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Superpower?India home to a quarter of the world’s hungry: GHI

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Jan 31, 2011
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United Kingdom
In a striking irony, the number of hungry people in the world was estimated at 842 million in 2011-13 by the Global Hunger Index (GHI) report released on Monday even as world cereal production was estimated at a near record level of 2,489 million metric tons a few days ago. About a quarter of the world's hungry, or 210 million, are in India alone.

The number of hungry people appears to have declined slightly from the 870 million estimated in 2010-12, but the current GHI report says that this is due to a recalculation of how undernourishment is measured by the UN-linked Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Since 2006, the absolute number of undernourished people has remained unchanged but their proportion to total world population is declining because the world population is growing.
The 2013 GHI is calculated for 120 countries for which data on its three component indicators are available and where measuring hunger is considered most relevant. The three indicators used are: the proportion of people who are undernourished, the proportion of children under five who are underweight, and the mortality (death) rate of children younger than age five. The report has been brought out by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and two international charities Welthungerhilfe and Concern Worldwide.
Where is India in all this? The 2013 GHI says that in India the proportion of undernourished declined from about 21% of the population to 17.5%, the proportion of underweight children declined from 43.5% to about 40% and under-five mortality declined from 7.5% to about 6%. All this put together means that the hunger index for India declined from 24 to 21 between 2003-07 and 2008-12. The proportion of underweight children is an estimate done by IFPRI as the last survey was done in 2004-05.
In other words, the proportions and the index for India are at best an approximation. Other surveys done more recently have shown trends that indicate that the nutritive value of food consumed per person is dipping. A recent survey of consumer expenditure said that nutritional intake measured in terms of calories declined from 2,153 kilocalories (Kcal) per person per day in 1993-94 to 2,020 in 2009-10 in rural areas and from 2,071 to 1,946 Kcal in urban areas. These shocking results are according to a report of the 66th round of survey done by the National Sample Survey Organisation (NSSO). Even between 2004-05 and 2009-10, the calorie intake per person per day dipped from 2,047 to 2,020 in rural areas and from 2,020 to 1,946 in urban areas.

Despite these caveats regarding the GHI data, India still continues in the "Alarming" category of countries classified by severity of hunger. That puts it in the category where the hunger index is between 20 and 29.9. Others in this category are Ethiopia, Sudan, Congo, Chad, Niger, and other African countries. These are places ravaged by resource wars and extreme poverty, and they make up the bottom most bunch in the Human Development Index rankings. Meanwhile, an October report on food prospects issued by FAO forecast a record cereal harvest for 2013 powered by a 7% increase in production over 2012. Wheat output is estimated at 705 million metric tons (MMT), a record. Coarse grains output is put at 1,288 MMT, another record. And rice output is estimated at 496 MMT, yet another record. Wheat prices have declined in international markets by 16% over last year, rice prices are down 23% and maize prices by 35%, according to FAO's price monitor in October quoting prices for September 2013. With huge production and declining prices worldwide, why the world's hungry are not getting enough food is a conundrum that policy makers and experts are groping to answer.

Malnutrition is a staggering problem in India. There are millions that starve to death in India.

I think so many millions die each year of hunger in India which is why Indians have such a crazy population growth rate. It's to replenish the dead.

This is what Africa does too. Most of the children die in Africa so they breed like crazy to make sure a few survive. Same thing happens in India. Just goes to show the living standards in India and Africa are hell.

Says an idiot from a country which has the worlds largest population ! :rofl:
So what made chinese bred like crazy all these years ?? Serously, where is your IQ when you need it ??

Fighting child malnutrition in rural China
Says an idiot from a country which has the worlds largest population ! :rofl:
So what made chinese bred like crazy all these years ?? Serously, where is your IQ when you need it ??

Fighting child malnutrition in rural China
Says an idiot from a country which has the worlds largest population ! :rofl:
So what made chinese bred like crazy all these years ?? Serously, where is your IQ when you need it ??

Fighting child malnutrition in rural China

China has poverty in some areas especially rural areas but India has ABSOLUTE poverty and mass starvation all across India. Africa has absolute poverty too. That's where you starve to death and you need to breed like crazy just to make sure a few of your offspring survive. India and Africa does this so that their offspring survives child mortality. They do this because the living standards in India and Africa are not suitable for humans. It's poverty of the worst kind.

As we have become wealthy, our population growth has slowed down. Rural Chinese can have more than one child since the one-child-policy is very relaxed for them. But even rural Chinese don't see the need to breed like Indians because our living standards are high and there is no mass starvation like there is in India.

You see, in India you need to have 6-8 children so that there is a higher probability that at least 2 of the children will survive. Malnutrition and mass starvation is a staggering problem in 3rd world places like India and sub-Saharan Africa.
850 Million Chinese earn under 5$ perday, does that mean chinese eat less or their puny little bodies do not need much???

Chinese stats are always fake even the stats related to pollution are fake. These CCP programmed slaves who do not have any freedom, vent there frustration on India related threads.

Pitiful souls....:lol:
Another C- OCD alert sir. Did you miss it??
Malnutrition is a staggering problem in India. There are millions that starve to death in India.

I think so many millions die each year of hunger in India which is why Indians have such a crazy population growth rate. It's to replenish the dead.

This is what Africa does too. Most of the children die in Africa so they breed like crazy to make sure a few survive. Same thing happens in India. Just goes to show the living standards in India and Africa are hell.

There is a lot of difference in Africa from the failed state

Africa doesnt brag like the indians
The latter is the no. 1 arms importer year on year
Africans are not going to Mars
Why is it that India tops the chart of every ill report???

It's India, what else did you expect? 
850 Million Chinese earn under 5$ perday, does that mean chinese eat less or their puny little bodies do not need much???

Chinese stats are always fake even the stats related to pollution are fake. These CCP programmed slaves who do not have any freedom, vent there frustration on India related threads.

Pitiful souls....:lol:

1.2 billion Indians live under $1 a day. Makes African poverty look mild in comparison.

987 million Indians survive on less than 25 cents a day.

Most of the others that have less than 25 cents a day just starve to death.
The official poverty line in China is $0.24/per day.:lol:

Indian poverty line is $1.25(PPP)/perday perhead and poverty in India decreased from 90%(1951) to 30%(2005-06), to 21%(2012){see the last 8 years}:victory:

Again, India represents 17% of world population.:azn:
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It's India, what else did you expect??
Most of the others that have less than 25 cents a day just starve to death.

Well i expect a lot more good reviews about India.:coffee:

I still have a belief that these reports are exaggerated.
The world has yet to see a better version on India.
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