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Superpower by 2020 countdown

Before how many years had you visited India?

So far as something wrong done with foreigner, Australia is much ahead of India as there has been numbers of racial attacks on Indian including murder. So by this logic, India is safer than Australia so far as foreigners traveling in other country is concern.

There is a particular type of conspiracy of quoting absolute figure of crime. Population of your country is 2% of that of India. Come on and quote any per capita crime ranging from murder, shooting, racial attack or crime against women. I challenge you to prove that the figures of any crime per capita in India is higher than any western country. You can pick and choose any country of over 2 crore of population.

When any such incident happens in India, more people are on street than whole of the population of your country in protest. Laws are changed. How many times you guys were on street to protest against any rape? In India, public's wrath is so high that no politician dare to support rapist. Parheps you are quoting the incident of Kashmir where the radical Mahebooba Mufti had tried to fix wrong guys rape case of a 8 years girl. The guys who were giving Examination 800 km away was chargesheeted. They were found withdrawing money from ATM at same day same time when the rape had happened. So naturally many people came out to support those innocent boys who were studying in Lucknow. When Nirbhaya rape case happen, Millions of people protested for weeks.

India is such a country where there is minimum police is there per capita yet there is a fraction of crime compared to any other country in the world. The city in which I live is the fastest growing city of the world yet there is negligible crime. . I have never seen any occasion in any nearby place where police was called for any crime in last 9 years since I am here. I well come you to visit my home to see what is India. I well come you to come in Navaratri when girls dressed in gorgeous dress adorned like bride are roaming whole night on scooters without any fear and no unwanted incident ever happens. You take a leave of one week and come to my house. Many of your misconception will vanish for ever.

What you say is truth. We have a 1.3 billion aspiring people. We do not have a previllage like you guys where you have more than 100 times per capita land per head. India, Competition is so harsh that it is very difficult for very low skilled people to get some handsome return for their work so they go wherever they can good return for their work. I ask you a counter question. As you said that they are driving taxi. I think they must be low earning people. What is the crime rate of Indias in Australia? If we are such guys who notorious than we must be doing that in every place where we go and live. I have seen many videos of US and UK where they say that Indian diaspora is most educated, Most rich and they have almost negligible crime rate among all ethnic groups including local citizens. Tell me about Australia. Whether Indians are among the most educated or not? Whether they are hardworking and rich or not? Whether they have minimum crime or not? I know it is truth for almost all European countries and US. I want to know form you whether it is true for Australia or not? I con go on explaining you so many other things but that will takes days to explain. Better you come here and see India once again with open eyes. you can come to my house also. You will realize that Neither India is so poor or or bad as you think. Neither there a small class of people which is rich and rest are poor.

What you have said is just a tip of iceburg which you know about India. I ask you a simple question. How many Hospitals are there in Australia which dose free operations of cataract, joint s, Open hurt surgery etc?

We have hundreds. My father got his both eyes cataract operation done totally free. He neither even paid for lenses or even food in Hospitalization. Here people gets their open hurt surgery operation in state of art hospitals at a cost which is less than a family dinner you may be doing in a good hospital in Australia. We were the richest country in last two Millennia reduced to poorest in last two hundred years. We are again regaining our glory with our hard work. We lost everything in material terms but we preserved our culture and it is helping us build a beautiful country once again. This is a complex country with more diversity of whole world put to gather. You can not put India in those evaluation criterion in which you can put other countries to evaluate. Therefore many people having some insight of history or sense of seeing beyond mare materialism are amazed when they see India. These are not few Isolated people but an army of people ranging from an ordinary visitors to most respectable celebrates and philosophers.

What do you mean how many years ago? We were in India last year 2018, wasn't like we were in India in the dark ages.

I do not care about India in the past, I care about what happened to my girlfriend in India is 2018 in the 21st century, sorry to say this but India is still in the dark ages, lynching people just because the food they eat is different from the food Hindus eat does not make a great culture.

Or raping innocent women and children still does not make a great culture, I understand that you love your country and that's fine by me, but don't preach to the world how wonderful and safe India is, why do millions of Indians want to live in the West when India is such a great country?

Do you have proof that racial attacks on Indians have happened in Australia? Because for every article written by you fake media I can provide proof that Indians were the ones killing eachother Indians in Australia.

Look no one in the world trust the Indian media, most of you Indians are illiterate, you education system is a disgrace, the teachers don't even want to teach and even the teachers aren't that educated.
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What do you mean how many years ago? We were in India last year 2018, wasn't like we were in India in the dark ages.

