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Sunni Shiite: divided by wall in Baghdad as they are each others enemies

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Gin ka Pakistan

Jul 1, 2009
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Sunni Shiite: getting divided by wall in Baghdad as they are each others enemies.

Why we blame USA or Israel for suffering of Muslim world and Israel for making walls, infect it’s the hate and revenge game of Shiite Sunni’s which have made ways for USA to get hosts and come and invade both Iraq and Afghanistan.

For ten years Sunnis and Shiite fought war in Middle East (Iran Iraq war) in which Sunnis backed Iraq while Iran bought billions of dollars of weapons from Israel to fight Sunnis.

We all know what Saddam did with Shiites.
After first desert storm, Bush senior helped Shiites in south of Iraq to have a up rising against Saddam and told them that USA will back them to freedom but after Saudi Pressure Bush senior backed out and Iraqi Shiites were cursed by Saddam.

When USA invaded Iraq Shiites welcomed them and became their host and now Shiite death squads are taking their years of revenge from Sunnis in Iraq.

Afghanistan’s problem is the same “Sunnis and Shiite division” even their language is different.

In Palestine
Sunni are with Mahmoud Abbas and are near to Israel for peace talk while Shiites are with Hamas and against Israel , they are not one.

In Lebanon
Sunnis are helping USA and Israel to counter Shiite forces.

Mother of All Muslim problems is Sunni Shiite division and both Saudi Arab and Iran has Billions to fuel it and for that we can't blame the West (as we always do).
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In Ramadan Muslims need to reconcile their differences
Ultimately all humans are judged by God impartially so those who do good and try to grow spiritually will hopefully be rewarded. Humility is essential
Ultimately all humans are judged by God impartially so those who do good and try to grow spiritually will hopefully be rewarded. Humility is essential

Indeed , We should pray for unity among nations so no one will welcome the invaders among them. We should pray for Peace between Sunni and Shiites.
How different shia and sunnis are is depicted in this thread. It is really difficult for them to be together because shias are an altogether different religion I would say.
How different shia and sunnis are is depicted in this thread. It is really difficult for them to be together because shias are an altogether different religion I would say.

how would you say that? do we pray 6 prayers instead of 5? or do we do tawaf of the white house instead of the kabah...? do we read the bible instead of the quran? do we pray to 2 gods instead of 1? do we not believe in Prophet Muhammad SAW as the last prophet?
How are we different?
Islam and shia'ism are two different religion! Shai's they're not Muslim and secondly they have nothing do with Islam... You can call them Shia,munafeeq or kafffirs because they don't believe in Al-Quran completly and regarding hadith they don't believe completly in Our Hadith books like Sahi buqari and muslim, they have their own version of Hadith books according to their understanding writtent by their SAtan mullah's!
Not all, but of the Shia's they express doubt in Risalat (Nabuwat) according to to their understanding syedna Ali is the precisely candidate for Nabuwat etc etc. This shits they don't believe in our Sahab's . They're mostly insulting our mothers (wives of rasool allah).on what basis we're considering them Muslim?
And I don't know what's that Sunni? According to Al-Quran we are 'MUSLIM' only Muslim, there's no Shia before or after Muslim but still pols they used to call themself they are 'shia Muslim' means they're Shia and they follow shiaism not Islam! According to Al-Quran we Muslim(momineen) and those Shia's they are munareef, kaffirs.

Sorry for my poor English

Another rabid wahhabi... your post is reported...
How different shia and sunnis are is depicted in this thread. It is really difficult for them to be together because shias are an altogether different religion I would say.

A different religion? i should wait for you to prove this with your propaganda pamphalets.
do we pray 6 prayers instead of 5
Shia pray 3 times a day.
do we read the bible instead of the quran
It is well documented in shia scriptures that the Quran was changed by the time of Usman (r.a). The "real" Quran is with the twelve th Imam. Christians often quote shias when debated on the authenticity of Quran.
do we not believe in Prophet Muhammad SAW as the last prophet?

Shias believe in Twelve Imams and According to them Imams are of higher status then prophets except Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) any one who does not believe in them is kafir. That is why almost all the companions of Prophet Muhammad were kafir because they did not accepted Ali (r.a) as their Imam. As iqbal has said
"Imamo ka rutba nabiyo sai barhai"
Imams can nullify anything in sharia This belief gives them the same status in sharia as Prophet Muhammad.

How are we different?

Tell me how are shias alike muslims.

do we pray to 2 gods instead of 1

There are certain sects of Shias who consider Ali (r.a) as God. I have come across many of them here in Germany.
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There is so much propaganda in your post im not sure where to start.

