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Subramanian Swamy reacts to viral video claiming Hindu homes being attacked in Bangladesh, threaten to send Indian army to liberate BD hindus like 71


Dec 31, 2010
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Last Updated: November 04, 2020 07:45 IST
Subramanian Swamy reacts to viral video claiming Hindu homes being attacked in Bangladesh

Reacting to the viral video from Bangladesh in which Hindu homes are allegedly being torched, BJP MP Subramanian Swamy referred to the liberation of E.Pakistan

Written by Navashree Nandini

Reacting to the viral video from Bangladesh in which Hindu homes are allegedly being torched, BJP MP Subramanian Swamy has referred to the liberation of East Pakistan in 1971 and opined that the Army might have to go again in order to liberate the Bangladeshi Hindus. He also reminded that Mukti Bahini leaders were helped by India.

Hindu homes attacked
A video has surfaced on social media claiming that Hindu homes are being attacked in the Comilla district in Bangladesh. In the video, a mob is seen attacking houses and it is claimed that the incident started after a Hindu man extended support to French President Emmanuel Macron and his fight against extremism and terrorism. As per reports, the situation aggravated as stones were pelted and houses were set on fire. Reports also said that the Bangladesh Police booked the Hindu man for 'hurting religious sentiments', while 2 men were arrested for leading the mob to destroy the Hindu homes in the locality.

Attacks in France and response of Macron
France has faced a number of attacks in less than two months after the beheading of a teacher Samuel Paty who had shown caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in class after the images were re-published by the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, which was also targeted in a 2015 terror attack. French authorities have attributed the attacks to Muslim extremists. Moreover, Macron had defended the Charlie Hebdo magazine and spoken in favour of caricatures, even before Paty's killing.

Later, reacting to the recent worldwide debate over his remarks after the horrific attacks in France, and the protests against him in the Muslim nations, French president Emmanuel Macron said that there is no stigmatization of any religion in his country. On Sunday, Macron explained that France is fighting with terrorism "in name of Islam, and not Islam itself", and his statements should be taken in the same context.

Hitting out at the campaign against him on social media, Macron said that he has heard a lot of unacceptable things about France in the past few days and also seen people supporting lies, he clearly stated that France is committed to peace and to live together but his government says no to extremism. Macron explained that secularism has never killed anyone and stressed that his country has no problem with any religion in particular.

It's disgraceful that Hindu homes were attacked. But this threat coming from a hardline Indian nationalist is hypocritical.
Do you know and understand why home of UP chairman/councilor, who happens to be from hindu community, was burned?
Do you know and understand why home of UP chairman/councilor, who happens to be from hindu community, was burned?
Do you know it wasn't just the councilor that had his home burned?
Do you know it wasn't just the councilor that had his home burned?
Yes, I know. If you like to protest burning their home then you also need to answer why these people from hindu community keep insulting Islamic faith and desecrating it? This is not the first time such insult happens, this going on and intensifying because of lack of action. Besides, what happened to countless Muslims in india who just eaten beef? There is no place to play victim.
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Send them.

Indian army is composed of Indian men, I know Indian men, the 'men' bit is a misnomer.

Men have spines. Send your army, we will fold them in multiple neat halves and bury them, yes, no funeral pyre for you.

Indian men montage :

Indian non Muslim man, licking boot and calling 'Allah' for help after being caught drunk driving.... Such backbone, not even committed to their faith for which, mind you, they lynch people when they're in the majority.

Brave Indian man, no not the fake ken doll Bollywood type, no, a real Indian stalwart of the 'male' persuasion....

Can't protect himself, can't protect his woman neither, no BACKBONE.

And the best one yet, Indian man super power, "Baba Baba" special....

After we're done with them in Bangladesh, they will be calling us 'daddy' too, seeing as they have a habit of calling real men as 'Baba'.

Indian army after a fair fight

So there you have it, The Indian Man, that'll be all for now.

Joi Bangla!
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You have to confess that there is an amusing angle for Pakistanis here.
Send them.

Indian army is composed of Indian men, I know Indian men, the 'men' bit is a misnomer.

Men have spines. Send your army, we will fold them in multiple neat halves and bury them, yes, no funeral pyre for you.

Indian men montage :

Indian non Muslim man, licking boot and calling 'Allah' for help after being caught drunk driving.... Such backbone, not even committed to their faith for which, mind you, they lynch people when they're in the majority.

Brave Indian man, no not the fake ken doll Bollywood type, no, a real Indian stalwart of the 'male' persuasion....

Can't protect himself, can't protect his woman neither, no BACKBONE.

