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Suicide attacks in Pakistan 'illegal': JuD chief

Well the reality is that most of the extremists actually don't listen to the traditional ulema. That is why many scholars in Pakistan have been targeted whoever spoke out against suicide bombings. In Saudi Arabia itself, a fatwa was released by Bin Baz back in the 80s saying suicide bombings in Palestine is also haram. However, HAMAS and related organisations refused to listen to this. For example, OBL and Zawahiri e.t.c are not Islamic scholars or mullahs even but a businessman and a medical doctor respectively.

Even JuD chief is not an Islamic scholar himself. But its people like him who are hijacking these things andconfusing people. I guess its more upto GoP and other muslim countries to take the initative tospread this directive that suicide attacks are haram irrespective of the circumstances targetted to the muslims primarily.

OBL and Zawahiri may not be Islamic scholars or mullahs , but what about mullah Umar and his army of Talibs(students)??

mullah Umar as u read is mullah and his Taliban boys are product of madrassa where all they learn is Islamic . They don't problems any with suicide attacks as they themselves routinely do it as part of their campaign against the US in Afghanistan or the Northern alliance in the past. And You cant say mullah Umar doesn't understand his religion though you can always argue against his interpretation of Islam.
OBL and Zawahiri may not be Islamic scholars or mullahs , but what about mullah Umar and his army of Talibs(students)??

mullah Umar as u read is mullah and his Taliban boys are product of madrassa where all they learn is Islamic . They don't problems any with suicide attacks as they themselves routinely do it as part of their campaign against the US in Afghanistan or the Northern alliance in the past. And You cant say mullah Umar doesn't understand his religion though you can always argue against his interpretation of Islam.

That is a perfectly valid question, but to understand that you have to know what level of "education" these Talibs have. As the name suggests majority of these were actually students who have done nothing more than memorize the Quran. A mullah is the equivalent of 10th or 12th pass in religious education. Moreover, their education was heavily influenced by the "Cold war" maddrassas as well. So even Mullah Omar himself can hardly be said to be well versed in religious knowledge granted that he is only a high school equivalent in terms of Islamic theology and jurisprudence.

At the time the Taliban were in power, there were many ulema and muftees including from India and Pakistan who were warning them to not impose their thinking of Islam top-down and force people to follow the various rules like growing beards e.t.c. as it was against Islamic principles and resulted in nifaq(hyporcisy) among the people.

Even then, you should note that Mullah Omar never advocated suicide bombings and AT are known to use IEDs mostly. Only later under AQ influence have they incorporated some suicide bombings but it has still been rare. It is the AQ and TTP that are more well known for suicide bombings. For example the suicide bombing that killed Ahmed Shah Massoud was not done by the Taliban but by Al Qaeda.

I have discussed about this in an earlier thread here on how generally the credibility of Islamic scholars is established in terms of which institute they have graduated from, to what level they have studied (i.e. Masters PhD and in which area) and who is better suited to explain rules of Islamic jurisprudence.

I don't think its anyway related to how knowledge the cleric is or which reputed institute the he passed put from ,but more to related to his interpretation of the religion.

Countries like Iran and Saudi Arabia where clerics are powerful and impeccable in their credentials on Islam, have enacted set of laws which are anti modernism e,g women cant drive in Saudi Arabia .They also sometimes gives fatwa which even the other Muslims find ridiculous e,g the adult breast feeding thing .

So IMO, not just Islam, it could be another other religion, we find some segment of extemists... fundamentalist mayn't be the accurate word ,whose extreme interpretation of verse of holy books are literal and taken out context,leading to a very narrow view of religion which in the end up creating problem for anyone who don't agree to accept such views ...e,g Muslim extremists in Pakistan hardly hesitate to kill Muslims while offering prayers in their mosques as they consider their victims exactly not good Muslims .

Yaa, so its part of the age old contrast between deeply religious but more egalitarian spiritual views and the totally ritualistic harden conformity in observance of which don't tolerate to deviation.
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