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Stop violence against Christians in Karnataka

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The BJP govt is a disaster for karnataka's name. There were no attacks on churches before they came to power. Also they are as corrupt as any other party.
Hope they will be thrown out in the next election.

Wow! One Yeddiuprappa was corrupt and was kicked out and you're talking about replacing them with Congress that has swindled the entire nation? Guess you're out of touch with India mate. BJP also has its set of corrupt but it doesn't have a rotten top like Sonia G and Baby G who swindle and destroy India daily.

The last thing you'd want is more rampant missionary conversions, undisclosed attacks on mainstream Hindu families etc. that you don't know about.
Wow! One Yeddiuprappa was corrupt and was kicked out and you're talking about replacing them with Congress that has swindled the entire nation? Guess you're out of touch with India mate. BJP also has its set of corrupt but it doesn't have a rotten top like Sonia G and Baby G who swindle and destroy India daily.

The last thing you'd want is more rampant missionary conversions, undisclosed attacks on mainstream Hindu families etc. that you don't know about.
If there is mass concersion, try to bring some law like other states have done. Dont send your goons to attack christians. How would you feel if christians attack hindus citing something or other.
I don't get why do people have this problem with conversions. Nobody can force anyone to believe in something they don't believe in. Nobody would convert if they were not interested in converting. Banning conversions is similar to telling people what they can and cannot believe in. Are you trying to stop people from expressing their ideas and what they believe in? That would be wrong too.

How does conversion from religion to atheism happen? That is conversion too. How would you ban someone from not believing something?

All this talk of banning conversions etc in India is plain old Talibanisation of Indian politics. It goes against our democratic ideals and infringes on personal freedom.
I don't get why do people have this problem with conversions. Nobody can force anyone to believe in something they don't believe in. Nobody would convert if they were not interested in converting. Banning conversions is similar to telling people what they can and cannot believe in. Are you trying to stop people from expressing their ideas and what they believe in? That would be wrong too.

How does conversion from religion to atheism happen? That is conversion too. How would you ban someone from not believing something?

All this talk of banning conversions etc in India is plain old Talibanisation of Indian politics. It goes against our democratic ideals and infringes on personal freedom.
In theory yes, you are right. But in practice, most of the conversion happen by enticement and exploitation of poor and gullible people. You wont see conversion in cities.
I wont say there should be ban on conversion, but govt should keep tab on such practices (in poor and backward areas)by well funded evangelical christians, which can cause unnecessary local friction.
In theory yes, you are right. But in practice, most of the conversion happen by enticement and exploitation of poor and gullible people. You wont see conversion in cities.

In my opinion, if the quality of someone's life goes up even by a teensy weensy bit by changing their religious belief and they are fine with it, I say all power to them. Leave them alone.
In my opinion, if the quality of someone's life goes up even by a teensy weensy bit by changing their religious belief and they are fine with it, I say all power to them. Leave them alone.
I dont quite disagree with you there. Cheers.
In my opinion, if the quality of someone's life goes up even by a teensy weensy bit by changing their religious belief and they are fine with it, I say all power to them. Leave them alone.

Though lots will agree with you but many will take offense as well and they will act as they wish. We can give them all the power but that does not mean they will remain safe. This is REALITY!! some will surely act..

Also think about Abrahamic religions some got death penalty for conversion. it seems they are the most scared of people leaving their fold.. Also let's say in role reversal, if we have Hindu/Buddhist mercenaries in Christian/Muslim majority country and trying to convert people selling stupid stories and propaganda and offering them money to convert and If they come into notice of people what do you think will happen to them? I think we need to be real.

All these are just marketing gimmicks of Abrahamic religions to increase their count and I don't think by converting by cash anybody's quality of life will change rather they become more of a sell able items and tomorrow somebody else offer them more money they will convert to that religion. In my opinion, this whole exercise will have negative psychological impact on the family of the victims.

