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Suicide blast in Quetta’s Hazara town kills at least 28

YES YES YES! you and your blog writers have finally broken the code and figured it out! Can I get ' Amen' from you brother!

We can both agree on some things, and one of those is that TTP is not some RAW sponsored entity.
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My philosophy is that before I can be a Muslim, I have to be a ‘Human’. You may have seen the video I posted. What kind of men will gladly slaughter two human beings like sheep for no other reason except that they happen to be born into a Shia household? I have also come across video where TTP are beheading captured Pakistan Army soldiers.

Pakistani Taliban execute, behead soldiers in South Waziristan - The Long War Journal

In my opinion people such people and those who provide them succour are disgrace to the human race. They may look like humans but are in fact demons in disguise.

I have seen Islam change within my life time. For example there is a clear edict in the holy Quran which forbids “Suicide”. However you have suicide bombers every day and most of the mullah’s and Muftis (those who issue Fatwa or a religious decree) turn a blind eye.

I come from a Syed family which means that we are Muslims since the very beginning of Islam. However the Islam that I believe is totally different from the blood thirsty creed that is being practiced by Al Qaida, SSP, LeJ and the like.

Since I am partial to Sufism; many of the Deobandi/ Wahhabi/ Salaafi followers would probably consider me a ‘Mushrik’ or ‘Kafir’ and a fair game for killing in the name of Allah. Tragedy is that despite all of this PTI Chief Minister of KPK (new name of NWFP) states ‘Taliban are not our enemies’

PTI, JI and PML-N are full of extremist sympathizers. Mark my words, nothing will happen, after a few days we will forget all about it until a new incident happens.

I did not see the video- I have seen enough over the years that still haunt me. These days I just don't click such links.

But I have stomach enough to know that the men who do this put themselves beyond the pale of human mercy. They must be fought, because they will show no one any mercy if they win.

I feel for you. These Muslims who are fanatics believe that they can spread their version of Islam through violence. They couldn't be more wrong. Even moderate left - wingish stone cold liberals like me start to get their backs up when confronted by such horrific behavior.

Unfortunately it seems to me - and as an outsider I could be completely wrong- that while the vast majority in Pakistan abhor violence, too many are falling prey to the baser instincts of racism, ethnicity, tribalism and religion so that, while they remain non-violent, they do not condemn racism, ethnicity, tribalism or religious intolerance, and sometimes even implicitly support it. The role of the state in this is of course well documented. It seems to me that there is so much repressed anger in society - I remember how two brothers were beaten to death in public by a mob some time ago, on charges of stealing - and much of this has to do with the state miserably failing its people.

As a Hindu, Islam to me represents high achievements in literature, arts, architecture. The tradition of Mir, Ghalib, Faiz; the beauty of Urdu; the mystic, soul absorbing Sufi experience; the Taj Mahal. All these are part of my culture.

Unfortunately what hits the headlines these days are videos of murderers hacking their prisoners to death.

The irony here is that despite being mature and having over 6,000 posts on the forum, you still haven't figured out whom the Pakistan Army created and nurtured and whom they didn't. TTP is not a creation of Pakistan Army. The groups created by Pakistan Army are long dead, but if you need to find their successors, then it is the Afghan Taliban, who aren't Tehreek-e-Taliban.

You are wrong mate...Most of the TTP founding members and top commanders were part of afghan mujahideen which was supported by Pakistan-Just like top afghan taliban leadership..

The irony here is that despite being mature and having over 6,000 posts on the forum, you still haven't figured out whom the Pakistan Army created and nurtured and whom they didn't. TTP is not a creation of Pakistan Army. The groups created by Pakistan Army are long dead, but if you need to find their successors, then it is the Afghan Taliban, who aren't Tehreek-e-Taliban.

You need to worry about the LTTE terrorists you nurtured and shipped off to Sri Lanka to fight your proxies.

Gulbuddin Hekmatyar is dead?
thats very true, they were beaten badly and our communities are left to suffer because Saudis went on an over drive
now the seeds of their ideology are in Afghanistan, China , Somalia, Syria , Egypt and far east including Malysia
Muslim brotherhood, Al Qaeda and all their regional/ local chapters follow the same taqfiri ideology which mainly explains its existence by eliminating everyone else who is not "them" and starting from the most hated / obvious target they will move to the general Sunni population .

a beggar and shameless nation that has shameless and inept leadership cant force Saudis or Americans, Iranians or Indians and Martians to stop their subversion all it can do is blame the weaker communities and outside forces... job done

and repeat the same excuse on the next tragedy

Mr before calling some one takfiri bring one single proof against their thoughts through Quran and Sunnah and if you can't than you don't have any right to call some one takfiri secondly for past 10 years LEJ is not getting support from Saudi Arabia its your local who are supporting it and if Shias thought they would not get any reaction after they will try to bully than they were living in fools paradise only Saudi proved to more smarter than them and Iran still tries to do its blunders for example in Morocco recently that is their ambassador was thrown outside

The moon is made of cheese and the g8 is controlled by lizardlike blood drinking aliens who believe in freemasonry, am I right?
If you can't bring proof against Saudis than keep quite other wise I can say more harsher things
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What is the probability of Iran & Hezbollah getting directly / indirectly involved on behalf of the Shias? Afterall as I read, that Saudis are involved. How difficult could it be for the others to get involved too if this genocidal culling of shias continue.
@Irfan Baloch

I have a question, we know what is going on in Pakistan. My personal opinion is that, these killings are just a distraction. To get our attention away from the actual mess that is happening in the background. Now we all know what had happened when Hussain Haqani, and Rehman Malik allowed loads and loads of americans, and God knows who else enter Pakistan with out any chks.

