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'Stratfor': World is changing but Azerbaijan's interests are unchanged


Jul 15, 2012
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Azerbaijan became one of the most important countries in the world by playing a significant role in providing energy security, head of "Stratfor" Analytic Center George Friedman said at the second forum "South Caucasus in a Changing World" of the Association of Scientists for International Relations, organized by the Strategic Studies Center, on Monday.

According to him, Azerbaijan pays special attention to development of industry and uses modern technologies. Friedman believes that the development of relations between Azerbaijan and U.S can be seen more and more clearly.

The U.S is Azerbaijan's best ally, he stressed.

"Azerbaijan and the U.S have mutual interests. In spite of difficulties on several issues, we witness the rapprochement of interests year by year. The relations between the two countries reached a turning point. Therefore, Azerbaijan should demonstrate tolerance towards certain U.S. opinions," Friedman noted.

The world is changing but Azerbaijan's interests are unchanged, the head of the Center noted.

"Azerbaijan's national interests are its stable development in the region and in the world, as well as its independence from leading states. This was achieved by Azerbaijan's national leader Heydar Aliyev thanks to his far-sighted policy," he added.

The U.S has interests in the region, the head of "Stratfor" stressed.

"In this context, the development of relations between U.S and Azerbaijan are very important and Azerbaijan has both opportunities and friends for this," Friedman stressed.
Today.Az - 'Stratfor': World is changing but Azerbaijan's interests are unchanged
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