Shia pray 3 times a day.

Laughable to say the least :rofl:

It is well documented in shia scriptures that the Quran was changed by the time of Usman (r.a). The "real" Quran is with the twelve th Imam. Christians often quote shias when debated on the authenticity of Quran.

Another propaganda of wahabis; im sure you have heard of the one in which we shias are accused of the lie that ayesha's goat ate 1 chapter of the quran... wahabis crack me up :victory:

Shias believe in Twelve Imams and According to them Imams are of higher status then prophets except Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) any one who does not believe in them is kafir. That is why almost all the companions of Prophet Muhammad were kafir because they did not accepted Ali (r.a) as their Imam. As iqbal has said
"Imamo ka rutba nabiyo sai barhai"
Imams can nullify anything in sharia This belief gives them the same status in sharia as Prophet Muhammad.

We sure term the ones who did not accept the event of ghadeers as misguided; but never as kafirs; do not impose your wahhabist views on others.
We do respect the sahaba. You give respect to yazid who said this:

"Hashimite played with the throne, but no revelation was revealed, nor was there a true message!!!"

Sunni references:
- History of al-Tabari, Arabic, 13, p2174
- Tadhkirat al-Khawas, Sibt Ibn al-Jawzi al-Hanafi, p261

You decide who is misguided.

The imams cannot change the sharia; halaal of Muhammad SAW is halaal till day of judgement and haraam of Muhammad SAW is haraam till day of judgement.Y

You accept muawia who was a drinker and fornicator; am I misguided then or is it that sharia allows drinking...?

Tell me how are shias alike muslims.

Just wow :blah:

There are certain sects of Shias who consider Ali (r.a) as God. I have come across many of them here in Germany.

We do not consider them as muslims; even Ali A.S. ordered the nuseris into the fire when they were brought to him.

Sheesh; the wahabi propaganda is strong everywhere :S

A Shi'ite Encyclopedia

Check the link to educate yourself about shiism. 2 din k mulla k paas jao ge to bakwas hi suno ge... :cheers:


NO ONE and i mean no one is going after the devil it self and are fighting each other but i am hopping eventually people will wake up and fight the devil togather.

Any body disagree with me can Read the propogenda Hindu whabbi is spreading judge for your self who is creating Fights among muslims.
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The History of the Shia

The religion of the Shiah was founded by a Jew from Yemen called Abdullah bin Saba'. This religion has started with the assassination of the rightly guided Khalifa Uthman and branched into many sections.

Uthman ruled for twelve years. The first six years were marked by internal peace and tranquility, but during the second half of his caliphate a rebellion arose. The Jews and the Magians, taking advantage of dissatisfaction among the people, began conspiring against Uthman, and by publicly airing their complaints and grievances, gained so much sympathy that it became difficult to distinguish friend from foe.

It may seem surprising that a ruler of such vast territories, whose armies were matchless, was unable to deal with these rebels. If Uthman had wished, the rebellion could have been crushed at the very moment it began. But he was reluctant to be the first to shed the blood of Muslims (especially Sahaba), however rebellious they might be. No one would ever expected what happend later. He preferred to reason with them, to persuade them with kindness and generosity. He well remembered hearing the Prophet say, "Once the sword is unsheathed among my followers, it will not be sheathed until the Last Day."

The rebels demanded that he abdicate and some of the Companions advised him to do so. He would gladly have followed this course of action, but again he was bound by a solemn pledge he had given to the Prophet. "Perhaps God will clothe you with a shirt, Uthman" the Prophet had told him once, "and if the people want you to take it off, do not take it off for them." Uthman said to a well-wisher on a day when his house was surrounded by the rebels, "God's Messenger made a covenant with me and I shall show endurance in adhering to it."

After a long siege, the rebels broke into Uthman's house and murdered him. When the first assassin's sword struck Uthman, he was reciting the verse: "Verily, God sufficeth thee; He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing" [2:137]

Ali accepted the caliphate very reluctantly. Uthman's murder and the events surrounding it were a symptom, and also became a cause, of civil strife on a large scale. All governors gave the pledge to Ali except Muawiya, the governor of Sham (Great Syria). Muawiya declined to obey until Uthman's blood was avenged. His decision was based on the fact that he is not required to obey the Caliph until he (Ali) is able to enforce the rule of Allah. Muawiya was the cuisine of 'Uthman, so he was the responsible of asking Ali to bring the murderers to trial. The Prophet's widow Aisha also took the position that Ali should first bring the murderers to trial. Due to the chaotic conditions during the last days of Uthman it was very difficult to establish the identity of the murderers, and Ali refused to punish anyone whose guilt was not lawfully proved.

