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Strongest Empires by timeline

You must be sick at least!
Read all my other posts in this thread you will find you answer and proofs.
Or you can only see your face and compare it to blue eyed people.
You must be sick at least!
Nope, that's you, shall i prescribe a psychiatrist? I'll look up a few in Canada for you.

Read all my other posts in this thread you will find you answer and proofs.

So you are not going to refute what i said in my previous post:

"Arabs claim to be descendants of Ishmael, son of Abraham (as), so now prove to me that Ishmael and Abraham (as) were Aryans since you claim Arabs have Aryan origins! Any proof?"

Or you can only see your face and compare it to blue eyed people.
I don't need to, i'm not the one claiming Aryan origins lolz.

Though i wouldn't be surprised if i did have Aryan origins since i'm a Pashtun and my elders are from Afghanistan.
Lolz, who's trolling? I'm only refuting your nonsensical claims, your claim that Arabs (who are Semites) had Aryan "origins" is laughable at best.

Arabs claim to be descendants of Ishmael, son of Abraham (as), so now prove to me that Ishmael and Abraham (as) were Aryans since you claim Arabs have Aryan origins! Any proof?

I mentioned the sons of Noah; Shem, Ham, & Japheth in my previous posts on this thread. Both Shem & Japheth are fathers of Caucasians, but the bloodlines divide after Noah.

The Children of Shem are those that historically spoke Semitic languages as their original tongue whereas the Children of Japheth are those that historically spoke Indo-European languages.

Of course there was inter-mixture as the Children of Shem & Japheth married with each other once in a while. For example Madai, the son of Japheth & grandson of Noah, married the daughter of Shem meaning that he married his cousin. Madai is traditionally believed to be the father of the Indo-Aryan people in general.

The Family Of Japheth
Nope, that's you, shall i prescribe a psychiatrist? I'll look up a few in Canada for you.

So you are not going to refute what i said in my previous post:

"Arabs claim to be descendants of Ishmael, son of Abraham (as), so now prove to me that Ishmael and Abraham (as) were Aryans since you claim Arabs have Aryan origins! Any proof?"

I don't need to, i'm not the one claiming Aryan origins lolz.

Though i wouldn't be surprised if i did have Aryan origins since i'm a Pashtun and my elders are from Afghanistan.

You have got you answer in post 723, and not even from me.
But I won't forget your insolence and make sure you get a psychiatrist in Pakistan, along with your family in Canada.
If you guys want to get these biblical stories to their word value then the world only was made 5500 year ago don't forget these stories are heavily influenced by Sumerian stories .well clearly Homo sapiens sapiens date more than 5000 year ago
about Caucasians as I posted before according to the language studies northern Caucasians have some relation to Mesopotamian but it's not the case with southern Caucasian
You have got you answer in post 723, and not even from me.
That is not proof since their is no scientific evidence to prove it, and neither does it say that in the Quran.

But I won't forget your insolence and make sure you get a psychiatrist in Pakistan, along with your family in Canada.

Lolz, i don't even live in canada you loser, go and vent your frustration at the psychiatric facility.
Arabs Aryans? Hahaha! True Iranian Aryans:







That is not proof since their is no scientific evidence to prove it, and neither does it say that in the Quran.

Lolz, i don't even live in canada you loser, go and vent your frustration at the psychiatric facility.

So the koran tells you about the origins of the Arabs!

You must really be some wanabe intellectual.
I asked you nicely to read my previous posts in this thread to help you see something different than what you think you know for sure, with scientific proof.
But I know from life experience that a looser remains always a looser, like a donkey with covers on his eyes, he knows his route by heart, but no one expects it to understand anything else.
Your Insults are a proof to me of what you think about yourself subconsciously; that you are a looser and have too many frustrations to vent on people.
To tell you the truth I do not like to Insult my fellow Muslims, to the contrary I wish them the best in all walks of life and I have been working on that for most of my life, and I will be doing it despite short minded people till my passing away.

