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Suicide bomber attacks Shia mosque in Saudi Arabia - Breaking News

And the 60000 + deobandies killed in Pakistan cannot catch your attention...oh wait they are sunni's /deobandi so who care...what a logic from so called think tank

60k Deobandis have been killed in Pakistan? Implying that all people killed in this country are from your sect and essentially no one has been killed. Lol How exactly are you maintaining this list btw?

The logic is derived from the fact that no Deobandi affiliated mosque or Madarsa has been targeted yet or even if targeted, there are merely one or two instances of that. That is sheer luck for a whole group of people from a nation collectively suffering from the menace of terrorism. Last, you might want to check the ideology of most of the terrorists groups fighting in Pakistan all the TTP-SSP-ASWJ-LeJ etc, you will see some similarity there too. I can understand the itch to defend, however back this with logical answers instead of personal attacks.
@Irfan Baloch, brother, on this, he's spot on. It's only that the Saudi's can keep a tight control over local population that we don't see much of such attacks, however, the rabid ideology is ripe within the Saudi society, and that too, at-large!

Can you explain about thousands of Saudis who joined Al-Qaeda, Nusra or ISIS? Majority of suicide bombers in Iraq and Syria are Saudis, so I don't think what you say about 'confusion' can be applied to all. There is immense potential in Saudi population to launch these kinds of actions or to be absorbed to such groups, if they are allowed to. Don't ever underestimate power of extremist ideologies especially in area of Najd. Maybe the reason that most of them can join foreign groups but fail to launch domestic attacks is that Saudis can keep good control on internal matters, but let them loose as long as they blow themselves up in other countries like Iraq and Syria.

RIP to the dead, it's hard to describe how savage it is to enter a mosque and blow yourself up among people who are praying.

Read @Serpentine's reply. It sums it up nicely!

One must appreciate certain trait of Saudis, what they spread in someone else house, they don't tolerate it in their own
Like I said it before Saudia Arabia is next in this conspiracy, Iran US and Israel nexus continues. Last Stop Iran against all sunni Countries. So how is this strategy of winning a war without fighting...gotta give it to gora minds.

What kind of messed up education system gives birth to these lame and stupid kinds of theories and thinking? I can't imagine the level of brainwashing which leads someone to say Iran is behind a terrorist attack against Shias with cooperation of US and Israel, while it's GCC and Arabs who are literally US bed mates, buying billions of dollars of arms and receiving support from US in their war against poor Yemenis.
What kind of messed up education system gives birth to these lame and stupid kinds of theories and thinking? I can't imagine the level of brainwashing which leads someone to say Iran is behind a terrorist attack against Shias with cooperation of US and Israel, while it's GCC and Arabs who are literally US bed mates, buying billions of dollars of arms and receiving support from US in their war against poor Yemenis.

the kind that sees what happening on the ground and then thinks instead of just reading the propaganda and making up their minds.
60k Deobandis have been killed in Pakistan? Implying that all people killed in this country are from your sect and essentially no one has been killed. Lol How exactly are you maintaining this list btw?

The logic is derived from the fact that no Deobandi affiliated mosque or Madarsa has been targeted yet or even if targeted, there are merely one or two instances of that. That is sheer luck for a whole group of people from a nation collectively suffering from the menace of terrorism. Last, you might want to check the ideology of most of the terrorists groups fighting in Pakistan all the TTP-SSP-ASWJ-LeJ etc, you will see some similarity there too. I can understand the itch to defend, however back this with logical answers instead of personal attacks.

pray tell me who are the majority killed so far in war on terrorism,there is not a single area here whoh aven't seen their near ones killed in terrorist activities and guess what almost all are deobandi majority area,but the mentality that if yours 100 are killed,not significant but if our 1 is killed,whole country is out to get us is certainly taking the good of you...The Generalization of whole sect based on actions of few is really sickening...
So, the monster is coming home. A country who can't provide security to its own citizen, but day and nite bombing the neighboring country for democracy. Seems King is now living in bunkers.

