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Sultan Mehmet conqured and then bought Hagia sofia

we need to take pride in success but always remain humble , cause Allah love those who stand firm but never transgress their limits, May Allah bring the Nation of Muhammad pbuh to Rah-e-Rast ..

Ameen brother, but this is a success. This is a great victory for Islam, we have broken free of the shackles around Ayasofya. it bodes well for us.
You know they are old and non functional right? They are historical sites as of now.

Two of those don't exist. One is inhabited and gone. There is only one functional and that lies between the two cities, also very old.

Thank you for reminding kids here that blindly trusting Google isn't always a good idea.

This thread is full of lies. That document is a forgery and the Ottomans looted Constantinople for 3 days,raped every woman they came across and massacred Christians.
Cry me a river.

Sultan Mehmet al Fatih did not harm anyone and let Christians leave the city or remain, leaving all their places of worship untouched. He used his own personal wealth to buy Ayasofya to turn it from a palace-church-throne into a simple masajid where all believers can come.

Christians could come to take their holy relics to their Churches. They were allowed to practice their faith, free of coercion.

Ottomans were much better and fairer rulers than Byzantine Romans ever were.
Arab news has gone crazy hahah everyday I am reading many articles and headlines on the same issue , looks like Arabs are so hurt over building a new mosque, while they are building Temples in Hijaz .. Apart from the great Prophet and his Shahbah, Arabs are proving themselves to be a Pathetic nation .. What a shame, Woe to Arabs Woe to Arabs !!
Arab news has gone crazy hahah everyday I am reading many articles and headlines on the same issue , looks like Arabs are so hurt over building a new mosque, while they are building Temples in Hijaz .. Apart from the great Prophet and his Shahbah, Arabs are proving themselves to be a Pathetic nation .. What a shame, Woe to Arabs Woe to Arabs !!

People who change their religion and their religious history for political expediency, what do you expect. Both Arabs and Iranians are guilty of this in relation to Turkey.

Instead of seeing the spread of Islam into Europe with admiration and respect, they try to find faults with the Turks and try to ally with Kuffar states.

Not all Arabs are this way, but I do see some who are like this, particularly Muslim brotherhood. One Palestinian Fatah member told me that "Arabs and Greeks are the same people." I almost spit out my falafel and spilled my Arabic kahwa. :lol:

Today, Greeks keep Arab Syrians in cages on islands off the coast of Greece. They hurt migrants and shoot their boats.

Turks have always been fair and just to Arabs, and many Arabs still love them, but certain states have agendas.

As for the Iranians, well they have historical rivalries with Turks, Afghans, and Pakistanis. That policy goes back to Safavis.
People who change their religion and their religious history for political expediency, what do you expect. Both Arabs and Iranians are guilty of this in relation to Turkey.

Instead of seeing the spread of Islam into Europe with admiration and respect, they try to find faults with the Turks and try to ally with Kuffar states.

Not all Arabs are this way, but I do see some who are like this, particularly Muslim brotherhood. One Palestinian Fatah member told me that "Arabs and Greeks are the same people." I almost spit out my falafel and spilled my Arabic kahwa. :lol:

Today, Greeks keep Arab Syrians in cages on islands off the coast of Greece. They hurt migrants and shoot their boats.

Turks have always been fair and just to Arabs, and many Arabs still love them, but certain states have agendas.

As for the Iranians, well they have historical rivalries with Turks, Afghans, and Pakistanis. That policy goes back to Safavis.

The worse Part is that they are closest companions of Prophet , the man who brought the concept of one God to these Thankless creatures today they are raising voice against the creation of a Masjid where people will Worship Allah alone ?

Turks must have their share of bad people , mistakes and other sins but at least they are fighting for their identity , they build one of the greatest empire which goes head to head with Europeans power , and they carry the banner of Allah and his Nabi, thousands of people owe them Thanks for conquering their lands and bring Islam there, honestly I am shocked to see that everyday i open my FB page, there is 3-4 articles on Arab News I mean how can you be so blind that in your hate and inferiority complex of Turks you are now criticizing the building of a Mosque ? I am sure Muhammad SAW will be so proud to see his ummah behavior ..
Sultan Mehmet al Fatih did not harm anyone and let Christians leave the city or remain, leaving all their places of worship untouched. He used his own personal wealth to buy Ayasofya to turn it from a palace-church-throne into a simple masajid where all believers can come.

Christians could come to take their holy relics to their Churches. They were allowed to practice their faith, free of coercion.

Ottomans were much better and fairer rulers than Byzantine Romans ever were.
This is why he can cry me a river.

One Palestinian Fatah member told me that "Arabs and Greeks are the same people." I almost spit out my falafel and spilled my Arabic kahwa. :lol:
There are lots inferiors like that lol
There are lots inferiors like that lol

Bashar Al Assad convinced Syrians they were Phoenician White Non-Arabs, but when they went to Europe, they realized they only see them as Arabs.i still hear this nonsense from MB.

They also have trouble believing Pakistanis have Arab, Turk, and Iranian blood. You will find some confused people on PDF too.
Never met a single MB guy, who speaks like that.

It is common in the US. I know most of the leadership of Levant MB (Syrian, Jordanian, Palestinian) particularly, very well. I can list the people whom I know, but I would compromise their identities and my own, so I will not do that.

It is a bit off topic. Let me share a thread with you.


Read my posts here. If you want to discuss it, let us do it there.

Final note, CAIR, ISNA, MAS, MSA national, are all Muslim Brotherhood dominated organizations in the US. ICNA is Pakistani Jamat e Islami.
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It is common in the US. I know most of the leadership of Levant MB (Syrian, Jordanian, Palestinian) particularly, very well. I can list the people whom I know, but I would compromise their identities and my own, so I will not do that.

It is a big off topic. Let me share a thread with you.


Read my posts here. If you want to discuss it, let us do it there.

Final note, CAIR, ISNA, MAS, MSA national, are all Muslim Brotherhood dominated organizations in the US. ICNA is Pakistani Jamat e Islami.
Never met an MB member in ME which backs your claim. Those are American organizations as written by you, would they scream Islam will dominate the world in the US? :D
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