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Stupid and funny from all over the world - II

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Me in a classroom
Me: Can I use the bathroom?
Teacher: (Tries to be funny) I don't know, can you?
Me: When I was using "can" I was using its secondary model form as a verbal modifier asking for permission, as opposed to expressing an ability. I thought since you were a teacher you'd know that. My bad. MAY I use the restroom?

Wish I was this smart when young... I'll teach my kid this and hope he doesnt get a beating!


The name Gibraltar is the Spanish derivation of the Arabic name Jabal-ı Tārıq (جبل طارق), meaning "mountain of Tariq."[8] It refers to the geological formation, the Rock of Gibraltar, which in turn was named after the Umayyad general Tariq ibn-Ziyad who led the initial incursion into Iberia in advance of the main Umayyad force in 711 under the command of Umayyad Caliph Al-Walid I. Earlier, it was known as Mons Calpe, one of the Pillars of Hercules.
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