say they are communists but they are kurds , only they fight iran instead of turkey , so basically you're post is pointless like other members have already commented.
MEK is a very weird organization. To non-Iranians, let me say this honestly, no one likes MEK. Sure, some may not like the current government, some may be secularists, some may want to go back to monarchy, but you will find very, very few people that like MEK.

First of all, they combine a weird cult version of Islam with Marxism. Their group is very closed, with members not being allowed to ever leave the group and have been brainwashed. I remember reading about how the MEK forced the members to divorce their wives because everyone has supposed to be married to the group or some weird stuff like that.

After the revolution ,our second President (not even in office for a month) was assassinated by the MEK. This was during the war, and Mr Rajai running against three other candidates, received 91% of the votes. This is a big crime by MEK to destabilize the country.

But the biggest nail in their coffin came when they joined Saddams forces and helped attack Iran! They were active in killing their country's own soldiers!

Seriously, Netanyahu or King Salman of Saudi or a piece of feces dressed in a suit and tie has more of a chance of being liked by Iranians than Maryam Rajavi.
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