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Sunnies in Iran

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Apr 25, 2007
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United Kingdom
We hear a lot about the Shiites in the Middleeast especailly in SAudi. What about the Sunnie in Iran ?

Sunni Muslims banned from holding own Eid prayers in Tehran | World news | guardian.co.uk

What is the condition of the Sunnah in Iran? | SONS OF SUNNAH

Dreams / Aspirations of the Iranian Regime - True face of the regime & attitude towards Sunnis - YouTube

I want to know your thoughts especially the people of Iran both Sunni and Shiite

about it . Is this a case of Iran trying to hide its real colours or is this a Zionist Propaganda and Saudis to attack Iran.
I'll expose any mistreatment of Humans be it Muslims or not around the world
but I want to know the truth which leads me to this

Any harassment or insult at me or anyone else of their believe will be reported respect PDF rules and any post that is related to Irans Nukes or Amidinjads supose talk about "Wiping ISreal of the map" will be consider to be trolling

Please do tell what is actually happening in Iran's multi ethnic society
Sunnis in Iran certainly don't have the right to have their own Imam unless the area is sunni majority. You're not gonna see a sunni imam in Tehran just because a bunch of sunni foreigners study in Tehran university or b/c Joe Arab from X and Y Persian Gulf country is in Tehran to do some business. In Baluchistan though you'll see sunni Imams.

@ the jew

I suggest you pick your fights wisely. We don't hate you, the arabs do. Frankly the avg Iranian will choose a Jew over an Arab every single day of the week. Just b/c our govts have a problem, you don't need to troll.

You will also hear and read a ton of bull **** about how sunnis are being treated bad in Iran, the same way how you read and hear a ton of bs about how Jews are sucking the blood of little Pali girls at nights. The reality is that Iran makes no excuses about its behaviour towards sunni muslims, and it's in fact one of the only things the people of Iran are in agreement with the government. We don't want Iran to become like every other Islamic country where we're taken hostage to wahabism and salafism. Look at Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Libya, Morroco, Egypt, Bangladesh etc... All these countries have mosques for shias and sunnis, but there are shias and sunnis taking each other's heads off, literally, at the corner store.

So yeah, it's what it's. You won't see a sunni president, you won't see a sunni Imam preaching away in Persian/Azeri centers of Iran (pretty much the entire country) and you will never ever see a single Iranian apoligizing for it. We want our country to be peaceful, just like it is now. The day our nation becomes another country like Pakistan or Iraq or Jordan or Yemen or Afghanistan or... is the day we've lost the battle.

Iran is a salafi free zone and we like it this way. Every Imam must first accept the guidlines set by the central government. Sunni Imams will only be in sunni majority areas like Baluchistan. Sunni Imams are not allowed to preach hate and salafism and hate against shias or they will have a big ding dong shoved up their holes. Civilian sunnis cannot and will not be allowed to preach and spread hate against shias, Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians. There will also be a zero tolerance for all contact with foreign terrorist organizations and the sentence will be hanging.

Good night

P.S. There are thousands of sunni Pakistanis and other sunnis from around the region studying in Iranian universities. The videos are all on the net. The majority of them are Pakistanis. They have no problems. This is thanks to a very strong central government that has put in place strong laws against salafi Islam. Pakistan take a note. Regional terrorist organizations, which are plenty in numbers, spread a ton of bs about how sunnis are being treated bad. The irony is that our laws have created a very peaceful society where our young sunnis don't go around blowing up like they do in other nations. If we hang a person, it's for good reason.

A cancerous tumour should not be left in place or it will kill the host. If you want to keep these tumours inside your body than be our guest, but don't ask why we go ahead and eradicate ours. 99% of sunnis are fine people, but if you are not be careful about what they're thought, the remaining 1% will start destroying your nation like in the afformentioned countries. We will certainly keep every single Imam in check and we will certainly hang those that we think are subscribing to the salafi disease.
if you look at the article date, you see it's 2011, in that date one of sunni imams "moulavi abdol hamid" which I don't want to comment about (he lives in zahedan province) accused government for preventing seperate "Eid al-Fitr" prays in tehran, that claim, immediately refused by governor of tehran province and he mentioned the name of some sectors which those prays were run by Sunni Imams. that claims were at the time "abdulmalik rigi" was active in Iran, so I guess his western supporters wanted to attract some fellows for him.