The pretext for the meeting of the armies on the day of the Camel and the day of Siffin was the demand for `Uthman's killers on the part of `A'isha and Mu`awiya, but the winds of war were fanned by the followers of Abdullah bin Saba' the Jew, from inside all three camps until events escaped the control of the Companions. It is related that `Ali, `A'isha , and Mu`awiya often expressed astonishment at the dissension and opposition that surrounded them.

After that some Shia declared Ali as a god. He then burned them alive with fire. After the killing of Abdullah bin Saba', Shia were divided into many new sects. Each one has its own Imam.

The Seveners or Isma'ilis, like all Shiites, believe that the descendants of Muhammad, through his daughter Fatima and her husband Ali the fourth Caliph, are the rightful rulers of the Muslim world. Thus the descendants of Ali are considered infallible and as divinely guided as Muhammad himself. This sect derives its name from Isma'il, the eldest son of the sixth Imam, Jafar as-Sadiq. In 762 CE, Isma'il died before his father, which resulted in bitter disputes of succession. The minority of Shiites regarded the old line of Imams extinct and chose Isma'il's eldest son as the new Imam. Thus they proclaimed a cycle of seven Imams, Ali being the first and Isma'il the seventh, and thus the seventh Imam after his line of Imams would be the Mahdi, or Messiah, or the seventh after him, etc..

The Isma'ilis have usually been small in numbers, but well organised and disciplined. Soon they developed into a cult, borrowing various ideas from Jewish mysticism, Greek philosophy, Babylonian astrology, Christian Gnosticism, etc.., When secular sciences were being employed in the Abbasid Empire, the Isma'ilis were thriving, and managed to recruit a large number of followers, who formed a well organised guerrilla army. By combining their scholarly skills and extraordinary underground network of spies, the Isma'ilis established their anti-Caliph in Egypt during the 10th century. They named his dynasty after Muhammad's daughter, and thus the name Fatimids emerged. In reality they are the dynasty of a Jew called Abdullah bin Qaddah, and that was they were called Abidi too. The Abidi State in Egypt quickly expanded and soon the Isma'ilis controlled western Syria and a large part of North Africa, killing thousands of Muslims. They also built a new capital, Fustat, near the ancient Pyramids, which in a few centuries grew to be the largest city in the Muslim world, under the name of Cairo.

When the Abidi dynasty was destroyed by the Abbasids, the Isma'ilis split into two sub-sects, Tayibiya and Niziriya, named after two Abidi princes. The former sect was soon transformed into a esoteric cult, which moved its activities underground and became invisible. The Niziriya sect transformed itself back into the pre-Abidi Isma'ilism, developing a network of agents and spies all over the Muslim world. The best known organization within the Niziriya was probably the drug-abusing Assassin sect, notorious for assassinations all over the Muslim world. Today, however, the Niziriya sect has turned pacifist and increasingly Westernized.

Out of the Assassin stronghold in Syria, two heterodox sub-sects have survived, the Alawite and the Druze. The Alawite sect is militant and combines radical theories from both Isma'il and Ithna Shia. The Druzes, on the other hand, have until more recently been more pacifistic, waiting for the return of their Mahdi, the psychotic Abidi Caliph al-Hakim, who 'disappeared' when he burned down his capital around 1000 CE. In the 13th century the Druzes closed their sect, and became a distinct tribe or nation. They serve today in the Israeli army against Palestinian Muslims.

The largest sect within Shia is the Ithna or Twelver, which follows the original line of Imams. When the Seveners chose the son of Isma'il to become the Imam, the majority of Shiites chose Isma'ils younger brother, Muza al-Kazim, as the seventh Imam. The Ithna adopt their 'Twelver' name from their belief in the twelfth Imam, Muhammad ibn al-Askari, who 'disappeared' one day and thus became the hidden Mahdi who would return to earth at the end of days. The 'Twelvers' worship their Imams, sometimes as the incarnation of Ali or Hussain. They form the vast majority of Shiites, including most Iranians and almost 50% of the Iraqi nation.

The third largest body in Shia is the Zaydi sect or the Fivers, prevailing in Yemen and among some Bedouin tribes in Saudi-Arabia. The Zaydi sect is more or less the deification of the 7th century Arabian culture, and it fiercely denounces the semi-divinity of Imams, contrary to the Twelver. Their founder was the fifth Imam, Zayd ibn Abidin, who was a rationalist and thus denounced his alleged divinity. The Zaydi Imams are more like Bedouin sheikhs than divine authorities, and thus reject hereditary leadership, and are only visible during warfare.