I do not care about India in the past, I care about what happened to my girlfriend in India is 2018 in the 21st century, sorry to say this but India is still in the dark ages, lynching people just because the food they eat is different from the food Hindus eat does not make a great culture.

Or raping innocent women and children still does not make a great culture, I understand that you love your country and that's fine by me, but don't preach to the world how wonderful and safe India is, why do millions of Indians want to live in the West when India is such a great country?

Do you have proof that racial attacks on Indians have happened in Australia? Because for every article written by you fake media I can provide proof that Indians were the ones killing eachother Indians in Australia.

Look no one in the world trust the Indian media, most of you Indians are illiterate, you education system is a disgrace, the teachers don't even want to teach and even the teachers aren't that educated.
And this, boys and girls, is what we call a B!TCH SLAP!!!

Perfect response to a street sh!tter Indian.
I do not care about India in the past, I care about what happened to my girlfriend in India is 2018 in the 21st century, sorry to say this but India is still in the dark ages, lynching people just because the food they eat is different from the food Hindus eat does not make a great culture.

Your concerns are genuine but what about lynching and murders of Indians just because of their skin colors? I think you wont mind this because you may be thinking that a white guy killing others because of skin color is alright but if a small incident happens against them than it is a serious crime. Nobody is lynched here because of food they eat. Few incident happened because of cow slaughters and stringent action was taken. You just have 25 million population with much better leaving standard yet you guys kill others because of their skin colors. When you give these lectures, it gives the impression that never such incident happens in your country. The fact of the matter is that yours is the most racist country. We know very well how you guys came to Australia and what is your history.

Or raping innocent women and children still does not make a great culture, I understand that you love your country and that's fine by me, but don't preach to the world how wonderful and safe India is, why do millions of Indians want to live in the West when India is such a great country?

Here the question is what about the white shitty christian countries having 20 to 100 time more rape per capita than India? When you abuse India for Rapes, just check the per capita rape figures of western christian countries. You guys burnt alive millions women by declaring them witches. Check the dictionary how the "Witch hunting word" came in. We have all the crimes in our society but it is not our culture. I will tell you what our culture is. We have a fraction of police per capita compared to any white western or christian country yet we have a minimal crime rate compared to them.
If any crime happens anywhere than it is their culture is your definition of culture,than i would say that our culture is much better than anybody else because we have minimum per capita crime.
Do you have proof that racial attacks on Indians have happened in Australia? Because for every article written by you fake media I can provide proof that Indians were the ones killing eachother Indians in Australia.

Your prime minister has accepted that racial attacks have happened on Indian in Australia. Is it good enough or not? Outsource you can provide the DATA. I had already asked you to provide the ethnicity wise crime data of Australia. Why don't you do that, Please quote the data from from any authentic source.
Look no one in the world trust the Indian media, most of you Indians are illiterate, you education system is a disgrace, the teachers don't even want to teach and even the teachers aren't that educated.

Only an idiot like you can say this. world trust Indians with giving them their highest positions. Whether that position is of CEO of world'd top multinational corporation or top government position or top position in their research institution or top position in education. So far literacy is concern, your country is illiterate. In India, some people are unable to go to school of various reasons so they are unable to get knowledge in school though they have excellent skills in other area. So far as your country is concern, you guys have full resources and facility to learn yet you guys remains illustrate. you can just read and write but most of Australian graduate is not capable to solve maths example of standard 10 of India. That is why you guys are not on top anywhere. Forget about being head of top companies, you guys are not even at middle level of management anywhere. Let me post the video of what western media say about India. It will puncture your bubbles of lies.

Your concerns are genuine but what about lynching and murders of Indians just because of their skin colors? I think you wont mind this because you may be thinking that a white guy killing others because of skin color is alright but if a small incident happens against them than it is a serious crime. Nobody is lynched here because of food they eat. Few incident happened because of cow slaughters and stringent action was taken. You just have 25 million population with much better leaving standard yet you guys kill others because of their skin colors. When you give these lectures, it gives the impression that never such incident happens in your country. The fact of the matter is that yours is the most racist country. We know very well how you guys came to Australia and what is your history.

Here the question is what about the white shitty christian countries having 20 to 100 time more rape per capita than India? When you abuse India for Rapes, just check the per capita rape figures of western christian countries. You guys burnt alive millions women by declaring them witches. Check the dictionary how the "Witch hunting word" came in. We have all the crimes in our society but it is not our culture. I will tell you what our culture is. We have a fraction of police per capita compared to any white western or christian country yet we have a minimal crime rate compared to them.
If any crime happens anywhere than it is their culture is your definition of culture,than i would say that our culture is much better than anybody else because we have minimum per capita crime.