Conversions by offering money etc in my opinion should be banned. If someone really wants to convert he may need to prove no money is involved. For ex I am ok the way Rehman converted but not with the way mercenaries converting tribals making use of donated money..
Though lots will agree with you but many will take offense as well and they will act as they wish. We can give them all the power but that does not mean they will remain safe. This is REALITY!! some will surely act..

All these people who are vulnerable to violence should get protection from these thugs who would like to harm them. You cannot ask people to stop believing what they want to because that could hurt the feelings of some hot headed people who would like to see the world according to their whims. I would infact go further and say these idiots should be made examples of so as to send a a clear message that no one can take the law into their hands.

Also think about Abrahamic religions some got death penalty for conversion. it seems they are the most scared of people leaving their fold.. Also let's say in role reversal, if we have Hindu/Buddhist mercenaries in Christian/Muslim majority country and trying to convert people selling stupid stories and propaganda and offering them money to convert and If they come into notice of people what do you think will happen to them? I think we need to be real.

So two wrongs make a right?
I want to see my country do the right thing. In my country, people have the freedom of thought, speech, right to practice their religious beliefs and to express their ideas. I want to see these strengthened.

All these are just marketing gimmicks of Abrahamic religions to increase their count and I don't think by converting by cash anybody's quality of life will change rather they become more of a sell able items and tomorrow somebody else offer them more money they will convert to that religion. In my opinion, this whole exercise will have negative psychological impact on the family of the victims.

Conversions by offering money etc in my opinion should be banned. If someone really wants to convert he may need to prove no money is involved. For ex I am ok the way Rehman converted but not with the way mercenaries converting tribals making use of donated money..

I do not agree with you that it is just 'The Foreign' religions which seek to convert. Look inwards and you will see a lot of Babas and Sadhus on television preaching their own views to the world at large and getting rich at the expense of their followers. That is conversion too.

If people didn't see actual benefits in their life, they wouldn't change their beliefs. I see a lot of people who say that their life has improved since they found God. As an atheist I think its all bunkum. But if it does help them change their lives for the better then I say best of luck to them.
- Use sell-out media as propaganda.
- Use degrading other's faiths to convert.
- When debating, personal attacks is what you do.
- And when retaliated and countered, call them "racists, murderers intolerants" bla bla.

That's all you lot can do. :lol:

Wake up.

Does it mean others are irrelevant? He just mentioned 3 communities from numerous around the world. Nothing to get so touchy about it.

Yeah? Well my people experienced it. Taugh...:lol: your missionary propaganda won't work after seeing what we have. It is a good thing you lot showed your true colors to us who at one stage used to feel that mainstream Hindu people are being too aggressive needlessly.

Not surprised you won't take it seriously since it is a strikeback; something you lot don't like.

---------- Post added at 04:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:03 PM ----------

But secularist jokers will continue to bleed for the money they get running their household from these enterprises.

I am a proud Indian with full faith on Indian System and i didn't leave my country in search of green pastures......did you feel it as personnel attack...........Again i am not surprised the way you support your abusive friend....Same applies to hard line right wing groups
I am a proud Indian with full faith on Indian System and i didn't leave my country in search of green pastures......did you feel it as personnel attack...........Again i am not surprised the way you support your abusive friend....Same applies to hard line right wing groups

May be you fighting some of Hindu Taliban .... :agree: they don't represent fully India.
May be you fighting some of Hindu Taliban .... :agree: they don't represent fully India.

India is a big country and second most populous country and believe me 95% people here are religious tolerant......In Kerala...the State which I belong have Hindus-53 % Muslims 27% and Christians 19% ..........But we live in Peace together and never we made friends based on religions or caste in schools & colleges..........
All these people who are vulnerable to violence should get protection from these thugs who would like to harm them. You cannot ask people to stop believing what they want to because that could hurt the feelings of some hot headed people who would like to see the world according to their whims. I would infact go further and say these idiots should be made examples of so as to send a a clear message that no one can take the law into their hands.