There are said to be more than 70 small Shia sects all around the world. Probably the best example of these was the Bahai sect, which has been persecuted and refuted as anti-Islamic, but grows fast as a separate religion, basing its doctrines on 'world peace and harmony' and the unity of all religions. The center of the Bahai sect is in Israel!
Laughable to say the least

Any one who will just Google will know who is to be laughed at.

We sure term the ones who did not accept the event of ghadeers as misguided

My point is served here All the sahabah were misguided according to you. Just simple shame. I am glad you wrote this so every one in this forum can see shia ideology.
We do respect the sahaba.
Misguided. This is what you call respect. Dont bring your Takiya in here. Oh sorry that is also part of your religion to lie in order to mislead people not any more.

You give respect to yazid

Now this is real propaganda. Muslims dont adore yazid at all.

Another propaganda of wahabis; im sure you have heard of the one in which we shias are accused of the lie that ayesha's goat ate 1 chapter of the quran... wahabis crack me up

I am sorry to say you are not even aware of your own maslak just check asool-e-kafi if you have heared the name of the book and you will know how many so called ahadith are there from the imams saying that this Quran is not the original.

You accept muawia who was a drinker and fornicator; am I misguided then or is it that sharia allows drinking...?

you should be ashamed of these words. He is a katib-e-wahi and a peron whose bait Hassan and Hussain (r.a) did. The dirt inside you comes out. Now you will tell every one how Hassan and Hussain (r.a) did bait of a drinker. Shame on you.

Next time Come with something better. My question stands.
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Shi'ite Attack On The Al- Qur'an

The Qur'an should be the comprehensive reference for both Sunnis and Shi'ites, and a means of bringing about unity and mutual understanding, but it has been misinterpreted by the Shi'ites and given a meaning other than that which was understood by the noble Companions who received it directly from the Prophet, and other than that which was understood by the Imams of Islam who received it from the very generation amongst whom the Qur'an descended by way of Divine Revelation.

One of the most famous and respected Shi'ite scholars, from Najaf, Mirza Husain bin Muhammad Taqi An-Nawari At-Tabarsi, wrote in 1292 A.H. the book faslul-Khitaab fee Ithbatti Tahreefi Kitaab Rabbil-Arbaab (The Decisive Say on the Proof of Alteration of the Book of the Lord of Lords). In this book he compiled hundreds of texts written by Shi'ite scholars in different eras alleging that the Qur'an has been tampered with, that there have been both additions to it and omissions from it.

At-Tabarsi's book was printed in Iran, in 1298 A.H., and its appearance attracted much attention, frustrating the intention of certain Shi'ites that their doubts about the authenticity of the Qur'an should be restricted to the elite of religious scholars and personalities. They preferred that these allegations not be brought together in a single volume, and widely disseminated, as it could be used as a proof against them by their opponents. When the scholars made public their criticism, At-Tabarsi responded with another book entitled Raddu ba'dush-Shubahaati `an Faslil-Khitaabi fee Ithbatti Tahreefi Kitaabi Rabbil-Arbaab (Refutation of Some Specious Arguments Regarding the Decisive Say on the Proof of Alteration of the Book of the Lord of the Lords). He wrote this defense of his original book two years before his death. In order to show their appreciation of his contribution to the attempt to prove that the Qur'an had been altered, the Shi'ites buried him in one of their most prominent religious shrines, at Najaf.

Among the proofs offered by At-Tabarsi in his attempt to show that the Qur'an had been altered, was a quotation from what the Shi'ites consider to be a missing part of the Qur'an, called by them Suratul-Wilaayah (see below). It mentions the granting of wilaayah (sovereignty) to `Ali(8) as follows: "O believers, believe in the Prophet and the wali, the two whom We sent to guide you to the straight path..."[suratul-Wilayyah]

(So-called Suratul-Wilaayah)

Photocopy of the so-called Suratul-wilaayah which the Shi'ites accuse the Sunni Muslims of deleting it along with other suras from the original text of the Holy Qur'an. It reads:

O' you who believe, believe in the prophet and the wali, the two whom we sent to guide you to the straight path. A prophet and wali who are of each other. and celebrate the praise of your Lord, and Ali is among the witnesses.

