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Super Carrier required for BrahMos


May 5, 2010
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Super Carrier required for BrahMos

First test fired almost a decade ago in rainy days of June 2001 then project was known has PJ-10 , since then BrahMos Project has come a long way , Worlds first Anti-ship Supersonic cruise missile designed to take out an aircraft carrier made the world sit and notice its capability , BrahMos Missile project has added great power punch to Indian armed forces attack capability and it has benefited Indian Navy the most since it will provide great punch to knockout enemy surface fleet and also vital sea shore based installations and development of BrahMos Mk-II for Indian Army will help Army take out high valuable enemy target in case of war .

Biggest disappointing has been Air force version; BrahMos Corporation had suggested in mid-2004-5 that Sukhoi su-30MKI will be able to carry three Air launched BrahMos, while many at that time had taken this reports with pinch of salt since each BrahMos weights 3 tons in weight and carrying three even by Heavy class Sukhoi-30 mki could have put high level of stress to the airframe.

Since then better Sense seems to have prevailed and only one BrahMos was decided to be integrated , but the question remains is Sukhoi Su 30 MKI the right platform to carry 2.5 ton BrahMos Missile ?? , well Sukhoi Su 30 will need special modification and strengthening of airframe and most likely less than 40 aircrafts will be modified to carry BrahMos under its belly ,this mean not all aircrafts can carry Brahmos , so this will also limit future BrahMos -2 carrier limited to only forty so aircrafts .

Canberra Type aircraft scaled up by 30 to 35 % could have been perfect for the job to carry this massive missiles that to in good 3 to 4 in numbers, better aircraft could have been Tu-16 which Soviets have long retired but carbon copies are still manufactured in China and still used has a Cruise missile platform by their air force.

India which does not operate any aircraft in this class now, can work on modified Turbojet RTA-90 version with a bomb bay of three meters in diameters and ten meters in length could accommodate at least three BrahMos, RTA-90 might be considered by many reading my article has least likely aircraft for the job but it could be a great “Juggad “ for Indian Air force and save valuable airframe life’s our prime Air superiority fighter aircraft ,since even Russians have no plans for such arrangements even in their Various Sukhoi platforms they operate .

New BrahMos Carrier Aircraft could do the job much better than MKI ,since it will be able to carry more missiles in single sortie and been in internal carriage will put less stress on the aircrafts airframe which are any way designed to carry such massive payload . Locally modifying the aircraft will also be cheaper and also can be air launch platform for other Cruise missiles which are in development like sub sonic Nirbhay and Long range Supersonic Cruise Missile which will be test fired in 2014 time frame .

Super Carrier required for BrahMos
A misleading title Benny (thought it meant super aircraft carrier)but interesting article. If the Su-30 can't carry 3 Brahmos, surely it can carry at least 1.
A misleading title Benny (thought it meant super aircraft carrier)but interesting article. If the Su-30 can't carry 3 Brahmos, surely it can carry at least 1.

Title of the thread is what creates curiosity. Didnt it even made you read the whole article?:D
Title of the thread is what creates curiosity. Didnt it even made you read the whole article?:D

I obviously did if I asked about this ;)

while many at that time had taken this reports with pinch of salt since each BrahMos weights 3 tons in weight and carrying three even by Heavy class Sukhoi-30 mki could have put high level of stress to the airframe

If the Su-30 can't carry 3 Brahmos, surely it can carry at least 1.
Though the long range radar on SU 30 if fully implemented with Brahmos, it still kind of limited. If the surface fleet of the "enemy" has long range dedicated air defence ships, it's gonna be a tough one.

Not to mention the speculation that the DF21 caused in the west. No one seems to be talking about Brahmos anti-ship capability in a serious mood.
I think they should modify the P-8I and other maritime aircrafts to carry Brahmos. But so far MKI is enough. 10 MKI with 10 brahmos will be a serious threat to any fleet.
Even the Tu-142s and Il-38s were being touted to carry the Brahmos. After all the Brahmos is a stand-off weapon.
Can you give examples of such long range air defence ships in our potential adversaries?
Though the long range radar on SU 30 if fully implemented with Brahmos, it still kind of limited. If the surface fleet of the "enemy" has long range dedicated air defence ships, it's gonna be a tough one.

None of the air defence system can reach a fight 290 km away.

Not to mention the speculation that the DF21 caused in the west. No one seems to be talking about Brahmos anti-ship capability in a serious mood.

Because we are friendly to the west. They see our developments positively. In many projects we are collaborating with them. See even PAK FA didn't caused any speculation among the west.
Many articles are coming these days for new missile carriers. First about the planes for Nuclear delivery and nor for Brahmos.
Something somewhere is cooking. Maybe a some Tu-160/Su-34 are on the way to india.
Many articles are coming these days for new missile carriers. First about the planes for Nuclear delivery and nor for Brahmos.
Something somewhere is cooking. Maybe a some Tu-160/Su-34 are on the way to india.

yeah u r rite, something special is cooking from laser to cm to fighter ...... probably after 2012 we will see the dishes..... :cool:
Didn't India lease Tu-22's for a period??
They could just look for ex-Ukrainian examples.. upgrade them and ta-da..heavy carrier.
the 290KM range of brahmos doesnt help against an ACC whcich can detect and engages an incoming target from the range of 450+KM depending on the radar.
the 290KM range of brahmos doesnt help against an ACC whcich can detect and engages an incoming target from the range of 450+KM depending on the radar.

Buddy platform like MKI can easily avoid any missile with 300 km range lets leave 450km range but if Brahmos is fired from 290 km range i dnt think any SAM system can stop a supersonic cruse missile till now

So Brahmos with MKI is really a deadliest combo :cheers:

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