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There was no need to delete my post it was not offensive- it was funny- the title of the video read funny- US NAVY JOKE-- the comments on the video were funny- It was a funny commercial for a navigational equipments company- some times i wonder how much proactive one can get to make a superior amrikan being happy-
very bizarre.....at what point were they flying supersonic...like from how far away did they go into AB mode

is the wingsweep an automatic process with manual over-ride, or fully auto?

I'm not that smart on the FB-111 other than that I know it can cruise supersonic for a long time. Probably, they were in min AB or whatever it took to get the speed they were doing, and were supersonic from the moment I picked them up visually. Obviously outrunning their own sound, I couldn't hear a thing until they passed.

Very cool video, Nightcrawler. Flying ultra-low looks fun, but in reality it isn't. Too low, and you get (HAVE to get) tunnel vision, as a millisecond inattention kills you. The fun starts about 100 meters, when you can relax enough to appreciate the speed and the view.

I was once in Alabama, a LOWAT training area, following a looping river at maybe 150 meters, high subsonic. I followed a loop in the river, overflew a pair of bass fishermen who had no idea I was there, and put one of them in the water. It was funny, but I felt kind of bad at the same time. :)
US killed bin Laden clone in Pakistan
Published: May 20, 2011

The US operation that allegedly killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan has actually led to the death of a clone of the Al-Qaeda leader, working under CIA operative Raymond Davis, an American editor says.

"The real bin Laden died years ago after receiving treatment in American hospitals for his various illnesses," said Gordon Duff, senior editor of Ohio-based Veterans Today, in an interview with Press TV's US Desk.

"His [bin Laden] body was frozen and kept in storage for a date when it would be of advantage to the United States to use it for maximum advantage," Duff wrote in an article titled 'Was Raymond Davis CIA's Bin Laden Handler?'

According to the US intelligence community, bin Laden's body was recovered in 2001 by American Special Forces in Afghanistan, Duff says. "The CIA maintained a safe house at Abbottabad [where it] kept agents right next to the compound that 'bin Laden' was allegedly [killed] at," Duff said.

Duff went on to say that the CIA facility next door to the alleged bin Laden's compound was filled with armed agents possibly protecting the phony bin Laden.

Duff also emphasized on the fact that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has failed to present any evidence linking bin Laden to the September 11 terrorist attacks on the US soil about ten year ago.

Analysts have raised serious questions as to why US officials did not allow for the application of a DNA test to formally confirm the identity of the corpse before his burial at sea.
Hillary clinton and shah mahmood Qureshi ( A Love Story ) Must watch

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Why Bin Laden had no chance to escape...


Lol best edit of the Situation Room photo I've seen. I think that's the Justice League...
Guess what country this traffic is from? lol

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Guess what country this traffic is from? lol

What's there to guess?? It's India. And I'm not saying it with any pride but shame in my voice. I have to go back every year from Bahrain and drive in similar traffic in India, which is BTW prevailing in more or less all cities/ towns.

Is Pakistan's traffic any better?
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What's there to guess?? It's India. And I'm not saying it with any pride but shame in my voice. I have to go back every year from Bahrain and drive in similar traffic in India, which is BTW prevailing in more or less all cities/ towns.

Is Pakistan's traffic any better?

I hear islamabad has excellent infrastructure. But that's probably about it.
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