Let me be the devils advocate, and say this. That what are the possibilities of some of them agents or sleepers sells might have gotten activated. And causing mahem, along with talibans, and lej. Now dont get me wrong, I dont doubt for a min on the intentions of the lej, and the tangi bangies. That how desperate they are, and how pathetic they are.

Now that said, my question is to the above mentioned people, now if anyone wants to act the clown, and pass out smart comments with out any substance. Kindly keep them to your self. Yes I am the conspiracy theorist. :D

What you have highlighted is not a conspiracy; it is a well-known strategy used throughout history.

The basic premise is that, as long as your enemies are busy killing each other, they won't have time to attack you. It is also known as "we'll take the war to them".

There are two parts to this strategy:

A- You need to 'wall in' your opponents by making it clear that you are disproportionately superior and utterly beyond their reach. Israel has achieved that vis-a-vis the Arabs, and the US has achieved that vis-a-vis the terrorists.

B- You need to nurture and promote divisions within the enemy camp. Since they are 'walled in' (part A above), they will now channel their anger and frustrations at each other. That is why TTP claims they are angry at US drone strikes, but all they can do is target weaker targets like the Pakistan army or civilians. That is why the Arabs fight Iran, because they have given up all hope of challenging Israel.

Note that this doesn't absolve the actual fanatics doing the fighting. The Islamic extremists and their local minders are very much to blame, but it also doesn't change the fact that opportunists will exploit these openings to full advantage.

At the end of the day, since we have much more control within our boundaries than we do abroad, it makes sense to focus on domestic counter-measures first.
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Mr before calling some one takfiri bring one single proof against their thoughts through Quran and Sunnah and if you can't than you don't have any right to call some one takfiri secondly for past 10 years LEJ is not getting support from Saudi Arabia its your local who are supporting it and if Shias thought they would not get any reaction after they will try to bully than they were living in fools paradise only Saudi proved to more smarter than them and Iran still tries to do its blunders for example in Morocco recently that is their ambassador was thrown outside

If you can't bring proof against Saudis than keep quite other wise I can say more harsher things

Oh look a threat on the Internet, I am shaking in my boots. Take a hint and get lost kid....
What is the probability of Iran & Hezbollah getting directly / indirectly involved on behalf of the Shias? Afterall as I read, that Saudis are involved. How difficult could it be for the others to get involved too if this genocidal culling of shias continue.

They are already involved! SMP is just like SSP
Mr before calling some one takfiri bring one single proof against their thoughts through Quran and Sunnah and if you can't than you don't have any right to call some one takfiri secondly for past 10 years LEJ is not getting support from Saudi Arabia its your local who are supporting it and if Shias thought they would not get any reaction after they will try to bully than they were living in fools paradise only Saudi proved to more smarter than them and Iran still tries to do its blunders for example in Morocco recently that is their ambassador was thrown outside

If you can't bring proof against Saudis than keep quite other wise I can say more harsher things

Hon Zarvan,

Even though we have totally opposite views regarding TTP and extremist ideology, I freely admit that you are very knowledgeable about Quran & Sunnah and I sincerely respect that. I have never considered myself as ‘Mr Know All’ and believe that life is nothing but a learning process; thus I make it a point to read your posts.

I have two questions:

1. Post of Hon Irfan Baloch did not label any one as ‘Kafir’ it labelled Muslim Brotherhood & Al-Qaida as followers of Takfiri ideology.

My understanding was that Takfris are those people who call others apostate. For example the Kharjites who labelled Amirul Momineen Hazrat Osman (RA) and Amirul Momineen Hazrat Ali (RA) as apostate and LEJ who have written books and issue videos calling Shias ‘kafir’. Don’t these people follow Takfiri ideology? Where does the reference to Quran and Sunnah comes in here? Would appreciate clarification.

2. I am certain that you know the wholy Quran better than I do; therefore I don’t need to quote the Quranic verse that says ‘Don’t kill yourself’.

What would call people who are blowing themselves up and killing scores of totally innocent people along with their intended target? Isn’t this going against a direct command of Allah and a practice that should be rejected as ‘bida’a’ in the orthodox Islamic belief? Do you think that committing suicide is ‘Kufr’?
Hon Zarvan,

Even though we have totally opposite views regarding TTP and extremist ideology, I freely admit that you are very knowledgeable about Quran & Sunnah and I sincerely respect that. I have never considered myself as ‘Mr Know All’ and believe that life is nothing but a learning process; thus I make it a point to read your posts.

I have two questions:

1. Post of Hon Irfan Baloch did not label any one as ‘Kafir’ it labelled Muslim Brotherhood & Al-Qaida as followers of Takfiri ideology.

My understanding was that Takfris are those people who call others apostate. For example the Kharjites who labelled Amirul Momineen Hazrat Osman (RA) and Amirul Momineen Hazrat Ali (RA) as apostate and LEJ who have written books and issue videos calling Shias ‘kafir’. Don’t these people follow Takfiri ideology? Where does the reference to Quran and Sunnah comes in here? Would appreciate clarification.

2. I am certain that you know the wholy Quran better than I do; therefore I don’t need to quote the Quranic verse that says ‘Don’t kill yourself’.

What would call people who are blowing themselves up and killing scores of totally innocent people along with their intended target? Isn’t this going against a direct command of Allah and a practice that should be rejected as ‘bida’a’ in the orthodox Islamic belief? Do you think that committing suicide is ‘Kufr’?
No they don't and kind of you are saying Mr each sect calls other kafir Read Barelwi stuff for them every one else is kafir read shia they call every one else kafir read deoband they do the same Sir they all follow takfiri ideologies

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