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Superpowers missile : Brahmos

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Instead of discussing technicalities, people here are talking in general terms, just saying it has failed without even asking what part of test failed and what were the aims of test. Anways, this article should answer why the test has failed on some parameters and how they are going to rectify and test the missile in a month

BrahMos to be tested again within a month

NEW DELHI: A day after the land-attack version of BrahMos failed to perform properly during a test at the Pokhran firing range, defence

scientists on Wednesday declared they would test-fire the supersonic cruise missile within a month after rectifying the errors.

"The missile in itself is proven. The test's main objective was to evaluate the new homing scheme for the Army's Block-II missiles to hit a specific small target, with a low radar cross-section, in a multi-target environment," BrahMos Aerospace chief A Sivathanu Pillai told TOI.

"The complicated mission called for an advanced algorithm and intelligence embedded in the missile. The problem was in the software, not hardware. We are now revalidating the new software through extensive simulations. We will test the missile again within a month," he added.

As reported earlier by TOI, the Army wants to induct the 290-km-range BrahMos missile, which flies at a speed of 2.8 Mach, as "a precision strike weapon".

It has already placed orders for two BrahMos regiments in the first phase at a cost of Rs 8,352 crore, with 134 missiles, 10 road-mobile autonomous launchers on 12x12 Tatra vehicles, four mobile command posts and the like.

Pakistan, on its part, is inducting its nuclear-capable Babur land-attack cruise missile (LACM), developed with China's help to have a strike range of over 500 km, in large numbers into its arsenal.

Even as India and Russia begin preliminary work on a "hypersonic" BrahMos-2 missile capable of flying at a speed between 5-7 Mach, two Indian Sukhoi-30MKI fighters have also been sent to Russia for integration with BrahMos' air-launched version.

The Navy has already inducted the BrahMos missile's naval version on a couple of its warships and has placed orders worth Rs 711 crore for 49 firing units. The armed forces' eventual plan is to have nuclear-tipped LACMs, with strike ranges in excess of 1,500-km.
I just wanted an answer for my question. Just because you can't back up your statement it doesnt mean that I am wrong. It doesn;t add up.:toast_sign:

As far as that Russian failed missile test news that you posted, (Not related to this topic at all) so wha? Are you trying to say that Russian missiles are crap now? :blah:

Adding bogus missiles to arsenal dsnt mean they should be recognized as 'ready'. India can even equip the militry with water guns (more suitable) , who cares?
Adding bogus missiles to arsenal dsnt mean they should be recognized as 'ready'. India can even equip the militry with water guns (more suitable) , who cares?

Someone who says Brahmos is a bogus missile, they may not have much idea about advanced supersonic cruisers or that its is just a neighbors envy and owners pride. Hold your horses til it is tested again in Feb. There will be no more replies in this thread after that. But please also expect some surprises this time when it is a success. For some who haven't failed, haven't made the best missile. If you understand, you know why.

For those in the first post saying that NAG is a failure, it is not. It is back for an extensive series of test with newbies. And the very first recent test resulted in a tank being split into millions of pieces with pinpoint accuracy. Going to be another envy for neighbors.
I am not against my Pakistani friends being happy.
Pakistanis aren't your friends.

1. Brahmos's test rate is above 95%.
2. Agni, Prithvi and Akash has been inducted into army.
3. Brahmos is 50-50 joint venture between India and Russia. (unlike Pakistan who just buys missiles from Chine and North Korea and paint them in thier colors.)

1. Pakistan manufactures it's own ballistic and cruise missiles.
2. Pakistan manufactures nuclear warheads.
3. Pakistan has nuclear warheads fitted to these ballistic and cruise missiles.
4. Pakistan can wipe India out - permanently.
That's why your government is too scared to do anything to Pakistan. The proof is in your news media - all they and your government ever say is "Pakistan is a terrorist state, Pakistan must be invaded" YET they haven't done it. Why not? Why so scared of the "Chine and North Korea" missiles? LOL. Walk the walk or quit the talk.

