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Success! Japanese and Korean lawmakers pledge to resolve comfort women issue

Such an internet hero. :lol:

I bet you wouldn't have the balls to go to any American who is Chinese/Black/Jewish/Native and say that. Even in your own country.

Oh and Americans of Korean descent.

Internet hero :rofl: sucks I got this white privilege and i can't go cry to someone about my skin color and how my country was stolen from me by the white man.
Abe just take this issue as a political card.Don't expect too much.
Japan is far more behind German in the reflection of war.:coffee:
why are you bringing up Native Americans :rofl:

war criminals make up a small fraction of those being honored. get over it.

Except South Korea isn't getting over it. That was kind of the premise of this thread - how SK and Japan can pledge to come together on the Comfort Woman issue but that will only last until the next Japanese nationalist leader decides to visit Yasakuni. South Korea and Japan can have agreements all they want but the intent matters more than what's on paper.

By the way, what's the difference between a cow and 9/11? You stop milking a cow after 10 years. Your advice to "get over it" would be taken more seriously by others if you weren't such a hypocrite. Just sayin'. :pop:

Edit: The other thing I want to add is no one is asking white people to continuously apologize for the deeds of their ancestors. The problem would be if elected white America politicians were to (hypothetically) deny that slavery even existed. That's the major sticking point between SK/China and Japan.
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"The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. "

– Lao Tzu

For Japan and South Korea this might be appropriate, but for Japan and China the phrase "the journey of a single step ends after a thousand miles" (according to the internet, which is always right, this quote was uttered by the one and only Abe Lincoln) seems better. Japan and China have agreed to talk about their outstanding issues before and prior to 2008 had good relations, and yet a single miscalculation set them miles apart and they are politically get farther from each other, though other aspects remain close
For Japan and South Korea this might be appropriate, but for Japan and China the phrase "the journey of a single step ends after a thousand miles" (according to the internet, which is always right, this quote was uttered by the one and only Abe Lincoln) seems better. Japan and China have agreed to talk about their outstanding issues before and prior to 2008 had good relations, and yet a single miscalculation set them miles apart and they are politically get farther from each other, though other aspects remain close

In order to understand why relations between Japanese and Chinese are the way they are , currently, one has to understand the Personality Psychology, with regards in cultural differences, specifically the East Asian Psychology. One can say that governments may use historical events as milking cows for political clout among their constituency, sure, i think that is a reality in context of the Sino-Japanese relations. But one thing has to be realized is that East Asian Personality, is one emphasizes the memory of old wrongs, slights. Why? And how? The answer is Pride. This is a unique and very real factor in understanding East Asians, in general. Japanese - Korean - Chinese. Both sides, and I would say that I hope the Japanese side takes an active role in bridging this gap.

Too often it's one step forward and two steps back.

Master Lao Tzu once said to his disciples, “At the center of your being you have the answer; you know who you are and you know what you want.”

This applies for leaders of nations, and the people of nations. If it is peace that is the center of want, then accepting present faults and difficulties is a necessity. Working towards that goal, that central want, will be achieved in time, with constant practice.
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