I am not trying to bad mouth our security forces and LEAs, but when will we be pro-active in this regard? And even if we are, we might very well be doing too little too late, we might be doing something that must have been done years ago.
I guess by we you are talking about KSA forces?
yes they have been proactive as well. if you look up on the web browser..... the terror attacks, plots, foiled attempts then you will see a long list of raids conducted by Saudi security forces on plotters. this is why such attacks on Saudi soil are an exception not a matter of fact like in say Iraq , Afghanistan or Pakistan.

be very clear, there is NO such thing as 100% security. the state has to be on the offensive all the time seeking out the worse of the worst and changing the minds of the people so that the terrorist ideology cant home in on the public.

RIP, InshAllah the Saudis will crush the terrorists by very soon.
you can be sure of that
they DONT take prisoners
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Shias are victims as usual .

I wonder what a propaganda war could happen if it happened in a Sunni mosque accidentally in Iraq or Yemen .

Probably another Tikrit story by Al Arabiya and Al Jazeera .
Suicide bomber attacks Shia mosque in Saudi Arabia
Deaths reported after attacker detonates explosives in eastern Qatif province, Reuters says.
22 May 2015 10:23 GMT

A suicide bomber has detonated his explosives at a Shia mosque in eastern Saudi Arabia during Friday prayers, killing and wounding several people, residents said.

One witness described a huge explosion at the Imam Ali mosque in a village in the province of Qatif, where more than 150 people were praying.

A source told the Reuters news agency that there were at least 30 casualties estimated in the attack.

The Saudi state news agency confirmed an explosion had occurred at a mosque and said more details would be provided later.

Suicide bomber attacks Shia mosque in Saudi Arabia - Al Jazeera English

Extremely Sad news. Our condolences to the families of the dead.
This is bad bad news this could lead to Muslim countries being on fire if this is not controlled. I hope things get better and get better fast
@Irfan Baloch, brother, on this, he's spot on. It's only that the Saudi's can keep a tight control over local population that we don't see much of such attacks, however, the rabid ideology is ripe within the Saudi society, and that too, at-large!

Read @Serpentine's reply. It sums it up nicely!
I know and I read that too. and I understand his point of view. I can also give many similar examples of Pakistanis committing similar acts inside Pakistan and other countries as far as Europe. yes the ideology is the issue and it is closely identified with a sect within the Sunni Islam but like they used to say not all Pashtons are Taliban but all Taliban are Pashtons.

for now I am deferring the events outside KSA. I am jealous of Saudi patriotism and the way their forces have pretty much kept the Kingdom a relatively safer place than the rest of the world. it seems that ISIS or whatever has carried out the attack is testing the Saudi resolve.

for the sake of the victims and their families I wont indulge in point scoring here I can tell Saudi security infrastructure and all its levels will be on the overdrive at the moment I just want to see how KSA deal with it and I just want to show it off to our own apologetic law enforcement and justice system.

Shias are victims as usual .

I wonder what a propaganda war could happen if it happened in a Sunni mosque accidentally in Iraq or Yemen .

Probably another Tikrit story by Al Arabiya and Al Jazeera .
who knows? yes indeed they were shia victims but they were human first and they were innocent too. lets identify them as human beings who were killed without any provocation.

ISIS is our common enemy a common enemy of humanity. we must stop our proxy wars and deal with this menace because it is using the space created due to the infighting of the different Muslim countries.
I guess by we youa re talking about KSA forces?
yes they have been proactive as well. if you look up on the web browser..... the terror attacks, plots, foiled attempts then you will see a long list of raids conducted by Saudi security forces on plotters. this is why such attacks on Saudi soil are an exception not a matter of fact like in say Iraq , Afghanistan or Pakistan.

be very clear, there is NO such thing as 100% security. the state has to be on the offensive all the time seeking out the worse of the worst and changing the minds of the people so that the terrorist ideology cant home in on the public.

you can be sure of that
they DONT take prisoners

KSA and GCC takes their security very seriously and they have zero tolerance for any instability.
KSA for sure will crush the terrorists with a iron fist.
Pak and saudia sud make joint task force where they share intelligence and have joint operation once saudia will destablize the whole region wont survive.

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