Like I said to hanmya, you ain't the last Indian troll around here and you certainly won't be the last. Go back to BRF, kid.

Well,to all the Pakistani posters,by posting these kind of self satisfactory posts will not change anything,nor will it help your Armed forses super duper planners(who actually will lead ur country to defeat as usual) to have a nice sleep,so u can post anything but that does'nt change the reality.
To all the Indian posters here, you can post anything you want, but that doesn't change reality either. Pakistan's military is competant, professional and extremely well-armed. They have the ultimate weapon, nuclear warheads small enough to fit inside cruise missiles. If India is so great, if Pakistan is always defeated, why is Pakistan still holding part of Kashmir? These are the facts. You don't want to acknowledge them and be civil human beings, again I advise you to go back to BR.

Someone who says Brahmos is a bogus missile, they may not have much idea about advanced supersonic cruisers or that its is just a neighbors envy and owners pride.
USA produced the SR-71 blackbird, a manned aircraft that is as fast as your cruise missiles, so we know for a fact that they can make supersonic cruise missiles if they want. Yet they still use the subsonic Tomahawk cruise missile.
brahmos is envy of the neighbours? Nope - only in Indian dreams.
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Pakistanis aren't your friends.

1. Pakistan manufactures it's own ballistic and cruise missiles.
2. Pakistan manufactures nuclear warheads.
3. Pakistan has nuclear warheads fitted to these ballistic and cruise missiles.
4. Pakistan can wipe India out - permanently.
That's why your government is too scared to do anything to Pakistan. The proof is in your news media - all they and your government ever say is "Pakistan is a terrorist state, Pakistan must be invaded" YET they haven't done it. Why not? Why so scared of the "Chine and North Korea" missiles? LOL. Walk the walk or quit the talk.

Like I said to hanmya, you ain't the last Indian troll around here and you certainly won't be the last. Go back to BRF, kid.

1. Please provide link for the Pakistani "MADE" cruise missiles. While you at it please also tell me the what "MAJOR" weapon development has Pakistan started and/or completed in Military and space establishments?
2. India does too.
3. So does india.
4. I think both country can wipe each other out with thier nuclear weapons.
5. Why doesn't India invade: Pakistan is bankrupt nation. India will loose more forgein investment then whole Pakistani econocy put together.
To all the Indian posters here, you can post anything you want, but that doesn't change reality either. Pakistan's military is competant, professional and extremely well-armed. They have the ultimate weapon, nuclear warheads small enough to fit inside cruise missiles. If India is so great, if Pakistan is always defeated, why is Pakistan still holding part of Kashmir? These are the facts. You don't want to acknowledge them and be civil human beings, again I advise you to go back to BR.[/QUOTE]

Pakistan militay is well armed and they have the ultimate weapon and probably some on cruise missiles too. And I am not arguing this.
We are also holding part of Kashmir as well, probably more than Pakistan, why dont your military come over and get the other part too? Why send 10 militenst here and there for 20 years? Just bring all 500,000 of your army and take the Kashmir and get over it.
Pakistanis aren't your friends.

How do you know that I dont have Pakistani friends? Not everyone is close minded. :blah:
1. Please provide link

Provide links? No, I don't need to. You find them yourself.
The facts I provided are accurate, you know it as well as I do. Pakistan can destroy India just as well as India can destroy Pakistan, we both know this, so take your "we are better than you" BS and shove it up your ***. I suggest you go to BRF rather than troll here, your ego will surely be satisfied there. :cool:

Firstly, please stop making multiple posts in a row.
Secondly, Pakistan holds enough of Kashmir to rattle you, that is all that is required. You want it back, YOU come get it. I have said it before to another Indian troll such as yourself and I will say it again - I guarantee Pakistan will make you sorry for trying. (of course, you know this - your precious economy excuse has already been used)
Thirdly, YOU have already proved you are close-minded because you refuse to believe Pakistanis are capable of military R&D. You are basically calling all Pakistanis stupid. This is close-minded. Say it to your (probably imaginary) Pakistani friends, they will make you sorry if they have any balls (some Pakistanis don't, but I assure you that many do).

