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Suicide blast in Quetta’s Hazara town kills at least 28

before calling some one takfiri prove him wrong according to Quran and sunnah if can't remain quiet than you at wrong and you need to correct your self mr and @Cheetah786 I will bring proof from books too

Don't backtrack - you live in Lahore right - you need to be picked up, you and your takfiri friends are a threat to national security.
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Don't backtrack - you live in Lahore right - you need to be picked up, you and your takfiri friends are a threat to national security.

who said I am back trailing I am here firm with my views because they are based on Quran and sunnah if you want to prove them wrong prove them wrong from Quran and sunnah other wise I give a dam about your personal biases
that said, how many other sects are going on a crusade of mass killing? there one and only one from Africa to Far east
just a correction I have read, shia, Ahemdi and Beralvi literature they call themselves the best followers of Islam and call others misguided not Kafir because Kafir is one who denies One ness of God and Prophethood of Muhammed PBUH, I am Islamic university graduate and was given the full doze of Salafi Figh as a university requirement and was made to taught to belive that Ibn tahmiyah and Muhammad Ibn wahab was something life second coming. although the university text was not as crass and vile as the books sold outside Red mosque but it went at length to show how bad the Beralvis /(sufis) and Shias were.

lets put that all to one side and lets talk about a person who through his deeds his conduct, his governance got the title of Omar e Sani no other but Hazrat Omar Bin Abdul Aziz r.a the best Caliph of his times who gave relief to all oppressed including Shias , he was of Bannu Omayah clan but he stopped the ritual of abusing Hazrat Ali during Friday prayers which Hazrat Amir Maiwiya had introduced.

so what is my point? if people like Omar Bin Abdul Aziz ra allow people of differnt faith and religion allow to live in peace without fear in his rule then who not people of today in any Muslim majority country? why do the minorities have to run to non-Muslim countries to escape persecution?

is Islam of these people only satisfied by killing who is not following their faith? what a pity they have defiled Islam to some rabid savage cult.

can we agree that such Muslims who follow Al Qaeda/ LeJ / Taliban ideology have no relation to Islam? if they do then what does it make us humble, mortal people?

its open season on everyone now because people like me didnt speak out before
When It comes to sectarian crusading and Mass killing Then you need to accept that Shia was the first Sect ever introduced in Islam and It is a fact that Prophet S.A.W.W had made it clear to never divide Islam in sects But Prophet S.A.W.W had also warned about 73 sects of Islam . and sir first Ethnic cleansing of in the name of Sect was done by Safavids in Iran where they have massacred 8 million Sunnis and their Spiritual leaders and forcefully converted them into Shias. If we all are Muslims then why they need to convert them in Shias?

From day one you are defending Shi'ites and their acts , using their references which is rejected by Almost All Sunni School of thoughts , I'm not saying sect for Barelvi , Deobandi and other cuz they all prefer to be called Muslims , and like to be called with the name of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat.

Why we don't accept Shi'ite claims about Hazrat Mauwiya R.A ? Its because most of their Narration came with any reliable back up source.

Now If Barelvi ,Deoband and Ahle Hadees . . All Ulema are agreed on point that Shi'ite have completely seperate merits of faith and they have different Parameters which cannot be mixed with Islam. Hence all Jaiyad Ulema declare them non-muslims. Now Are all of them are Taliban?
First of all sects are involved in killing each other Sir the deobandis the Barelwis

thanks for you input my dear
we will divert to faith debate which is not the point. lets stick to the topic of Hazara genocide which is being justified by a takfiri cult which sadly has roots in Deobandi and Salafi faith.

its not a leader board match to see how many did one sect kill the others we will only bring shame to ourselves by showing how much unislamic we are.

lets together we pray for the dead and beg for Allah's Help and Forgiveness may Allah Grant us the shred of patience & tolerance shown by Prophet PBUH His family & Sahabah RA


When It comes to sectarian crusading and Mass killing Then you need to accept that Shia was the first Sect ever introduced in Islam

good man, as a preacher , are you telling all prospect Muslims that everyone deserves to die if he is not a Sunni?

I wonder if this line of thinking would have got Muslims anywhere when they started preaching Islam.
Day of terror


Lashkar-e-Jhangvi took responsibility of the attack in Quetta. PHOTO: AFP/FILE

At least 46 people were killed on June 30, in some of the deadliest attacks since the PML-N government has come into power. Twenty-nine of these, among them nine women and three children, were killed in Quetta in a suicide bombing, in an attack targeting the Hazara Shia community, which was later claimed by the Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ). Earlier in the day, 17 people were killed and around 47 injured when a bomb targeting an FC convoy exploded near a busy marketplace in Peshawar.

According to a report in this newspaper, in Peshawar, the police and security officials opened fire after the bomb was detonated, leading to more casualties. Clearly then, despite the fact that we frequently suffer such blasts, our security officials are not only unable to help prevent them, but are also unable to deal with their aftermath. Moreover, in any other country, this death toll would make heads roll. But in Pakistan, we seem to have tacitly accepted that this is a fight beyond us — that our government and security apparatus should be excused because the enemy is just too powerful.