And the best one yet, Indian man super power, "Baba Baba" special....

After we're done with them in Bangladesh, they will be calling us 'daddy' too, seeing as they have a habit of calling real men as 'Baba'.

Indian army after a fair fight

So there you have it, The Indian Man, that'll be all for now.

Joi Bangla!

Thank whatever God you believe in for 1905 and '47.
If the indians get this treatment from modern saudis, imagine what Umayyad will do if they reach deeper into the Hindu Kingdoms.
Send them.

Indian army is composed of Indian men, I know Indian men, the 'men' bit is a misnomer.

Men have spines. Send your army, we will fold them in multiple neat halves and bury them, yes, no funeral pyre for you.

Indian men montage :

Indian non Muslim man, licking boot and calling 'Allah' for help after being caught drunk driving.... Such backbone, not even committed to their faith for which, mind you, they lynch people when they're in the majority.

Brave Indian man, no not the fake ken doll Bollywood type, no, a real Indian stalwart of the 'male' persuasion....

Can't protect himself, can't protect his woman neither, no BACKBONE.

And the best one yet, Indian man super power, "Baba Baba" special....

After we're done with them in Bangladesh, they will be calling us 'daddy' too, seeing as they have a habit of calling real men as 'Baba'.

Indian army after a fair fight

So there you have it, The Indian Man, that'll be all for now.

Joi Bangla!

Thank whatever God you believe in for 1905 and '47.
Expected a better reply from you. If that headmaster has done some wrong, act according to the law of land. Why targeting a community for it. I shows BD society is as intolerable as some of the Khaki ones.
You guys claim of BD being one of the tolerate country washes out on sea.
Everyone in this earth knows that India not going to attack BD. He is trolling.
Send them.

Indian army is composed of Indian men, I know Indian men, the 'men' bit is a misnomer.

Men have spines. Send your army, we will fold them in multiple neat halves and bury them, yes, no funeral pyre for you.

Indian men montage :

Indian non Muslim man, licking boot and calling 'Allah' for help after being caught drunk driving.... Such backbone, not even committed to their faith for which, mind you, they lynch people when they're in the majority.

Brave Indian man, no not the fake ken doll Bollywood type, no, a real Indian stalwart of the 'male' persuasion....

Can't protect himself, can't protect his woman neither, no BACKBONE.

And the best one yet, Indian man super power, "Baba Baba" special....

After we're done with them in Bangladesh, they will be calling us 'daddy' too, seeing as they have a habit of calling real men as 'Baba'.

Indian army after a fair fight

So there you have it, The Indian Man, that'll be all for now.

Joi Bangla!

Thank whatever God you believe in for 1905 and '47.
Bangladesh zindabad.
Expected a better reply from you. If that headmaster has done some wrong, act according to the law of land. Why targeting a community for it. I shows BD society is as intolerable as some of the Khaki ones.
You guys claim of BD being one of the tolerate country washes out on sea.
Everyone in this earth knows that India not going to attack BD. He is trolling.

Trolling or otherwise, he is out of line and this is not his first instance targeting Bangladesh's sovereignty.

My reply is harsh but I and we all Bangladeshis, will not take mocking or questioning our sovereignty lightly.

As I said this is his second comment of this sort, I expect better from 'elected' officials but then Indians voted Modi into power so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Clearly, India doesn't value it's one-sided friendly relationship with Bangladesh alot, seeing as an elected officials is making such an incendiary comment.

An elder once told me, You learn the value of things only after you have lost them, perhaps, that point is approaching fast of the IN - BD relations.

Now, coming to the attack on this Hindu headmaster, One, I have not looked into this issue much, However, It is deplorable but one must consider that there may be truth to the fact that the person in question made comments praising the French after they mocked the prophet of Islam and Bangladesh is a Muslim majority country.

Secular or otherwise, you cannot endorse hate speech and then expect to not be countered.

About the attack on his house or houses belonging to other Hindus, it is distressing to see such things happen, tensions are high regarding the France fiasco and I understand how these things can happen but they shouldn't, on the bright side, nobody died.

See in Bangladesh, it's been a good while now, since the last time a Hindu was killed over a rumour, if I'm of sound memory, it's a regular occurrence in India; murders and lynchings over rumours.

We have the occasional mullah mob but note this, NOBODY DIES.

We had one such mob 8 months ago, who died ? 3 Muslims shot dead by the police.

So yes, we are secular, our police under orders from the government protected a Hindu provocateur and put 3 Muslims into the ground after they tried to take the law into their own hands.

This is secularism, separation of state and religion and complete independence of the law and government from the influence of religious beliefs.

