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Support change in Iran. Support Maryam Rajavi!

supporting a terrorist group , a sectarian group: only people full of hatred like atatwolf could post this

surprise the topic is not deleted
As long as the protests are peaceful, any political demand should be tolerated. That's how it is in Europe. In Turkey, if you protest against the government you will usually inhale lots of tear gas; you will taste water cannon and at worst you will be intentionally shot with a tear gas canister by a psychopath cop. Iran on the other hand is a completely different story. It cannot even be compared with Turkey, let alone with Europe. As I said, even the most innocent protests are being brutally silenced by the regime. If you dare to challange the theocracy, you will most probably be executed on the spot. And the leftovers will be hunted down and will face torture before execution.

Unfortunately, due to enmity that USA has for Iran, there is a mass amount of anti-Iranian propaganda that gives no-Iranians an incorrect image of Iran.

Lots of small protests occur in Iran, for various reasons, almost all of them there is no deaths. The only major protest Iran has had for the last decade or so, was the 2009 election protests. Those protests were on & off for a few months. At most, between 30-70 people died in those few months, including both pro & anti government (government says 30, opposition says 70).

In Turkey, the Gezi Park protests only lasted a few days, and in it, 22 died and 8163 were injured.

The stacks are more against Iran. It is no secret that USA has been involved in previous color revolutions, and it is no secret that USA has budgeted money for anti-Iranian activities, so there is more mischief in Iranian protests.

However, even if we ignore that, comparing Turkey's reaction to protests and Iran's reaction to protests, there is not as big of a difference as you might like to imagine. You might imagine that in Iran "most innocent protests are being brutally silenced by the regime." or "If you dare to challange the theocracy, you will most probably be executed on the spot. And the leftovers will be hunted down and will face torture before execution." but all of this is incorrect.

But it is not a surprise why people think like this. When USA & the west consider Iran as their enemy #1, and most world media is under their influence, then it is no surprise that the news around the world is always anti-Iranian. This is why whenever I have foreign business guests in Iran, they are always surprised with the big difference of the country in reality and the image they hand in their head
many have heard of her but from the quotes we come to the conclusion that she is nothing in iran, is she leading a communist party?
many have heard of her but from the quotes we come to the conclusion that she is nothing in iran, is she leading a communist party?
at the beginning marxist (islamist socialist); NCRI which is just a fake show to please westerners. the group is a sect : there is a cult of a leader . see their meetings. there is an association in Canada for the people who were in the sect and enjoy now freedom.
at the beginning marxist (islamist socialist); NCRI which is just a fake show to please westerners. the group is a sect : there is a cult of a leader . see their meetings. there is an association in Canada for the people who were in the sect and enjoy now freedom.
Is she an iranian by birth or a non resident iranian, what does her sects main slogan
what is her plans for iran?
Is she an iranian by birth or a non resident iranian, what does her sects main slogan
what is her plans for iran?
her plan: leading the country
her husband (who disappeared and was the leader) was making a deal with Saddam during the war: they help Saddam take Iran and Saddam gives them the remained part of Iran .
they killed the Iranian scientists not long time ago, even one sympathizer with reformists and not at all linked to nuclear activity,... it seems the Israelis trusted too much them to choose the targets .
so their only goal is take Iran by anyway . they are helped by some people anti Iran (more individuals than countries). they have a speech to please westerners which is very far from their real ideology: if you speak farsi you go to their website , it is full of hatred and sectarian ideology, manipulation and cult of leader. but they don't show this part of course when they meet their supporters.
Is she an iranian by birth or a non resident iranian, what does her sects main slogan
what is her plans for iran?

When they started, they had a mixture of Maxism & Islam, very leftist. Before the revolution, they attacked Americans and we proud of it. All the anti-Shah groups had joined together before the revolution because their aim was just to get rid of Shah, and not care about their differences. After the revolution, MEK had a falling out with the government, so they started attacking, they assassinated the President (who was in the role for less than a month) & parliament members. After that, they run away, went to France, then they went to Iraq and joined Saddam. When Iraq attacked Iran, they were on Saddam's side, attacking Iran.

