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Story of a Markhor (ISI)

That's what I said. There are Indians who eat meat like meat is the only food. And yes, they drink yak blood in Ladakh.

You should try doing that someday. Only vegetarians eat chicken.
Its better for them if u tell them that drinking blood is not good and humane. Teach them how to cook and be civilized!
Snake is not a good diet but Allah's system of chain.. falcon and markhor's favourite diet is snake. wonder why.
Yes they kill and eat. google it
can someone please clarify that does markhor's main diet is snakes, because i have heard that they graze and browse just like other goats.

Markhors don't eat snakes. If they see a snake they kill it to protect their young. Ancient people saw this behaviour of their's and assumed that they killed the snakes to eat them. Hence the name Markhor; Mar = Snake, Khor = Eater.
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  • 1431848372797.jpg
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General Zaheer ul Islam liked this emblem so much that he had one in his office ....but it was never adopted officially ...!

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