Meanwhile in India, top tier administration officials call for mob violence and murder.... And the police watch....

Or did we forget Delhi riots from earlier or when jamia students were protesting and a Hindu shot at them while police stood at the back watching ? He shouted and I quote 'ye lo azadi'...

That isn't secularism, this isn't what is rightly enshrined in your constitution.

India today is failing it's root and it's founding fathers, Bangladesh meanwhile started off as a Muslim majority country built for sub continental Muslims and yet we are upholding secularism and the rule of law.

Reply to me when India has hanged Hindu provocateurs and extremists, we in Bangladesh hang mullahs and jamatis regularly, next execution is due in around 4 or 5 months, I forgot his name but you'll hear of it soon enough.

Bangladesh is secular, India is not, The India of 2020 is so far removed from the India of 1950 (when the Constitution came into force), it's a whole different state, decidedly intent at scratching its name into the annals of the pariah states.

Bangladesh isn't a Hindu Muslim Bhai Bhai country by any means, truly we are not but we are as Secular as a country in this backward and highly religious region will ever get.

We are not great but atleast we try and we do succeed, Hindu populations are on the increase, census 2021, keep an eye on the stats.

All the theories of Hindu Genocide will fly out the door soon enough but surely Indian media will still take the occasional dig at Bangladesh, painting it as a country of pogroms and religious disharmony, no matter, we will keep marching ahead.
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Trolling or otherwise, he is out of line and this is not his first instance targeting Bangladesh's sovereignty.

My reply is harsh but I and we all Bangladeshis, will not take mocking or questioning our sovereignty lightly.

As I said this is his second comment of this sort, I expect better from 'elected' officials but then Indians voted Modi into power so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Clearly, India doesn't value it's one-sided friendly relationship with Bangladesh alot, seeing as an elected officials is making such an incendiary comment.

An elder once told me, You learn the value of things only after you have lost them, perhaps, that point is approaching fast of the IN - BD relations.

Now, coming to the attack on this Hindu headmaster, One, I have not looked into this issue much, However, It is deplorable but one must consider that there may be truth to the fact that the person in question made comments praising the French after they mocked the prophet of Islam and Bangladesh is a Muslim majority country.

Secular or otherwise, you cannot endorse hate speech and then expect to not be countered.

About the attack on his house or houses belonging to other Hindus, it is distressing to see such things happen, tensions are high regarding the France fiasco and I understand how these things can happen but they shouldn't, on the bright side, nobody died.

See in Bangladesh, it's been a good while now, since the last time a Hindu was killed over a rumour, if I'm of sound memory, it's a regular occurrence in India; murders and lynchings over rumours.

We have the occasional mullah mob but note this, NOBODY DIES.

We had one such mob 8 months ago, who died ? 3 Muslims shot dead by the police.

So yes, we are secular, our police under orders from the government protected a Hindu provocateur and put 3 Muslims into the ground after they tried to take the law into their own hands.

This is secularism, separation of state and religion and complete independence of the law and government from the influence of religious beliefs.

Meanwhile in India, top tier administration officials call for mob violence and murder.... And the police watch....

Or did we forget Delhi riots from earlier or when jamia students were protesting and a Hindu shot at them while police stood at the back watching ? He shouted and I quote 'ye lo azadi'...

That isn't secularism, this isn't what is rightly enshrined in your constitution.

India today is failing it's root and it's founding fathers, Bangladesh meanwhile started off as a Muslim majority country built for sub continental Muslims and yet we are upholding secularism and the rule of law.

Reply to me when India has hanged Hindu provocateurs and extremists, we in Bangladesh hang mullahs and jamatis regularly, next execution is due in around 4 or 5 months, I forgot his name but you'll hear of it soon enough.

Bangladesh is secular, India is not, The India of 2020 is so far removed from the India of 1950 (when the Constitution came into force), it's a whole different state, decidedly intent at scratching its name into the annals of the pariah states.

Bangladesh isn't a Hindu Muslim Bhai Bhai country by any means, truly we are not but we are as Secular as a country in this backward and highly religious region will ever get.

We are not great but atleast we try and we do succeed, Hindu populations are on the increase, census 2021, keep an eye on the stats.

All the theories of Hindu Genocide will fly out the door soon enough but surely Indian media will still take the occasional dig at Bangladesh, painting it as a country of pogroms and religious disharmony, no matter, we will keep marching ahead.

Swamy is just not your average "elected" Joe, he is the brain, the think tank of the RSS/BJP regime. A Harvard graduate, not the regular BJP WhatsApp university graduates you normally encounter spreading their filth all over the world wide web.

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