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Suicide Bomb Attack in Shajalal International Airport, One Person Killed.

we need to stop worry about that, just focus what we are doing.
Yeah. Some posts on reddit after that Westminster attack changed my outlook. Londoners were saying things like the only thing that terrorist did was cleared the traffic in the area or even minutes after the attack people were bitching about late as usual metro. Then a few brought in some historical happenstances like someone's gramps evacuated to the countryside during WW2 London bombing but they came back after a few weeks cause bombing in London is more convenient than the British rural countryside and someone said that some stores were open and some people bought groceries at the market that was truck-attacked in Germany etc etc.

Moral of the story is terrorists want to spread terror, fear for your daily life. Even if he haven't killed anyone, he strikes fear that anyone anywhere can be next. His goal is achieved. Don't get feared, don't get terrorized, live normally. Hil ultimate goal will fail miserably.
welll similar type happened 1 week ago when suicide attacker tried to attack RAB barrack but killed by RAB in the spot.
Did the authorities recover suicide belt and such things which could prove these are suicide attacks?
your government seems upset after those pakistani sympathisers hangings and you have the expertise in these suicide bombings as well, hence you have the motivation and means as well to do this

I dont know what you are talking about?
I am not going to respond to your low level saffron posts, India will do anything to achieve its objectives, your own Ajit doval has admitted financing terrorists to do the dirty work enough said.
Jamatis are disparate. Good riddance

Jamaties cannot be such fools to shoot themselves in the head by any such thing. This could very well be planted by someone who might to influence some contracts in favour of India? some agreements? the pressure tactics? wasn't there a high profile visit ?
Did the authorities recover suicide belt and such things which could prove these are suicide attacks?
Allah knows well, whom do they mention as a suicide bomber was alive :confused:
Jamaties cannot be such fools to shoot themselves in the head by any such thing. This could very well be planted by someone who might to influence some contracts in favour of India? some agreements? the pressure tactics? wasn't there a high profile visit ?

When will you guys ever learn to come out of your parallel universe where everything is a conspiracy theory and learn to live in the real world?
Lol what.... Only the suicide bomber dead.. no one hurt or injured... Good riddance... may he burn in hell.

Man.. I so hope, these desperate idiots keep killing themselves... Dont mind the gory mess as long as no innocent is hurt.

Good to hear there were no casualties, I take back my words.
When will you guys ever learn to come out of your parallel universe where everything is a conspiracy theory and learn to live in the real world?
Now a days faith is more valuable and everyone is paranoid:cool:
That is why I dont support arresting these dogs. Hunt them and kill them, point blank.. no ifs and buts.

Good stuff he blew himself up. Rot in hell while we send your remaining species back to join you there.
Sad news. Hopefully no casualties. Any updates or details about suicide attacker's affiliation?
Police Chief said it was NOT a suicide attack.
No civilian casualties.
It happened almost a km away from the main Airport terminal.
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Sad news. Hopefully no casualties. Any updates or details about suicide attacker's affiliation?
No update yet, Now a days we have to decide on some news if those are true or false. The person attacked on a police box where he was killed, but not sure how he died by his bomb or by police.
When will you guys ever learn to come out of your parallel universe where everything is a conspiracy theory and learn to live in the real world?
tell this to your beloved indian who was looking for conspiracy

Police Chief said it was NOT a suicide attack.
No civilian casualties.
It happened almost a km away from the main Airport terminal.

I guessed so that is why I was asking if it was determined if it was a suicide attack
Curse the day when Indians unleashed the monster of suicide bombings in this region via LTTE terrorists.

I hope apart from the terrorist himself no one was hurt!
@ Bangladesh has become a play ground of RAW. It is they, who decide where to do what ? I think they have a master Plan ahead of our Prime Minister's visit to India. The visit is scheduled on 07/08 April 2017. Something coming over !

@ What ever they do but it is sure our PM is not going to sign the so called Defense Pact with India.
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