[fatwa against companions]

Photocopy of the original fatwa (religious verdict) encouraging the Shi'ite masses to curse the two Caliphs Abu Bakr and `Umar. signed by six of the contemporary Shi'ite scholars and clergy among them Khomeini and Shariat Madari The trustworthy scholar Muhammad `Ali Sa'oodi, chief consultant to the Egyptian Ministry of Justice, and one of Sheikh Muhammad Abduh's special students, managed to examine an Iranian manuscript copy of the Qur'an owned by the orientalist Brown. He was able to make a photocopy of Surat-ul-Wilaayah with its Persian translation. Its existence was affirmed by At-Tabarsi in his book faslul-Khitaab, and by Muhsin Faani Al-ashmeeri in his book Dabisan Madhaahib. This book, written in Persian, was printed several times in Iran. The chapter (Surat-ul-Wilaayah) which is falsely attributed to Allah's revelation, was also quoted by the famous orientalist Noeldeke in his book History of the Copies of the Qur'an(9). It also appeared in the Asian-French Newspaper in 1842 C.E.

At-Tabarsi also quoted a tradition from Al-Kaafi, which is to the Shi'ites what Sahih-ul-Bukhari is to the Sunni Muslims. It reads:

A number of our associates narrated by way of Sahl bin Ziyaad through Muhammad bin Sulaiman that some of his friends reported Abul-Hasan Ath-Thaani `Ali bin Mioosa Ar-Rida as saying `May I be your ransom! We hear verses of the Qur'an different from those we have with us and we are not capable of reading them according to your reading which has reached us. Do we commit a sin thereby He replied, "No, read the Qur'an as you have learned it; someone will come to you to teach you."

Without a doubt, this conversation is fabricated by the Shi'ites and is falsely attributed to the Imam `Ali bin Moosa Ar-Rida; however, the statement is taken by the Shi'ites as a legal ruling in this matter. Its implication is that while one of them commits no sin by reciting the Qur'an the way Muslims have learned according to `Uthman's unanimously accepted text, the privileged class of Shi'ite clergy and scholars will teach each other a version other than the accepted one, a version which they claim came to their Imams from AhlulBait.

It was the urge to strike a comparison between the Shi'ite "Qur'an" (which they secretly confide to one another, while hiding it from the general public as an act of taqiyyah") and the known and officially accepted `Uthmani Edition of the Qur'an, which motivated At-Tabarsi to write his book faslul-Khitaab.

Although the Shi'ites pretended to disown At-Tabarsi's book, as an act of taqiyyah, the glaring fact that it includes hundreds of quotations from the recognized works of their scholars clearly confirms their adherence to the tenet of alteration of the Qur'an. Of course, they do not want a clamor to be raised over this perverse article of faith of theirs

The intended result of their claim is to leave us with the impression that there are two Qur'ans: one, the `Uthmani version accepted by the Sunni Muslims; the other, the allegedly hidden version of the Shi'ites, part of which is Surat-ul-Wilaayah. They are well aware that they fabricated the statement they attributed to the Imam `Ali bin Moosa Ar-Rida: "... read [the Qur'an] as you have learned it; someone will come to you to teach you." The Shi'ites also claim that a verse was deleted from the Qur'an from Surat-ul-lnshiraah. The alleged deletion is "and we made `Ali your son-in-law." Have they no shame in making such an allegation, when it is a well-known fact that this particular surah was revealed in Mecca at a time when `Ali was not yet the son-in-law of the Prophet, Allah's blessing and peace be upon him. His only son-in-law a that time was Al-'*** Ibnur-Rabee'al-Ummawi. As for the fact that `Ali was a son-in-law of the Prophet, it should be pointed out that Allah also made `Uthman bin `Affaan the son-in-law of the Prophet through his marriage to two of the Prophet's daughters. Upon the death of the second of `Uthman's wives (the second of the two daughters), the Prophet said to him, "If we had a third one, we would have given her to you in marriage."

Another of the Shi'ite scholars, Abu Mansoor Ahmad bin `Ali At-Tabarsi, in his book Al-lhtijaaj `ala Ahlil-Lajaaj (Argumentation with the Contentious Folk) claimed that `Ali said to one of the zanaadiqah,(10)whose name At-Tabarsi neglected to mention, "As for your belligerent disagreement with me(11), it shows your feigned ignorance of Allah's statement, `And if you fear that you will not deal justly with the orphans, then marry of the women who seem good to you..."' At-Tabarsi then went on to say, by way of explanation as to why this verse was quoted by `Ali in his argumentation with his opponents:

Now doing justice to orphans does not resemble the marrying of women, and not all women are orphans; thus, this verse is an example of what I have presented earlier in the book Al-Ihtijaaj; regarding the deletion of parts of the Qur'an by the hypocrites',(12) that deletion being between the statement about justice to orphans, and that which follows it, about the marrying of women. This deletion consists of addresses and stories, and amounts to more than a third of the Qur'an


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