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String of Pearls of China

Pak has only one obsession Kashmir and wasting all energies to confront India since independance and time and again its proved futile, Its playing all dirty games and even sacrificing a lot for this unachievable, meanwhile India is galloping economically and Industrially. We are ahead in all fields, Pakistan i agree has lot of cyber warriors, instead of doing any meaningfull productive, a whole lot of youngsters are wating time bashing India, India meanwhile is slowly putting Pak into debt trap indirectly by indulging in arms race with its poor neighbour which has no means to pay back loans, Now I appeal please forget Kashmir the earlier the better, even Muslim countries SA, UAE are ditching Pak, nobody needs u. U're like spent force exploited by uncle SAM now China, U all interested to browbeat India nothing else.U're becoming a big nuisance even Indian muslims are thinking like this, Indian muslims are getting well established well because of Indian culture and democracy, and Modijis push for efficienct policies. All
contributing to overall progress, I pity those poor Pak citizens expolited by the military buissness empire, who lives envious life style in Dubai, I appeal to those unemployedwarriours here to introspect.
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The only joint in this string is Pakistan, once it gives away all those pearls will fall apart on their own
Pakistan is indeed a pearl.... but spoiled & self distroyed by vested interests

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