To be fair, the new government has just come into power and may need breathing space before it can tackle this issue. On the other hand, the fact that this was going to be one of its major challenges was no secret and one hopes it has a winning strategy to deal with this issue. With these attacks amongst others, since the government has assumed office, the militants have clearly stated their intent. There is nothing remotely encouraging in terms of talks in their demeanor.

In fact, with every passing day, they seem to signal that they want things to be their way, or there will be more death. Clearly then, it would appear that they seem to want to bring down the state, rather than talk to it. The government’s priority then, at this point, should be to reassert itself and act decisively towards the militants. Leaders of the LeJ, who claimed responsibility for this and other sectarian attacks with so much impunity, must be dealt with, as well as those from other terrorist organisations. We cannot allow space for other such attacks. Every life is precious. Let us resolve not to let even one more be taken in such a manner.

Published in The Express Tribune, July 2nd, 2013.
@Irfan Baloch

I have a question, we know what is going on in Pakistan. My personal opinion is that, these killings are just a distraction. To get our attention away from the actual mess that is happening in the background. Now we all know what had happened when Hussain Haqani, and Rehman Malik allowed loads and loads of americans, and God knows who else enter Pakistan with out any chks.

Let me be the devils advocate, and say this. That what are the possibilities of some of them agents or sleepers sells might have gotten activated. And causing mahem, along with talibans, and lej. Now dont get me wrong, I dont doubt for a min on the intentions of the lej, and the tangi bangies. That how desperate they are, and how pathetic they are.

Now that said, my question is to the above mentioned people, now if anyone wants to act the clown, and pass out smart comments with out any substance. Kindly keep them to your self. Yes I am the conspiracy theorist. :D
Your post is intreaguing . My only question is, if someone wanted mayhem and confusion in your country, they wouldn't attack a tiny helpless minority about whom the majority doesn't care. They will attack the majority that will create the most ripples.
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good man, as a preacher , are you telling all prospect Muslims that everyone deserves to die if he is not a Sunni?

I wonder if this line of thinking would have got Muslims anywhere when they started preaching Islam.
I haven't justified Killings of Hazara , But tried to explain that Problem don't lies in Faith or Thought which you are continously blaming about . Your problem is that you never mention those deadliest events which have created L-e-J . Again I'm not justifying but sharing my opinion after studying this particular subject.

I'm even not trying any point scoring but it was you who mentioned Hazrat Mauwiya R.A with a specific allegation which is only popular in a particular Religion . I just don't follow any particular school of thought but I'm also not blind who don't observe the records of each and every killing that increasing anger among Sunnis . and As far as just Karachi is considered then central jail is filled with the Shi'ite militants , Many them have killed over hundred of people . What do you think hiding their act won't count in silent justification . I personally think that you are not putting things in a right context.
Your post is intreaguing . My only question is, if someone wanted mayhem and confusion in your country, they wouldn't attack a tiny helpless minority about whom the majority doesn't care. They will attack the majority that will create the most ripples.


Guess it might be Black Waters and other host of other foreign agencies whose members are allowed to slip away from the Hospital surrounded by none but SSG in the cover of night.
Your post is intreaguing . My only question is, if someone wanted mayhem and confusion in your country, they wouldn't attack a tiny helpless minority about whom the majority doesn't care. They will attack the majority that will create the most ripples.

The minority is getting hit, so is everyone else. Now did we forget the blasts that happened in KPK this week only. The minority attacks get more attention, and they should. But everyone gets hit. And also the minority is getting hit because that is how the chaos will be guaranteed. Also kindly read Rescue Rangers post.


Guess it might be Black Waters and other host of other foreign agencies whose members are allowed to slip away from the Hospital surrounded by none but SSG in the cover of night.

Seriously if you cant grasp the questions being asked, dont troll. Thanks.
I haven't justified Killings of Hazara , But tried to explain that Problem don't lies in Faith or Thought which you are continously blaming about . Your problem is that you never mention those deadliest events which have created L-e-J . Again I'm not justifying but sharing my opinion after studying this particular subject.

I'm even not trying any point scoring but it was you who mentioned Hazrat Mauwiya R.A with a specific allegation which is only popular in a particular Religion . I just don't follow any particular school of thought but I'm also not blind who don't observe the records of each and every killing that increasing anger among Sunnis . and As far as just Karachi is considered then central jail is filled with the Shi'ite militants , Many them have killed over hundred of people . What do you think hiding their act won't count in silent justification . I personally think that you are not putting things in a right context.