I remember from when I was younger, MEK had their own satellite station, and they would always show their tanks and say they will come to Iran and take over.

Anyway, after losing again in the war and again, when Saddam got kicked out, they had to find a new way. This time, they decided to join with Americans, and the best way with Americans was to talk about all the stuff Americans love to talk about for Iran, human rights, democracy, women's rights, religious tolerance, all that stuff. Obviously, none of this is practiced in MEK's own group. For example, since MEK started, it was run by Masoud Rajavi and his wife Maryam Rajavi. In 2003, Masoud Rajavi "disappeared", and since then it is run by the wife. How democratic is this? Members apparently can't leave the organizations, they are not allowed to see their family, they have to divorce their spouses, etc, etc, so internally, they don't practice what they breach.
her plan: leading the country
her husband (who disappeared and was the leader) was making a deal with Saddam during the war: they help Saddam take Iran and Saddam gives them the remained part of Iran .
they killed the Iranian scientists not long time ago, even one sympathizer with reformists and not at all linked to nuclear activity,... it seems the Israelis trusted too much them to choose the targets .
so their only goal is take Iran by anyway . they are helped by some people anti Iran (more individuals than countries). they have a speech to please westerners which is very far from their real ideology: if you speak farsi you go to their website , it is full of hatred and sectarian ideology, manipulation and cult of leader. but they don't show this part of course when they meet their supporters.
OK then then she is not good for you, have they won any election? my wish is that Iran is better of now don't become like the Saudis, peacefull and deveoped iran is in indias interest,best wishes from india

When they started, they had a mixture of Maxism & Islam, very leftist. Before the revolution, they attacked Americans and we proud of it. All the anti-Shah groups had joined together before the revolution because their aim was just to get rid of Shah, and not care about their differences. After the revolution, MEK had a falling out with the government, so they started attacking, they assassinated the President (who was in the role for less than a month) & parliament members. After that, they run away, went to France, then they went to Iraq and joined Saddam. When Iraq attacked Iran, they were on Saddam's side, attacking Iran.

I remember from when I was younger, MEK had their own satellite station, and they would always show their tanks and say they will come to Iran and take over.

Anyway, after losing again in the war and again, when Saddam got kicked out, they had to find a new way. This time, they decided to join with Americans, and the best way with Americans was to talk about all the stuff Americans love to talk about for Iran, human rights, democracy, women's rights, religious tolerance, all that stuff. Obviously, none of this is practiced in MEK's own group. For example, since MEK started, it was run by Masoud Rajavi and his wife Maryam Rajavi. In 2003, Masoud Rajavi "disappeared", and since then it is run by the wife. How democratic is this? Members apparently can't leave the organizations, they are not allowed to see their family, they have to divorce their spouses, etc, etc, so internally, they don't practice what they breach.
can she come into Iran and preach all this publicly even today?
can she come into Iran and preach all this publicly even today?

No, of course not. Her group is responsible for many assassinations in Iran, from politicians to scientists, and her group joined an invading army to directly help attack the country.

So, of course she won't be able to preach this publicly. Which country would allow it?
No, of course not. Her group is responsible for many assassinations in Iran, from politicians to scientists, and her group joined an invading army to directly help attack the country.

So, of course she won't be able to preach this publicly. Which country would allow it?
Is she living in turkey?, hence the turkes have posted her case, if this is the case why is she been discussed? case closed

What if i open a thread about a terrorist group in pakistan & call for change !?
you need not dream about it, is already happening, look at Pakistan,it is filled with all kinds of terrorist organisations, do you believe Pakistan has a special terrorist organisation called lashkar-e-janghvi who only kill shias, ahmadis and ismailis, and they say shias are not muslims, what do you say?

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