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Study: How Pakistan’s recent protests failed

Yes we will bow down to our PM because we have elected him. Our system is not flimsy where somebody can become PM by rigging and people know about that after one and half year.
Live happily with that, we don't have any problems?
But we are looking at china the system, which India with all of its murderous democracy of Gujraat- can't still beat?
& standing miles behind?
Those are observations of a foreigner. I respect your opinion but i reject it because its primitive and i don't trust your best intentions in this matter. If you were a Pakistani, i would have engaged in this debate.

But you've allowed one complete foreigner and a second half foreigner to run your country to the ground and potentially break.....and you are supporting that obviously. So why no love for this foreigner but the other two are running the country wild.....hypocrisy? But I respect it. Entitled to your opinion and I am to mine.

However, what doesn't make sense is the fact that you are supporting two people, out of which, one is just as foreigner as I am and the other one is half foreigner. If I take your patriotic stance (which I appreciate actually), then you shouldn't be allowing ANY foreigner to be involved with Pakistan's politics....let alone actually supporting one. Blows my mind!

I don't give a flying 787 about Imran Khan or Nawaz Sharif...for me only the country is supreme and i fully back revampment of a corrupt and bogus system which has no room for evolution or devolution of power.

Aero - you got me confused. So far, you came across as supporting IK and Mullah. Here, you are saying you don't care about IK (and I assume it would be the same about mullah too? ). So here's my question, where's your head at if you are not supporting either of these.....tell me, I am honestly very curious, what would you like to see happening in Pakistan?
look at these people lolz...such support for our PM from there when in our own country,his popularity has gone down drastically for number of reasons!

Especially with people who have never voted for the guy :D. Opposition supporters are not necessarily a good barometer of how much support one enjoys. In any case, loss of support happens in most democracies. There is a reason elections are held very 5 years, that is when you get another chance.
Typical Americans and Israelis. Whenever somebody engages them and refute their obvious lies, they start comparing with with Hitler and Nazis. Its amazing that they haven't read history. Nazis were brutal dictators. IK and Qadri are democrats. Also, if IK and Qadri is lying, where are the refutes by the government ministers? Where is the writ of the state? Where are people in support of current MAJORITY holder government? They don't exist because the election was rigged.

Interesting and as always out of touch with reality response. Allow me to address it:
1) Your first statement destroyed everything else in the post. As you've just labeled me for no reason.
2) Nazis were dictators meaning they got so many killed and imposed their agenda on others. So how's IK and Mullah different? You got 15 K people out of 200 MILLION that are forcing their fundamental agenda down the throat of 200 MILLION people. What else is dictatorship? Please explain. What IK and Mullah are doing is implementing a Civil version of the Marshal Law! Tell me how damaging a country's economy, putting people's lives at risk, destroying public and business property and murdering policemen is democratic? Democracy is being abused here if anything.
3) If you want NS to do tit for tat, I can guarantee that he can actually bring a million people in Islamabad and then what? Like IK and Mullah want dead bodies.....you ALSO want civil war???
I am no NS fan but he's putting it together pretty well. If this were a few of your other leaders like MQM, they would've done a lot of violence already.

The imaginary system change that IK and Mullah have you guys fooled for, don't exist. Unless they come from WITHIN the system. Who's a part of IK's party? All "B" gangsters and actors who wouldn't get with the A teams. During last PTI party elections, pretty much every single office had Gun fights. I've witnessed what was going on then. So IK doesn't have "ANGELS" that'll fix the system in 90 days, its not learning Algebra in 90 days. Its a country of 200 MILLION people.
If you change the government, can you stop Benazir's kids or NS's daughter or other to stop participating in elections? Or can you destroy their vote bank? You CAN'T. There is NO such thing as a revolution. The only thing you guys could do, is to tighten up your government and rules more and more with every term so that rigging and corruption become difficult and difficult. It can't end. It'll end when the world ends as this is a people issue across the globe.
I am ALL IN for a change but the change has to come without Body Bags, destruction of an Economy which started to work and with mutual respect to all politicians. Whoever did wrong, needs go to jail for it. But don't force a country to Jam down because two people think they can??
Live happily with that, we don't have any problems?
But we are looking at china the system, which India with all of its murderous democracy of Gujraat- can't still beat?
& standing miles behind?

Pakistani propaganda wonder is very clearly visible in your writing. Keep it up.
it took one and half year because he was fighting it legally first before even trying to think of doing March or something!

Look we live in a democracy. So the solution to the problem should also be democratic. Every system has its pros and cons.
Pakistani propaganda wonder is very clearly visible in your writing. Keep it up.
Ohh hell, sure can't face the reality?
What's the economic situation of China comparing to India?
Face it, & think again ?

Look we live in a democracy. So the solution to the problem should also be democratic. Every system has its pros and cons.
What democracy, slumps & thier dogs?
Ohh hell, sure can't face the reality?
What's the economic situation of China comparing to India?
Face it, & think again ?

Hi Dear,

Ours is a second fastes growing economy in the world. Researchers (Gold man sach and others) says that we shall be No 1 by 2045. Any way this is a very long discussion so give it a rest. I quite.
Hi Dear,

Ours is a second fastes growing economy in the world. Researchers (Gold man sach and others) says that we shall be No 1 by 2045. Any way this is a very long discussion so give it a rest. I quite.
Hi, uncle
Compare your economy to china which still can, buy you to your pants down?
& china is the real democracy!
Hi, uncle
Compare your economy to china which still can, buy you to your pants down?
& china is the real democracy!

Sure, I will and my government is comparing our economy to china. Our PM has urged our people to compete with china. We are exploring the ways to bridge the Gap.

However your economy is 10 time greater than that of US and have 3/4th of world's GDP, you should not compare Pakistani economy with any other country. So be complacent and enjoy your super duper economic power and ultra lavish lifestyle. My good wishes are there with you.
Still doesn't change following facts

  • You are not one of us.
  • Your loyalty is with the US (which is natural) not with Pakistan.
  • Your knowledge about Pakistan's political and social landscape is at best primitive
  • You are talking side with a pharaoh who won illegal elections, denied us our freedoms to demand accountability and ordered the massacre of 14 of our brethren and sisters in Lahore.
  • You are pushing your nation's foreign policy goals simply because you deem Nawaz to be serving your national interest which i see as high treason.

    That is the difference of opinion between us.

I am not pushing anyone's foreign policy, but need to ask one question. Do you really think that once anyone else including IK comes in power we will be free from American interference, and influence.
I am not pushing anyone's foreign policy, but need to ask one question. Do you really think that once anyone else including IK comes in power we will be free from American interference, and influence.
Not at all. KPK loves USAID. If you promise something big, you start with home. But Imran's promises were just like another politician. Dharna against drone ended, USAID still being taken. It's just politics.

When Imran comes into power, he will visit the great America, while we all have a giggle.
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