I just don't follow any particular school of thought :omghaha::victory:

:raise:“If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it must be a duck”
I just don't follow any particular school of thought :omghaha::victory:

:raise:“If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, looks like a duck, it must be a duck”

a very sinister duck indeed which vowed to avenge the bannu Hashim for Killing Utba & walid
one of the famous saying of Hazrat Ali ra which is quoted by Alh Sunnat scholars is that after winning a battle against the kharjites the Muslims exclaimed that they have finished this fitna to which he replied that they will live thorugh out the history of time and will spill the blood of the muslims like water in the name of islam. they will have beards and they will recite Quran and say everything quoting Quran but the Quran will never go down their own throats.

see today these taqfiris/ kharjites /najadis or whatever you call them kill every one sometimes in the name of honour and blasphemy and some in the name of education , vulgarity or American slavery, today no sunni or no shia is safe from their menace and they will continue to kill the innocents until the time of Dajjal and they will join him at the end of time. in Pakistan they show themselves to be sunnis or Deobandis but in essence they are the blasphemers & Muhammad PBUH haters.

no sense or logic can get them off their lust for blood. imagine how can you expect someone to listen who thinks shooting at the face of a toddler is serving Islam? they are killing the little children of their targeted victims as well and some politicians are pressing to talk to them, talk about what? dont shoot in the face? wait till the kid grows up and can talk and then shoot him?
kill the father first and then the kid? so that he doesnt have th bear the grief of seeing his son being executed in front of him?

forgive me for saying but to me the American drones now look like Abbabeel and their targets as Ashab al feel ( surah Feel)
since we will continue to live in denial and our protectors will continue to be useless there will be a day when there will be Indian and Chinese drones also flying over Pakistan.

yes, Hazara, shia, Ahemedis, Christians and Hindus would have been wiped out by these "angry Muslim brothers" but we sunnis will live to see the day what our minorities have been suffering for years and the irony is, that these kharjites will still be able to blend in and hide among the remaining population when the "kafirs" will stop shooting after their own public will cry over human right violations. at this pace its easy to extrapolate that next time Indians will be able to take over Pakistan by only sending Mombai police and this biggest sin Pakistan (as per Jamat ******'s ****** founder used to call it ) will be no more.
Remember in jannah no more shia & sunni............
shia & sunni sect will not save you from hell.........
they will send you one way ticket into jahannam Hellfire
Only Pure Islam will help you from torture of graveyard & hell........

I m Islam & Im Muslim...................Forever
a very sinister duck indeed which vowed to avenge the bannu Hashim for Killing Utba & walid
one of the famous saying of Hazrat Ali ra which is quoted by Alh Sunnat scholars is that after winning a battle against the kharjites the Muslims exclaimed that they have finished this fitna to which he replied that they will live thorugh out the history of time and will spill the blood of the muslims like water in the name of islam. they will have beards and they will recite Quran and say everything quoting Quran but the Quran will never go down their own throats.

see today these taqfiris/ kharjites /najadis or whatever you call them kill every one sometimes in the name of honour and blasphemy and some in the name of education , vulgarity or American slavery, today no sunni or no shia is safe from their menace and they will continue to kill the innocents until the time of Dajjal and they will join him at the end of time. in Pakistan they show themselves to be sunnis or Deobandis but in essence they are the blasphemers & Muhammad PBUH haters.

no sense or logic can get them off their lust for blood. imagine how can you expect someone to listen who thinks shooting at the face of a toddler is serving Islam? they are killing the little children of their targeted victims as well and some politicians are pressing to talk to them, talk about what? dont shoot in the face? wait till the kid grows up and can talk and then shoot him?
kill the father first and then the kid? so that he doesnt have th bear the grief of seeing his son being executed in front of him?

forgive me for saying but to me the American drones now look like Abbabeel and their targets as Ashab al feel ( surah Feel)
since we will continue to live in denial and our protectors will continue to be useless there will be a day when there will be Indian and Chinese drones also flying over Pakistan.

yes, Hazara, shia, Ahemedis, Christians and Hindus would have been wiped out by these "angry Muslim brothers" but we sunnis will live to see the day what our minorities have been suffering for years and the irony is, that these kharjites will still be able to blend in and hide among the remaining population when the "kafirs" will stop shooting after their own public will cry over human right violations. at this pace its easy to extrapolate that next time Indians will be able to take over Pakistan by only sending Mombai police and this biggest sin Pakistan (as per Jamat ******'s ****** founder used to call it ) will be no more.

Nicely summarized. Precisely why we can never negotiate with these takfiri salafi idiots because there is nothing to negotiate. They only understand the way of the sword. Its time we put them to the sword.
forgive me for saying but to me the American drones now look like Abbabeel and their targets as Ashab al feel ( surah Feel)
@Irfan Baloch : you have said it all this line is Post of the month :tup::pakistan:
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@muse : The silence over the serious allegations in the post above by @Irfan Baloch is very telling, is it not?

Perhaps our "Decency" brigade are better positioned to answer -- We have been saying for long that this army needs a rethink, somewhere along the line, with out the rethink, officers and not mullahs, will be lined up against walls - but of course we are not among the "Decency" crew (enablers of Islamists) and so our appeal continues to be suspect.
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