Koran does not talk about Ismael and Isaak as semitic or aryan, and how many descendants from isaak became muslims and from ismael became jews and so on. This has nothing to do with the fact that I was debating about the semitic language as a language not a race.
There is no such thing as race in the human genome.
Blacks are black and have large nasals because of adaptation to nature , they had to breath large quantity of air in the desert to be able to survive, their dark skinned colour was meant to protect them from the sun also, on the other hand people living in the cold areas of the globe developed white skins to be able to absorb the maximum of sunlight, and small nasals to protect their lungs and all the colours in between did the same thing to survive at optimum.
All this is said in a few words in the koran, that God likes his creatures and he is the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

So here is the scientific proof beyond any doubt and the answer from the koran.
This is very deep understanding of the Koran based on scientific proof.
Iranians will slap you on the face if you say this in Iran, you can say it under the protection of England (maybe) but be careful of your words even in England.
You stated in many cases that you were an atheist and you are hanging on to your culture of the ancient Persian empire.
This shows how ancient and low you are in your life.

I say it in Iran all the time when I visit. LOL at this shutor.
who slaps me.
go to Iran and say we have no culture and see what will happen to you.
I would call them one of the most strongest muslim countries. Military they are, but when you're talking about influence in other countries Iran is ahead of Turkey.

They are not Arabs. Name one historian who call them Arabs. Even Zawi Hawass say this:

Another fail.

Zahi Hawass is no longer in charge of anything. He is also a very detested individual in the field of Egyptology because he is a power hungry loon who thinks the world revolves around what him.

Someone referenced his opinion earlier where he is claiming that the ancient Egyptians were not black, but in his national Geographic interview from 2008 he stated that HE DID NOT KNOW what color they were and could not simply base it off of artwork.
What's so racist about the truth?

What civilization did Africans build? Did they have a written language as the Europeans and Asians did?

WOOO someone needs to pick up a book! Have you ever heard of Songhai, Axum, Ghana, Nok, Timbuktu, Karem Bornu, Benin, Kemet, Nubia? These were amongst the most powerful and richest civilizations on the face of the Earth. Some ancient West African civilizations established trade networks as far as China! Prior it's destruction by British cannons in the late 1800's the Wall of Benin (west Africa) was the largest man made structure on Earth (recorded by the Guinness book of World Records).

Also don't let Western and Northern Europeans relatively recent surge in world politics fool you. They lack any BC history including written languages. Also the ancient Egyptians and Nubians (black Africans) created their written much earlier than anything seen in most Europe.

Look at Haiti, a Black country that got its independence from France a few decades after the United States got its independence from Britain, yet Haiti still remains in shambles while USA has become a super power.

You are aware that for the vast majority of Haiti's history it has been politically and economically OSTRACIZED by every single one of it's neighbors due to that very rebellion which freed them from French colonial rule. Prior to the 1960's Haiti had to pay the United States a fee every year to STAY FREE! Once again picking up a book about these subjects would really enlighten you.
You're African?

The Romans learned from the Greeks, who admittedly learned from the Egyptians who were black Africans. Therefore this is a fail!

The to mention the fact that Romans themselves were Barbaric in nature.

Many of comments stated in this thread regarding African history needs to seriously addressed and refuted.

THere is a thing called google and books

Here is a start the Pharos.

Thank you!
Zahi Hawass is no longer in charge of anything. He is also a very detested individual in the field of Egyptology because he is a power hungry loon who thinks the world revolves around what him.

Someone referenced his opinion earlier where he is claiming that the ancient Egyptians were not black, but in his national Geographic interview from 2008 he stated that HE DID NOT KNOW what color they were and could not simply base it off of artwork.
if you are so smart can you tell me where is the egyptian people now ? disappered ?so you are saying the black african have build the pyramids and ruled egypt for a while then leave egypt and the 85 milion egyptian today are from space
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