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Sunni Arab Politician tells the Kurds to Seperate themselves from Iraq


Mar 2, 2013
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Kurds should separate from Iraq, says deputy prime minister

Iraq’s deputy prime minister sees no problem in Kurdistan breaking away from mainland Iraq and forming a new country, and personally he would support the move as long as Kurds restrict themselves to areas that are not Arab.

In an exclusive interview with TRENDS, sister publication of Kipp Report, Saleh Muhammed Al Mutlaq said it will be better for Iraq if Kurds get their own country.

Speaking on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum’s Jordan summit, the prominent Sunni politician said the Iraqi-Kurdish relationship has been very complex from the beginning, “and they have to decide whether they want to stay with Iraq or get their separate country”.

The Kurds have to decide on their fate once and for all because these differences on opinion and policies between Erbil and Baghdad cannot continue for long, he said. Born in Fallujah, Mutlaq was an active member of the Baath party, but was expelled in 1977 for being critical of the then government.

He currently heads Iraqi Front for National Dialogue, which is the fifth largest political entity in the Iraqi parliament.

Kurds should separate from Iraq, says deputy prime minister | Kippreport.com

Sorry to poke my nose to those Shi'ee Iraqis but this is only the beginning. The Sunnis who are calling for Federalism are not calling it for without thinking about what they really want. They have a perfect example in Kurdistan. Do you really think the Kurds wont help the Sunnis in creating their own federal state?:smokin:
lol Maybe you should stop being delusional. This is new News from yesterday. Looks like even the Sunni Politicians in Baghdad are now calling for freeing Kurdistan from Iraq.

Sunni ? since when is Saleh sunni, no my friend if we go sunni we go hardcore sunni.

We put this man to power and see what he has to say about Kurdistan, you agree kurdi ? :D
Irrelevant kaka, we put him to power with a strong military to see what his reaction is on your zionist idea.

Look, I know your a Kurdi, no Pakistani is interested in this and calls for dividing Iraq, matter of fact Pakistan is strongly against the division of Iraq and Turkey, they are against Kurdish seperatism.
Our friends need to test this guys Urdu skills, I do not trust this guy.
Keep posting accusation. look when I post and type something I've done research on it before you can even say that I have some special connections.... But in any case. Pakistanis - Military - does not give a hoot if Iraq is divided or not as this is not our concern, we just let Saudi do their thang and we follow :cool:
Keep posting accusation. look when I post and type something I've done research on it before you can even say that I have some special connections.... But in any case. Pakistanis - Military - does not give a hoot if Iraq is divided or not as this is not our concern, we just let Saudi do their thang and we follow :cool:

Kaka, Kurdi qise dekeyt?
Because your a Kurdish kaka I will prove 2 things wrong and then leave you to troll more.

Iraq&Pakistan relations
Both countries are members of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and support the Palestinian cause. Pakistan has strongly supported Iraq's territorial integrity and does not support Kurdish separatism.

This can be confirmed by many other sources if you like.

Now saleh al mutlah when he visited the Anbar protests a few months ago.
Looks like they welcomed him with lots of shoes.
Iraqi protestors attack deputy premier Saleh al-Mutlak | News | World | Mail & Guardian
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There are 2 heads in Pakistan, one is the Political Head which changes often and the other is the Army which never does and is close to Sunnah Arab countries like Saudi and Kuwait and UAE. I wouldn't keep my hopes up on some random article on Wiki as it is prone to editing and changing based on current events - you know what I mean.

Al-Mutlaq got his butt kicked out because he was dealing with the Iranians which the Anbaris knew and hated and he was not pushing for federalism because "supposedly" there were people in Baghdad who were paying Sunni Politicians to keep their mouth shut on that. AL-Issawi supposedly had enough of it and now he is calling for federalism after he met with the Sunni Tribal Confederation. They talking about making a Sunni Anbar Military. Then what Happened later? They are forming a Sunni Army in Anbar.

It won't be too long until Al-Nujafi also quits and goes to Mosul or Ninawah to form a confederation army with the rest of Anbar to fend off attacks from the Iraqis.

Look if you don't want to believe me then it's your loss. I can lead a camel to the well but I can't force it to drink the water. And the water is too sour for your taste :omghaha:
this is sad. Yes the Kurds were oppressed, but is division a solution?

partition is not good. Iraq should stay together.

Maximum autonomy should be given to all, but forming new countries would create hostility and make them enemies for a long time.
Arabs need to understand the concept of power in numbers. Tiny little micro states gets you nowhere.

Build bonds, not borders.
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