Seriously, if all you and your pal indiatech want to do is talk crap, you may as well just go to BRF. Here you either act civilised or get banned. Take your pick.
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Provide links? No, I don't need to. You find them yourself.
The facts I provided are accurate, you know it as well as I do. Pakistan can destroy India just as well as India can destroy Pakistan, we both know this, so take your "we are better than you" BS and shove it up your ***. I suggest you go to BRF rather than troll here, your ego will surely be satisfied there. :cool:

1. hmmm, not willing to back up your statment? :woot:
2. So both countries can destroy each other, how Pakistan is better than India? (I am not saying India is better than Pakistan because we have nukes)
3. No need for persona attacks.
4. I hate BRF and I have never been BRF member.
unlike Pakistan who just buys missiles from Chine and North Korea and paint them in thier colors.)


I would like you to prove that all missiles in Pakistan are paid for rather than indigenous. If you dont prove such a thing in 24 hours you will be banned for trolling. I think it is sufficient to give you a chance to prove that your a innocent.
Provide links? No, I don't need to. You find them yourself.
The facts I provided are accurate, you know it as well as I do. Pakistan can destroy India just as well as India can destroy Pakistan, we both know this, so take your "we are better than you" BS and shove it up your ***. I suggest you go to BRF rather than troll here, your ego will surely be satisfied there. :cool:

Firstly, please stop making multiple posts.
Secondly, Pakistan holds enough of Kashmir to rattle you, that is all that is required. You want it back, YOU come get it. I have said it before to another Indian troll such as yourself and I will say it again - I guarantee Pakistan will make you sorry for trying. (of course, you know this - your precious economy excuse has already been used)
Thirdly, YOU have already proved you are close-minded because you refuse to believe Pakistanis are capable of military R&D. You are basically calling all Pakistanis retards. This is close-minded. Say it to your (probably imaginary) Pakistani friends, they will make you sorry if they have any balls (some Pakistanis don't, but I assure you that many do).

You seems more desprate than I am for the Kashmir issue, so I think your guys need to come over. Dont put words into my mouth by saying I called Pakistani "retards". If you dont have any link to back up your words, you dont need be frustrated. you are not the first one who cant provide link to back up his words. I have respect for Pakistani people and my Pakistani friends are not imaginary.:bunny:
I would like you to prove that all missiles in Pakistan are paid for rather than indigenous. If you dont prove such a thing in 24 hours you will be banned for trolling. I think it is sufficient to give you a chance to prove that your a innocent.

Fair enough.:enjoy:

I suggest you to provide the link as soon as possible. You are guilty of insulting the armed forces of Pakistan, and all the scientists who work hard to protect our nation.
USA produced the SR-71 blackbird, a manned aircraft that is as fast as your cruise missiles, so we know for a fact that they can make supersonic cruise missiles if they want. Yet they still use the subsonic Tomahawk cruise missile.
brahmos is envy of the neighbours? Nope - only in Indian dreams.

Why jump to USA unless you have absolutely some idea about US strategies. Or may be they don't want to develop supersonics to avoid loosing one of them in Afghanistan like the earlier Tomahawk and get surprised to see a same version of the missile flying somewhere in Asia. Whats the use of you knowing facts that US is not developing or what has it got to do with Brahmos being developed to Hypersonic level soon.

Bramhos is definitely a neighbors envy else we will not hear from our neighbors that it is a bogus missile being introduced. Count the number and quality of the posts where our neighbours have tried to prove what I said .
"Neighbors Envy, Owners Pride".
This thread is closed cause its going no where. There is nothing wrong with Yakhont/Brahmos cruise missile missile. It was a test with a new software hence failed its mission. Cut the crap.

As for AK-47, you can kindly PM me authentic links. Otherwise, its over for you.

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