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Spider-Man spotted in Jamat-e-Islami's #protestagainst #KElectric
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I bet that's uncle S Haq

Lionel Messi’s doppelganger found in Iran (POLL & VIDEO)
Published time: 2 May, 2017 07:34
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Do you think he looks like messy? © Ruptly
Argentine superstar Lionel Messi apparently has an Iranian body double. Reza Parastesh gets mistaken for the FC Barcelona footballer all the time, with people stopping to take selfies with him in the streets of Tehran.

“The first time that I seriously decided to take a photo with sports clothes and introduce myself as the double of Messi. My father encouraged me. He said – do it,” explains Parastesh.

The lookalike sports the same haircut and beard as the Barcelona forward, and his friends like having a Messi-impersonator in their gang.

“I think it’s a nice feeling to have a friend who looks like Messi. I think that’s a great feeling,” said Amir Mohammad Gharaji. “I mean, sometimes myself, I would look at him and be like ‘That's Messi, man’ – they look so familiar.”

READ MORE: ‘Plastic bag’ Messi fan finally meets his soccer hero (VIDEOS, PHOTOS)

“When people see him in the street, they take selfies with him,” he continued. “And that’s great too because he’s getting recognition and he deserves it.”

“My friends came to me and said ‘Messi, Messi.’ After that, when I saw him from afar I thought it is really Messi,” said Saeed Rousta. “But once I saw closely – it was Reza Parastesh.”

Sometimes being Messi’s doppelganger has its downside. Parastesh recalls when Argentina beat Iran in the 2014 World Cup, his father was so upset by Messi’s 91st-minute goal that saw Iran kicked out of the knockout stages, he couldn’t even look at him.

“My father is a football fan, so he called me and told me ‘don't come home tonight’ because he thought that I scored that goal,” he said. “He didn’t let me come home."

Tell us what you think. Would you be fooled by the lookalike?
surgical strike against the wall. camera is from bollywood studio.
why dnt they use green screen it cheaper or cgi.

Is it for Funniest Home Video competition?

do you rember that program it was called you been framed.
Its funny cause it reminds of the west and the pakistanis. West is like the cat and Pakistanis are like the guy in the box. When they copy the west they waste their only life living how they perceive west to be from the media. But that life is only one of the nine lives the westerns actually live.:lol:
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