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Stop violence against Christians in Karnataka

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They ARE attacking, genius. Why the hell do you think I raised the freaking point? Not mainstream Hindus but us Buddhists because we are in the most ignored part of India-- the NE. There's none of your secular media here to cover our persecution and expose the churchist activities in Arunachal where monasteries are desecrated and people are bullied to convert with community pressure.

See this is why I told you; there are a lot of things you secularist supporters don't know that is happening behind all this media's glare. Just for the sake of being capable of an argument on this, a google search would not kill you.

---------- Post added at 10:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 PM ----------

Well that's because you don't know their dark side as of yet. As us from the east sonny. Ask us.

Hindu Taliban strikes again :P
India is not ready for being "harvested"!

Some Pakistanis seem too keen for missionaries to operate. We suggest they get them in Pakistan.

Looking at what is happening there, it may just do the trick. the suicide attacks and terror may reduce.

If they can do it once, they can convert again. Won't even matter.
India is not ready for being "harvested"!

Some Pakistanis seem too keen for missionaries to operate. We suggest they get them in Pakistan.

Looking at what is happening there, it may just do the trick. the suicide attacks and terror may reduce.

If they can do it once, they can convert again. Won't even matter.

Thank you vinod for your comments

Question : do you condemn violent attacks against innocent nuns ?
If you read wikipedia, you will see it only says there is a consensus amongst some called scholars & jurists. There is nothing in the Quran or Islam that advocates murder for apostasy.

The majority of the Pakistanis sure believe in it

Thank you vinod for your comments

Question : do you condemn violent attacks against innocent nuns ?

Yes. Unequivocally.

I equally condemn the ethnic cleansing of "minorities" from Pakistan. They were almost completely cleansed during partition itself and their share has been going down ever since.

In India it is the opposite. Facts speak for themselves.
The majority of the Pakistanis sure believe in it


What was the sample set for this survey? In the FATA? There is no stoning of women in Pakistan, no cutting off of hands or whippings in Islam, or any of that ridiculousness. Islamist parties in Pakistan don't win more than 2-3% of votes in Pakistan. This survey is highly dubious.
Thank you vinod for your comments

Question : do you condemn violent attacks against innocent nuns ?

They are NOT innocent. This is a farce that they show to media. Selflessness is good but not by spreading evil lies against other culture ESPECIALLY the host culture t whom they must be thankful and appreciate our tolerance. Neither the Hindus nor us will condemn any such attack because this is only a retaliation to something that the politicized media DOESN'T cover when these people attack and hurt us.

Hindu Taliban strikes again :P

Yeah a Hindu Taliban who is a Buddhist..:lol:. Can see how you despise our ancient culture and hell-bent to put us in the negative side. Some "insaf".
Yeah a Hindu Taliban who is a Buddhist..:lol:. Can see how you despise our ancient culture and hell-bent to put us in the negative side. Some "insaf".

sry dude i change it

Budd-Taliban strikes again. (am using Taliban word for extreme hardliners )

now happy :P
Are you planning to teach PEW how o conduct surveys?

Does the 2-3% number in a vote override Islam?

These rulings are only applicable in a country where Shariah Law has been fully enacted, Pakistan is not that country. Pakistan is not governed by Shariah.

Do you deny that chopping limbs and all else mentioned here and enthusiastically supported by the vast majority of Pakistanis is part of Islam?

There's no denying in any thing, if it was supported by the people of Pakistan, it would have been enacted. It is not. The Pakistani people do not support such things, & you better get your head out of your *** & see the light.

P.S. This thread is not about Pakistan, if you make any more posts about Pakistan on this thread, I'll report you. Stop derailing this thread like you have before. My last post about Pakistan here.
sry dude i change it

Budd-Taliban strikes again. (am using Taliban word for extreme hardliners )

now happy :P

There is only one Taliban, the Islamic variety. You have experienced them all to well.

You desperately want to paint the religion of your ancestors with the same brush.

Unfortunately for you, those peaceful relations just don't produce fanatics who believe that 85% of the world is condemned to eternal hellfire because they didn't choose to believe in some claims.

And those fanatics then proceed to make life hell on the Earth itself for the kaffirs, to presumably give them a foretaste of that eternal hellfire.

Sometimes they may be temporarily allowed as Dhimmis, always at the mercy of the faithful.
sry dude i change it

Budd-Taliban strikes again. (am using Taliban word for extreme hardliners )

now happy :P

Yeah right. if I were a Buddhist extremist, I'd be somewhere in the forest, meditating for Nirvana. Extremism in our context means detachment from material world to gain the divine Nirvana. Now stop talking nonsense and don't show further hatred against Dharmic people.
There is only one Taliban, the Islamic variety. You have experienced them all to well.

You desperately want to paint the religion of your ancestors with the same brush.

Unfortunately for you, those peaceful relations just don't produce fanatics who believe that 85% of the world is condemned to eternal hellfire because they didn't choose to believe in some claims.

And those fanatics then proceed to make life hell on the Earth itself for the kaffirs, to presumably give them a foretaste of that eternal hellfire.

Sometimes they may be temporarily allowed as Dhimmis, always at the mercy of the faithful.

Taliban is a extremist mirror watch ur face in it. you hardliners just follow them and dont allow human liberties which are basic rights of human being.

dont talk about kaffir etc stuff here read thread title carefully.
Taliban is a extremist mirror watch ur face in it. you hardliners just follow them and dont allow human liberties which are basic rights of human being.

dont talk about kaffir etc stuff here read thread title carefully.

Allow the same freedom in other countries as well and then talk about intolerance in India. We don't have millions of non-Dharmic people running helter-skelter for Europe or Arabia on grounds of persecution; same can't be said about you. Google is your friend here.

I am not saying that there is no wrong. There is wrong. But not so much that you say. Instead WE are suffering because we gave too much tolerance and freedom. Should have controlled like CCP does.

I admire the Chinese government for that. Total respect.
Taliban is a extremist mirror watch ur face in it. you hardliners just follow them and dont allow human liberties which are basic rights of human being.

dont talk about kaffir etc stuff here read thread title carefully.

Well, you just have to look at the mirror and the history of your own country and religion before trying to lecture others.

We have problems and no one is denying it.
other countries have problems, but we in this thread are talking about one, you can open other threads for other.
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