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Strong Arab Sunni bloc doesn't see Israel as enemy


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Amos Gilad: Strong Arab Sunni bloc doesn't see Israel as enemy

09/08/2013 21:34

Speaking in Herzliya, defense official lauds Egypt's counter-terror efforts in Sinai; says US is sole superpower to Arab states.

Amos Gilad [file] Photo: Wikimedia Commons (CC) by Hanay

A powerful Middle Eastern axis of Sunni states has taken form in the region, which “does not view Israel as a sworn enemy” and has successfully kept extremist ji hadi terrorism at bay, Maj.-Gen. (res.) Amos Gilad said on Sunday.

Speaking before the Institute for Counter-Terrorism’s international summit in Herzliya, Gilad, who is director of the Political-Military Affairs Bureau at the Defense Ministry, said that Israel “won’t ever be accepted as a formal member” of the Sunni axis, but that the states that make it up all view the US as the sole superpower and that their regional policies are indirectly beneficial for Israel.

“This has a huge importance... and gives us many opportunities,” Gilad said.

Gilad described Egyptian Defense Minister Gen. Abdel Fattah al-Sisi as a new leader who “history will remember,” noting that he is combating the Muslim Brotherhood, a “movement that envelops the region.” The Brotherhood has not swerved from its ideological commitment to Israel’s destruction and to toppling all of the region’s regimes, he said.

“When [Hamas Prime Minister Ismail] Haniyeh set a meeting with [Mohamed] Morsi, he was symbolically received immediately,” Gilad said. “Hamas is officially part of the Muslim Brotherhood. Their self confidence was huge when Morsi was in power.” Now, he said, Hamas has been left without a single ally in the region.

Had the Muslim Brotherhood succeeded in its plot for regional domination, a ring of hostility would have been formed around Israel, Gilad noted. From the perspective of Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah, there are two threats to his country: Iran and the Muslim Brotherhood.

This was reflected in the billions of dollars donated to Egypt by Saudi Arabia and the UAE after Sisi took power, Gilad argued.

“Sisi didn’t act against them [the Muslim Brotherhood] on behalf of the West or Israel, but only for the good of Egypt. He simply saw that Egypt was falling into the abyss, in terms of repression and the economy...

He wishes to save Egypt,” Gilad said.

Jordan, for its part, excels at counter- terrorism due its own interest in combatting radical Islamist interests.

As a result, there are no terrorist attacks in Jordan or attacks from Jordan on Israel, Gilad said. “Their existence as an independent kingdom is impressive,” he added.

“All of the kingdoms, from Saudi Arabia to Bahrain, are surviving [the period of Middle Eastern turmoil].

Not one faces an existential danger,” he said.

“This axis is very heavyweight. I recommend viewing Egypt as the leader of the Arab world, and I disagree with those who don’t see it this way. There is a mass of 87 million Egyptians who are one nation with a 5,000-year history,” Gilad said.

“I’m identifying a serious fight against terrorism in Sinai. It’s an impressive fight against Al-Qaida organizations,” he continued.

Gilad said that despite many threats, Syria has refrained from sponsoring terrorist attacks against Israel due to Israeli deterrence.

“The reasons [this isn’t happening] are clear,” he said.

Hezbollah, too, is deterred by Israel, and there has even been a decrease in its attempts to carry out low-signature attacks abroad, though the threat has not vanished, Gilad added.

Israeli deterrence would be harmed should Iran become a nuclear state or obtain the image of a nuclear-armed state, he warned.
these arabs have been playing palestine card just for their arab sake, it has nothing got to do with islam and stuff, they have been fooling entire islamic world because of palestinian issue

how many times do arabs even cared about kashmir? chechnya? etc

time for non arab world to accept the reality and move on with it, it will atleast create peace in the already troubled region
lol. Like the world already not know the truth. Only stupid and those have nothing goes gaga on Islam and jihad. Saudis ( where Islam was born) nor give **** about jihad nor about self proclaimed defender of Islam.
I'm not sure if I share the optimism, but we have strategic issues that bring us together at the moment.

Hopefully once the strategic issues are dealt with, we will deal with Arab countries on things like economy development and environment issues including water.

Don't forget Israel has a strategic partnership with Iran and that went belly up when the Mullahs swept in with the Islamic coup in 1979.

So things can change, but let's hope for the better.
Arab blood is cheaper than sea water, that's why Arabs are killed every day by imperial powers for centuries.
That statement doesn't make sense to me. How do you justify it?
How a Zionist Salafi/wahabi/deobandi sunni can hate israhell when they both are same with same goal to achieve i.e to destroy islam .one from outside and one from inside .

As the Eastern European Jews did to Orthodox Jews that what Salafi are trying to do with Sunni islam but unfortunately for them their are more Sunni and they will be running out of suicide bomber to kill them or to convert them to Kharijite movement .

As we know every dog as his day so the dog of zion has limited time left to act and please his master .
How a Zionist Salafi/wahabi/deobandi sunni can hate israhell...As the Eastern European Jews did to Orthodox Jews that what Salafi -
This is troll stuff meant to divert, obscure, and confuse matters - and maybe get a rise out of me, too, though all it managed was a laugh. Post reported.
It proves again it's the JEW LEAGUE, who can send thousands of Al Qaeda against arabs and never shoot 1 5.56 bullet to the JEWS all close with Jordania & Egypt

Historic Speech, Israel Is with the Terrorists in Syria - Shimon Perez - YouTube

PressTV - Netanyahu, King Abdullah II hold secret meeting in Jordan: Report

Hussein of Jordania was a CIA member for 20 years.

King Hussein was a secret agent for the U.S. intelligence For twenty years

Jordan embarrassed as bombing reveals CIA link ,CIA Paid Millions to Jordan's King Hussein, who was a paid agent and a puppet
Jordan embarrassed as bombing reveals CIA link | World news | theguardian.com

Hussein de Jordanie. Vingt ans au service de la CIA - Libération

emir qatar fi Israel.flv - YouTube
This has nothing to do with religion, its to do with saving yourself first.... most arab league consider Iran as their main enemy and israel is lesser of the two evils... infact they are happy that israel balances the power.
What's surprising? None of these countries he's referring to are moderate islamists. Gulf counties, Egypt and Jordan. Moderate Islamists fall in a different category.
It proves again it's the JEW LEAGUE, who can send thousands of Al Qaeda against arabs and never shoot 1 5.56 bullet to the JEWS all close with Jordania & Egypt

Historic Speech, Israel Is with the Terrorists in Syria - Shimon Perez - YouTube

PressTV - Netanyahu, King Abdullah II hold secret meeting in Jordan: Report

Hussein of Jordania was a CIA member for 20 years.

Hussein de Jordanie. Vingt ans au service de la CIA - Libération

emir qatar fi Israel.flv - YouTube

the unholy alliance western puppet arabs, israel and USA Israel Reveals It Has Entered a Coalition with Sunni Alliance To Control The Region - YouTube
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