in tehran, sunnis have separate mosque for themselves and they pray in them freely, there is no reason for government to ban them from common or special prays, as a shiah I would doubt my government if they ever want to do such a thing.

all of these news about banning is fake, it was just a zionist try to divide between shiah and sunni.
the following is the name of places which "Eid al-Fitr" prays are run in tehran, it's in persian.
* محل برگزاری: سعد آباد، روبروی مسجد موسی بن جعفری/ اتباع برگزارکننده: افغانی/ تعداد: 200نفر
* محل برگزاری: خلیج فارس کوچه منتظر المهدی/ اتباع برگزارکننده: اهل سنت کردستان/ تعداد: 150 نفر
* محل برگزاری: مسجد ائمه اطهار تهرانپارس/ اتباع برگزارکننده: کردهای اهل پاوه/ تعداد:80 نفر
* محل برگزاری: خیابان سالار جنب پارک رعنا/ اتباع برگزارکننده: افاغنه شمیرانو/ تعداد: 200 نفر
* محل برگزاری: شهرک کاروان 30 متری نخلی/ اتباع برگزارکننده: افاغنه شهرک کاروان/ تعداد: 100 نفر
* محل برگزاری: مسجد جامعه ابوذر پل چهارم/ اتباع برگزارکننده: افاغنه ابوذر/ تعداد: 1500
* محل برگزاری: خیابان میرهاشم زندیه پلاک 20/ اتباع برگزارکننده: اهل سنت یافت**آباد/ تعداد: 500 نفر
*محل برگزاری: ورزشگاه رضویه/ اتباع برگزارکننده: اهل سنت شهرک کاروان/ تعداد: 100 نفر
* محل برگزاری: مسگرآباد/ اتباع برگزارکننده: افاغنه مسعودیه/ تعداد: 50 نفر
* محل برگزاری: سهرودی جنوبی نرسیده به پمپ بنزین کوچه آزادی پلاک 34/ اتباع برگزار کننده: اهل سنت/ تعداد: 40نفر
* محل برگزاری: شهرک خاقانی خیابان حسینی هشت متری اول/ اتباع برگزار کننده: اهل سنت شهرک خلیج/ تعداد: 50 نفر
* محل برگزاری: ساختمان فرهنگی سفارت پاکستان/ اتباع برگزار کننده: افاغنه سفارت عربستان/ تعداد: 30 نفر
* محل برگزاری: انتهای خیابان جمال*الدین/ اتباع برگزار کننده: افاغنه یافت*آباد/ تعداد: 50 نفر
* محل برگزاری: شهرک غرب میدان بوستان، خیابان کوهستان/ اتباع برگزارکننده: افاغنه شهرک غرب/ تعداد: 7000 نفر
* محل برگزاری: بلوار فرحزاد گلستان دوم/ اتباع برگزار کننده: افاغنه شهرک غرب/ تعداد: 300 نفر
* محل برگزاری: آیت*الله کاشانی بوستان یکم نبش اعتمادیان/ اتباع برگزار کننده: افاغنه آیت*الله کاشانی/ تعداد: 500 نفر
* محل برگزاری: دهکده المپیک مسجد سر آسیاب کن/ اتباع برگزارکننده: افاغنه دهکده المپیک
* محل برگزاری: خیابان زمزم خیابان ورزشگاه صالحان/ اتباع برگزارکننده: افغانی/ تعداد: 800 نفر
* محل برگزاری: جنت آباد شمالی (چتربازان انبار نفت)/ اتباع برگزارکننده: افغانی/ تعداد: 300 نفر
* محل برگزاری: بازار آهن شاد آباد میدان جانبازان/ اتباع برگزار کننده: افغانی/ تعداد: 500 نفر
* محل برگزاری: میدان آزادی/ اتباع برگزارکننده: افغانی/ تعداد: 350 نفر

the group BLACKEAGLE mentioned is a terrorist group living outside Iran, their purpose is cutting our oil rich provinces from Iran, like "mujahedin-e-khalgh" terorist group, these rats are under U.S support too, but this one is much smaller.

And dear @Abbi which Sunni Imam we have hanged that caused you to think we will do it in future? if you don't know the answer just ignore It, there is no need to spread hatred among Muslims.
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