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Suicide drones hit target 500km inside Iran

Yeah, and how are you planning to do that if everytime you tried doing that the drone got shot down?
remember the time Hezbollah drones flew over 40min over Israel ?
they were delivering Colt M45A1 and Smith & Wesson's SW1911 easily accessible and cheap on free market , easy to hide , effective in closed quarters

The axis of evil were iran syria and north korea not iraq as stated by bush if it wouldnt have been for america saddam and Afghan taliban would have squezed iran from both borders and Afghan taliban and Afghanistan considers khorasan province of iran Afghanistan territory both saddam and Afghan taliban would have started covert overt and extra territorial operations against iran had it not been for america overthrowing them its america which saved iran in the region in future we will see what's the real purpose of america is with iran is it truely a enemy of iran or both america and iran wants to destablise iran's neighbours in the wake of fighting israel or america selling weapons to arab states in fear of iran if america takes out iran then the arab states will buy less weapons from america because their second biggest enemy after israel is neutralised thats why america wants to keep proping up iran in the region so as to sell as many weapons it can to iran's arab neighbours
nice try , Iraq was part of it from day one
remember the time Hezbollah drones flew over 40min over Israel ?
they were delivering Colt M45A1 and Smith & Wesson's SW1911 easily accessible and cheap on free market , easy to hide , effective in closed quarters
Nah, they were flying in the Golan Heights below some treelines, I don't know who you delivering pistols to, mountain goats?
Iran isn't smuggling any weapons inside Israel.

Palestinians stand no chance in actual combat, they can only shoot unarmed civilians, whenever Israel fights Palestinians there's 0 Israeli casualties and a bunch of Palestinians dead.
Nah, they were flying in the Golan Heights below some treelines, I don't know who you delivering pistols to, mountain goats?
Iran isn't smuggling any weapons inside Israel.

Palestinians stand no chance in actual combat, they can only shoot unarmed civilians, whenever Israel fights Palestinians there's 0 Israeli casualties and a bunch of Palestinians dead.
40 min remember it
Nah, they were flying in the Golan Heights below some treelines, I don't know who you delivering pistols to, mountain goats?
Iran isn't smuggling any weapons inside Israel.

Palestinians stand no chance in actual combat, they can only shoot unarmed civilians, whenever Israel fights Palestinians there's 0 Israeli casualties and a bunch of Palestinians dead.

Yeah, israelis are really tough when killing old women, children, and bulldozing houses. The day will come my friend when you won't be able to hide behind your big Uncle Sam, until then, carry on with your boasting.
Is there an issue with your sight? I posted proof that Bush in his speech mentioned Iran, Iraq and Korea as members of his so-called "axis of evil".

In pictures and sound. Or are you having hearing issues as well?

To destroy an ally of Iran by arming and funding an armed rebellion against it.

So what? As I said, Iran stays loyal to her allies.

No he is not, ignoramus.

View attachment 914434

This is at least the fourth factual mistake you're making, proving with each post how little you know of the topics you're ranting about.

Moreover, Ahmad Masoud's spokesperson Fahim Dashti was on the record for endorsing Kurdish separatists working against Iran in an interview given to Rudaw:

Stop making a fool of yourself.

A war fought to encircle Iran and threaten her directly via American troop deployment along her borders.

Those mujahedin do not seem to hold a grudge against Iran. Iran backed them with arms and funds to fight American occupiers.

Iran Backs Taliban With Cash and Arms​

Shiite Tehran has quietly boosted ties with the Sunni militant group and is now recruiting and training its fighters

June 11, 2015 7:32 pm ET


Afghan, U.S. Officials Say Iran Arming Taliban​

September 28, 2017


Pakistan on the other hand has been subject since the Taleban takeover to tens of attacks from terrorists operating out of Afghanistan.

I'm starting to think you're either five to six years old, or a false flagging troll.
You please dont reply to me as you iranians and iranian apologisers cant hear the truth its in your dna of iranians and iranian sympathisers to foolishly drag on your filth and lies without accepting the truth
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Yeah, israelis are really tough when killing old women, children, and bulldozing houses. The day will come my friend when you won't be able to hide behind your big Uncle Sam, until then, carry on with your boasting.
Even the trees and buildings won't hide them (have said it multiple times). Will be eradicated like feral wild pigs are culled by arrows and bullets .... they run here and there but do not know from where the blow is coming.
40 minute where? at the mountainous border of the Golan Heights?
cross country in Israel , not just mountain and the weapon can be delivered to the mountains area and then picked up and transported into your cities.
and its what you guys said not us . we knew from where those weapon come . just search the net and see how many weapon are not accounted in Israel arsenal and nobody knew where are they.
the reality is your officer and soldiers sell those weapons on black market and then Palestinian buy them from weapon merchants .
its just a simple case of corruption in your army , right now around 400,000 piece of light weapon is missing from your arsenal and nobody knew where are they .
You please dont reply to me as you iranians and iranian apologisers cant hear the truth its in your dna of iranians and iranian sympathisers to foolishly drag on your filth and lies without accepting the truth
what truth we can't here , it seems that your DNA can't accept the truth.
Syria was not in Axis of Evil , it Was Iraq, Iran and N. Korea and stated in Bush 2002 State of union
later Bolton gave a speech called Beyond Axis Of Evil in it he stated Syria , Cuba and Libya must be added to the axis of Evil . that's all
Everyone blames Israel and Azerbaijan or both but we all know Azerbaijan can't do this and Mossad, on the other hand, says that they carried out this attack just to give the impression that they are active inside Iran.
I believe Kurdish militias that trained in Northern Iraq are much more likely to have carried out this attack because smuggling happen more often in that area and ıts easy to send this drones from there to Iran and there is already a terror network created in Northen Iraq.

PYD is a terrorist organization and they have Iranian ATGMs. I don't care who gave them. Turkish army will not leave Syria before PYD is destroyed.

IF you don't want your lands invaded, then don't shelter fucking terrorists.
Your country helped ISIS the super terrorist beast way more than Iran helped PYD....stop being a hypocrite and keep quiet.

Turkey supported ISIS's infrastructure and attacks in the region at NATO's behest, simple. Turkey is a low self esteem NATO lackey that is always ready to talk tough in public but play its servant role in reality...just like Turkey is Muslim but still took part in the invasion of Muslim Afghanistan. Iran hasnt even turned up the heat on Turkey yet..i know because there is no sustained heat on Turkey or Turkish forces...those rockets on Turkish troops in Iraq was Iraqi level action that Iran didnt fully control.
Your country helped ISIS the super terrorist beast way more than Iran helped PYD....stop being a hypocrite and keep quiet.

Turkey supported ISIS's infrastructure and attacks in the region at NATO's behest, simple. Turkey is a low self esteem NATO lackey that is always ready to talk tough in public but play its servant role in reality...just like Turkey is Muslim but still took part in the invasion of Muslim Afghanistan. Iran hasnt even turned up the heat on Turkey yet..i know because there is no sustained heat on Turkey or Turkish forces...those rockets on Turkish troops in Iraq was Iraqi level action that Iran didnt fully control.
"low self esteem" coming from the Iranian with American flags :rofl:
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