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Stupid & Funny from Around the World :Continued


@User @Zibago
BJP MP from Jamnagar Poonam Maadam got injured after she fell into an open 10ft drain line during a demolition drive in Jalaramnagar area of the city on Monday.

Read it fast : :D

I was Hungary for some Turkey but slipped on Greece and fell on my Djibouti with help from my friend Chad then I realized there was Chile on the stove and bananas from Bolivia,after the painful situation Iran to the tv and turned on a show about Madagascar.
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"Missed it by that much!" - JF-17 Export Version. :D

The story of Pakistan:


(Led by Mullahs and out of control! :D )


Just kidding. If anyone is offended, I will be happy to delete the above.
Here is the deal...


Because of rough seas, the Long Island crew was unable to keep the X-wing on deck after its emergency crash landing. Much efforts using national security concerns as basis to swear the crew into silence. The location on the sea was classified away until the greater needs of WW II is done.

After WW II and the Cold War stabilized, there were much debate on how to recover the alien aircraft. By this time, there were no doubts in anyone's mind that 'We are not alone'. There were also no doubts that unless there is a solid cover for US naval activities, the Soviets would find the truth about those US naval activities, and in the need to restore the military balance, the Soviets would go to war to prevent the US from exploiting alien technologies. Fortunately, the Soviets themselves gave US that needed cover -- Sputnik.

The space race gave the USN the perfect cover for a salvage operation of the alien spacecraft. The planned water landings of primitive Earth spacecrafts gave the USN the excuse it needed to send its fleets all over the world's oceans as decoy operations while the salvage operation is underway. In the meantime, the US government selected certain members of the artistic community, from writers to films, to help prepare the world, not just American citizens, for the inevitability of finding alien life. The result is the explosion of the 'science fiction' genre in arts, literary, and most notably in films. Today, it is a given that alien life exists.

The US did not have initial success in recovering the alien spacecraft. Time and ocean movements relocated the spacecraft on the sea floor and much marine life covered it up, making visual identification near impossible. But the US persisted and the efforts paid off. The exact time the alien spacecraft was recovered remains a secret, same as to how much alien technology was exploited in examination of it, but there is no doubt that US technological prowess is alien sourced.

The spacecraft's pilot was not human. Its sex is not even certain, leading to the controversial theory that in alien lifeforms, sex categories may not be binary -- male and female -- as is on Earth. The alien pilot's body is not in Area 51, as that place was created with the necessary myths to distract the curious public. Rather, the alien body is stored in the Cheyenne Mountain complex in Colorado. The alien spacecraft was sent to a secret and unlabeled 'Area' for study, its technologies exploited, and eventually restored to flight, as these smuggled out photos revealed.
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