Your prime minister has accepted that racial attacks have happened on Indian in Australia. Is it good enough or not? Outsource you can provide the DATA. I had already asked you to provide the ethnicity wise crime data of Australia. Why don't you do that, Please quote the data from from any authentic source.

Only an idiot like you can say this. world trust Indians with giving them their highest positions. Whether that position is of CEO of world'd top multinational corporation or top government position or top position in their research institution or top position in education. So far literacy is concern, your country is illiterate. In India, some people are unable to go to school of various reasons so they are unable to get knowledge in school though they have excellent skills in other area. So far as your country is concern, you guys have full resources and facility to learn yet you guys remains illustrate. you can just read and write but most of Australian graduate is not capable to solve maths example of standard 10 of India. That is why you guys are not on top anywhere. Forget about being head of top companies, you guys are not even at middle level of management anywhere. Let me post the video of what western media say about India. It will puncture your bubbles of lies.

I don't give a **** about religion, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus are all the same shitty people, I give a **** about the way people are treated, and in India 80% of the population are slaves, and the women suffer the most. Don't give me your mumbo jumbo, sell that shit to your countrymen who will lap it up.

Indians need to move to other countries to succeed because India is such a shithole they can't even build toilets, and here we have you who beats his chest and says how wonderful India is, of course, Indians have succeeded in the West because we give equal opportunity to everyone, and not just high caste Hindus, you disgraceful fool.

Your universities don't even rank in the top 50 in the world, and you want to come on here and talk shit? Typical Indian.

I saw plenty of Indians like you when I was in India, making all your claims about India being great, beautiful, safe for women, it's laughable that you think I would believe that shit.

Nobody is lynched or murdered because of the food they eat? You are really a dumb Indian, I will make it easy on you search on Google, let me know what you find.

In India, it seems you can kill anyone you want as long as you are Hindu.
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I don't give a **** about religion, Christians, Muslims, Jews, Hindus are all the same shitty people, I give a **** about the way people are treated, and in India 80% of the population are slaves, and the women suffer the most. Don't give me your mumbo jumbo, sell that shit to your countrymen who will lap it up.

Indians need to move to other countries to succeed because India is such a shithole they can't even build toilets, and here we have you who bets his chest and says how wonderful India is, of course, Indians have succeeded in the West because we give equal opportunity to everyone, and not just high caste Hindus, you disgraceful fool.

Your universities don't even rank in the top 50 in the world, and you want to come on here a talk shit? Typical Indian.

You are a joker. I repeatedly asked you to come with figure but you are repeating your BS again and again. Wherever Indian goes, they are the most successful diaspora. They are more literate and more prosperous than you guys in your own country. Our not in top 50 universities gives more top CEOs to world's top companies than your top in 50 universities. Just do an exercise. Name the top Australians CEOs till date in giant multinational corporations. If your top CEO list of last 100 years can match top Indian CEOs to date, I will quite this discussion. Is is good enough? Come on , you have a great opportunity to prove me wrong you Australian or Chinese hidden behind Australian flag who soever you may be.
You are a joker. I repeatedly asked you to come with figure but you are repeating your BS again and again. Wherever Indian goes, they are the most successful diaspora. They are more literate and more prosperous than you guys in your own country. Our not in top 50 universities gives more top CEOs to world's top companies than your top in 50 universities. Just do an exercise. Name the top Australians CEOs till date in giant multinational corporations. If your top CEO list of last 100 years can match top Indian CEOs to date, I will quite this discussion. Is is good enough? Come on , you have a great opportunity to prove me wrong you Australian or Chinese hidden behind Australian flag who soever you may be.

You're a wanker.
I thought it was 2030?
cannot be true because date for Akhand bharat is set for 2025

scared of him?
This is true for any country following capitalist model. So far as women treatment, rape is concern, it is much better than most of the western nations and all Islamic countries. So far as sanitation is concern, it has reached to 99% of masses. We have provided most of the post poverty amenities to our masses such as gas connection, electricity and housing to our masses. Withing net two years, all our houses will have electricity and withing next 5 years, each family in our country will have Pucca House. We have an ambitious scheme of covering 55 crore poor under free medical scheme. Looking to your post, you seem to be either a radical or a 50 cent soldier hidden being false flag.
No, you are a lying ostrich, thats what.
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