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Stop Hindi Programmes NDA Ally PMK Alleges 'Hindi Imposition' by Centre Through Radio

I have no antogonism towards lesser non classical languages like urdu bangali etc..

My only concern is unnatural promotion of bimaru hindi alone in India while ignoring cultural heavy weights like tamil telugu etc
If all indian languages were accorded equal status, why would anyone be against hindi

I think you have never stepped out of your home state ..... Our indian instinct allows every culture to thrive on its own with around a great scope of acceptance of other indian distinctive cultures ....
To me what unite us as India is our diverse culture..... I am equally proud of any other indian culture as my own .....

show them the above clip :coffee:

If you search the internet, you will find any crap you want. The grounded reality is far different - but if believing TN is in disarray (instead of being one of the most stable states in the country) makes you sleep better, please be my guest.

show them the above clip :coffee:
Tamil populars/leaders from tamil nadu don't like to give lectures in english, that we all know. A lecture for separate country, that too when Jaya was in power? forget it.

Have you checked the response for this video in youtube? Hardly one or two, that too from lankan tamils...
Tamils from tamil nadu don't like to give lectures in english, that we all know. A lecture for separate country, that too when Jaya was in power? forget it.

Have you checked the response for this video in youtube? Hardly one or two, that too from lankan tamils...

You asked how can it be accomplished , constitutionally, I got an Ex Tamilnadu citizen to give he answer ... btw Tamilnadu is not going to be independent immediately .. but it will get there @ some stage in the future as India is bound to break up and you need us to prepare you mentally

You asked how can it be accomplished , constitutionally, I got an Ex Tamilnadu citizen to give he answer

Tamil Nadu has citizenship?? :suicide:

... btw Tamilnadu is not going to be independent immediately .. but its will get there

You're telling me stuff that anyone in TN would point to your face and laugh at. Most people in TN (leaving Jaya's hardcore followers aside) are happy she is arrested. Go to TN, talk with people and find out for yourself. Don't make a mockery of yourself.
PMK, a partner of NDA from Tamil Nadu, today accused the Union government of trying to "impose Hindi" through local radio broadcast and asked the Centre to give up the proposed initiative.

"The Centre has planned to impose Hindi through local broadcast by regional radio stations in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry in the name of commercial broadcast," PMK founder leader Dr S Ramadoss, alleged, in a statement here.

Claiming that the duration of such broadcast in Hindi had been fixed for four hours a day, effective October 26, he said, local stations have been asked to re-broadcast Hindi content.

"Though All India Radio officials say that the move is to cut cost and increase revenue from advertisement, the true intention is to propagate Hindi in all the states," he said.

‘Stop Hindi Programmes on AIR’ -The New Indian Express

NDA Ally PMK Alleges 'Hindi Imposition' by Centre Through Radio

Dr. Ramadoss can go suck gibbon balls.
You asked how can it be accomplished , constitutionally, I got an Ex Tamilnadu citizen to give he answer ... btw Tamilnadu is not going to be independent immediately .. but it will get there @ some stage in the future as India is bound to break up and you need us to prepare you mentally

I have not asked how can it be accomplished constitutionally, the video you shared was uploaded in june, at that time Jaya was in power. When she is in power no one will dare to give a lecture about separation from tamil nadu, Everyone knows whats she is known for, what happened to vaiko and others when they gave supportive speach for LTTE.

Where you got this, tamil nadu is going to break up? Even pro LTTE vaiko like people also never lectured for a separate tamil nadu and he aligned with NDA for election u know.
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show them the above clip :coffee:
What do you think.....how many people like him are there in Tamil Nadu....

So far I have met more than 25 Tamilians and all of them are very guys friend of mine....
And believe me.....none of them are even aware of this thing
Exactly. We Tamils realize that's impossible. In my 25 years of being in TN, I've never heard of one person I've interacted with even talk about separation. The only place hear crap like that is PDF :undecided:. Amusing how Pakistanis/foreign people claim to represent us and care about our well being.

Exactly! I had only heard of this from some older people like once, and was surprised to know there was even a secessionist movt in our state..I didnt know about it till then :lol:

Then I log onto pdf and so many Pakistanis talking for us about our freedom and what not :lol:
This kind of attitude is one of the reasons why people in South India are reluctant to learn Hindi.
Ok dawg, you think i'm biased? You're in for a surprise. Actually a part of my dad's family is Tamil(his mom's side).So I myself have some tamil genes. But thankfully for me, my parents are very educated and enlightened and never imposed this language crap on me just so that I could "carry on the family tradition" or "preserve the culture" or riff raff like that. So I was only expected to learn the language of the place where I grew (Delhi). As a result , despite my Grandmom's best efforts (and continuing efforts) to "convert" me , I can't even speak a single sentence of Tamil :lol:. I have a very neutral perspective on this issue and really, my opinion is that Tamils really need to calm the hell down. They are just too serious about their language and can't bear any insult towards it, they treat their actors like rajnicrap like god just because they see them as some sign of resistance against hindi dominated bollywood and stuff like that. I've never seen a north Indian being so insecure about their language as Tamils and South Indians are. Please , don't blame this on my attitude. My attitude is perfectly fine and my views are very neutral. If South Indians are reluctant to learn Hindi , it's only due to their own narrow mindedness , biases and insecurities. You cannot change history, Hindi has become the dominant language in India and everyone learns it. Maybe perhaps in a parallel universe, Tamil is the dominant language in India and everyone's learning it.
Tamils have been pushed , , they have no choice but will fight Hindian hegemony . sample the "new generation " a foreigner asking native Tamil to gtfo from his country - Tamilnadu, why not Tamilnadu to gtfo from India ???

Yeah, thanks for your opinion , manpig. Now stfu
I have a very neutral perspective on this issue and really, my opinion is that Tamils really need to calm the hell down. They are just too serious about their language and can't bear any insult towards it,

Why the hell should Tamilians appreciate other people who insult our language?

they treat their actors like rajnicrap like god just because they see them as some sign of resistance against hindi dominated bollywood and stuff like that.

This is is donkey crap. Rajinikath is a Marathi who grew up in Karnataka - not a Tamilian. Every Tamilian knows that.

I've never seen a north Indian being so insecure about their language as Tamils and South Indians are. Please , don't blame this on my attitude. My attitude is perfectly fine and my views are very neutral.

Who the heck are you to determine how we should feel about things?

If South Indians are reluctant to learn Hindi , it's only due to their own narrow mindedness , biases and insecurities.

No - there was a systematic effort in place to to make Hindi optional. Hindi is just one language in India out of many official languages. So why should that change?

You cannot change history, Hindi has become the dominant language in India and everyone learns it. Maybe perhaps in a parallel universe, Tamil is the dominant language in India and everyone's learning it.

Crows are the most seen bird in India. Let's make it the national bird then.
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