It's a perception issue.. you see people attacking the evangelists as thugs and many see fake money offering evangelist as thugs and everyone has right to believe what ever they want. As of now in India, offering money to convert is illegal so it is the Evangelists who are at wrong. But I agree that people should instead of killing them should hand them over to Police and let the law take its own course. But then this is an emotional issue and not many like people to talk rubbish about their religion.

So two wrongs make a right?
I want to see my country do the right thing. In my country, people have the freedom of thought, speech, right to practice their religious beliefs and to express their ideas. I want to see these strengthened.

In my country, I don't want people roaming around offering money to poor/tribal to convert. It's an act of corrupting the foundation of the poor and their future generation. freedom of thought, speech, right to practice their religious beliefs and to express their ideas are all ok but the right to bribe in religion is a big No No.. It's highly shameful that people do not have faith in their own teachings/preachings that they resort to offer/bribe people to convert. This is wrong and as I too want to see right things happening in my country I want it to stop. I have no problem in conversion by any other means.

I do not agree with you that it is just 'The Foreign' religions which seek to convert. Look inwards and you will see a lot of Babas and Sadhus on television preaching their own views to the world at large and getting rich at the expense of their followers. That is conversion too.

Wrong preachings to a gathering or on TV do not generally make people change their religions. Also in this case only the interested people will hear the preaching no body is forcing them to watch a TV channel and get converted. Bad example.

If people didn't see actual benefits in their life, they wouldn't change their beliefs. I see a lot of people who say that their life has improved since they found God. As an atheist I think its all bunkum. But if it does help them change their lives for the better then I say best of luck to them.

Ah my dear friend, there is no way to prove that one's belief is better than others and one belief system can benefit anybody's life over other belief system. It's all BS..
I am a proud Indian with full faith on Indian System and i didn't leave my country in search of green pastures......did you feel it as personnel attack...........Again i am not surprised the way you support your abusive friend....Same applies to hard line right wing groups

Good to hear that you have full faith in Indian system and believe me it will not fail you.

Also leaving country in search of green pastures does not mean we have forgotten our roots and stopped loving our country rather if you are away from your country then you miss your county more.

I agree there are hard line groups in India but so is the fact that there are money offering Evangelists working in our tribal areas. I want to know how do you see it? Do you think bribing in the matter of choosing religion is right? Do you think people will not take offense of it?

Answer me honestly as an Indian and you are not a minority you are a majority. :)
India is a big country and second most populous country and believe me 95% people here are religious tolerant......In Kerala...the State which I belong have Hindus-53 % Muslims 27% and Christians 19% ..........But we live in Peace together and never we made friends based on religions or caste in schools & colleges..........

Believe me this is true in most part of country. I will explain you by giving an example- Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism etc all Dharmic religions took birth at the land we are are living and the propagators of these religion were mostly Hindus but we never had an in fighting like we witnessed in case of Abrahamic religions. Hindus in general is a very tolerant society but we have suffered huge blows because of this tolerance in past few centuries so we are cautious now.. Hope you don't see anything wrong it that.
If there is mass concersion, try to bring some law like other states have done. Dont send your goons to attack christians. How would you feel if christians attack hindus citing something or other.

They ARE attacking, genius. Why the hell do you think I raised the freaking point? Not mainstream Hindus but us Buddhists because we are in the most ignored part of India-- the NE. There's none of your secular media here to cover our persecution and expose the churchist activities in Arunachal where monasteries are desecrated and people are bullied to convert with community pressure.

See this is why I told you; there are a lot of things you secularist supporters don't know that is happening behind all this media's glare. Just for the sake of being capable of an argument on this, a google search would not kill you.

---------- Post added at 10:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:33 PM ----------

India is a big country and second most populous country and believe me 95% people here are religious tolerant......In Kerala...the State which I belong have Hindus-53 % Muslims 27% and Christians 19% ..........But we live in Peace together and never we made friends based on religions or caste in schools & colleges..........

Well that's because you don't know their dark side as of yet. As us from the east sonny. Ask us.
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