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Stolen Indian Nuclear Material



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Dec 8, 2008
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Where is the stolen nuclear material?

A list of thirty-five Indians involved in high profile terrorist activities in Pakistan proved what was long suspected that India was behind insurgencies in Waziristan, Swat, Bajuar, and Mohmand agencies as well as in the Baluchistan province. Similarly, India tried to destabilize Pakistan through bomb blasts in cities, mosques, and imambaras aiming at sectarian conflicts and social unrest. Why our various governments have remained silent is a mystery, while India has blamed Pakistan for every incidence in India even when it could have been the result of her homegrown militants. The bizarre silence of our leaders has made Pakistanis looked like the real terrorists, while this has encouraged India and its accomplices to continue destruction of life and property in Pakistan with impunity. Strangely enough, what has been known to our agencies and the international intelligence community has not helped us in making a credible stand against India’s aggressive designs towards Pakistan. Long ago the Pakistani leaders should have lodged protests, in the strongest words, with India and they should have also been open to our friends and our citizens about her mischief. If India had settled for bomb blasts and in insurgency in FATA and Balochistan, we could have perhaps contained the crisis. However, for the last 3-4 years, reports have appeared of routine smuggling of uranium ore and nuclear material in India that could have already reached Hindu terrorists. This can have disastrous implications for Pakistan as our enemies in the West have already started to prepare public opinion against such self-fulfilling incident. We must also properly evaluate the most recent news that a bi-partisan congressional committee in the USA considered a future WMD attack from within Pakistani borders. Similarly, the campaign against our armed forces and the ISI and the maps of divided Pakistan must be examined in its true context. It is vital that our government should immediately address this issue and must preempt such evil designs. It must also let the world know the theft and smuggling of nuclear material by Indian citizens as well as the real aims of Hindu terrorist organizations. Mere statements that our nuclear assets are in safe hands and that no terrorist has any access to those assets have not earned us any sympathy. We should not forget the war on Iraq whereby the American public was falsely made to believe that Saddam had WMD. The game can be replayed against Pakistan this time with the connivance of India and the Hindu terrorists. Failing to preempt a nuclear incidence could be apocalyptic for Pakistan.

Our top leadership must wake up to the realization that India can never be Pakistan’s friend. From the time when the British first put their foot on our soil some four hundred years ago, and during the struggle for the independence India, Muslim leadership did its best to live in peace with Hindu India but in vain. Who knew it more than Quaid-e-Azam, who was considered as an ambassador of Hindu – Muslim unity, decided to part ways in the 1930s. He openly admitted that we were different people who could not live together as citizens of one country. He made the case for a separate home for the Muslims in the most eloquent words: "We are a nation with our own distinctive culture and civilization, language and literature, art and architecture, names and nomenclature, sense of values and proportion, legal laws and moral code, customs and calendar, history and tradition, aptitudes and ambitions; in short, we have our own distinctive outlook on life and of life. By all canons of international law, we are a nation".

While we have warned in our articles that all the goodwill gestures of the present government will soon end up in vain, Indian leaders have once again exposed their real faces. During the very first hour of the Mumbai “drama”, Indian politicians implicated Pakistan in the terror attacks without any credible evidence or investigation. More extremist politicians even threatened to bomb Pakistan. The Indian media, leaving aside all journalistic norms of fair, balanced, and defensible reporting began spitting venom against Pakistan. The Indian public, mirroring their inner feelings, wrote letters to newspapers around the globe, which fell far short of being respectable in tone or language. And more recently, the Indian government dealt a deathblow to ongoing peace talks (CBMs). One senior politician even threatened to block Pakistani sportsmen and artists to Mumbai in the future.

Fortunately, most of the Pakistani populace displayed a firm resolve during the Mumbai drama and the Indian war of words, threats, and belligerence. They condemned baseless and dishonest propaganda against Pakistan. Our media went on the offense and did a marvelous job in exposing the real culprits in the Mumbai attack. The media counter blitz surprised many in India and its major news dailies. It is also heartening to know that at a government sponsored initiative, in the All Parties Conference about the country’s security on December 2, 2008, all the major parties gave their unequivocal support for measures taken to defend the national security. This was a real demonstration of unity among politicians on both sides of the political divide. At the same time, our military leadership issued a statement that if India decided to amass its troops on the Eastern border, then Pakistan would have no choice but to pull its 100,000 troops from the Western border. They declared that the national security, in such an event, would take a higher priority than the war on terrorism. This could have been a disastrous move for the Allied forces in Afghanistan. As the government was preparing for the worst scenario, elders from FATA and some of Taliban leaders came out strong in full support the government and the armed forces in defending the country’s honor and dignity. Moreover, Pakistan’s morale was further boosted when our government refused to send the ISI Chief to India and President Zardari’s refusal to comply with the Indian demand of handing over some twenty Pakistani citizens required by the Indian agencies. He, instead, promised to prosecute any individual in Pakistan under our own law and punish them if the Indian government provided credible proof. Pakistan has finally awakened to the challenge. It sent a clear message to those having evil designs against our country that Pakistanis are united against terrorism and any aggression against its sovereignty and integrity.

As the Indian leadership is coming to the realization about the diabolic drama played by Hindu extremists, our leadership should stand firm on all the unresolved issues between the two countries. It should insist on the foolproof evidence of any potential involvement by any individual living on Pakistani soil. It should not compromise on the security infrastructure. For sixty years Pakistan has been trying for friendship, peace, and good relations with India; these efforts have got nowhere while India appears bent on the destruction of Pakistan. We urge our leadership to fight the evil designs against our country with unity, wisdom, statesmanship, courage, and bravery. The Mumbai terrorist attacks should have set us free from any delusions about Indian intentions for Pakistan. It is critical that we expose Hindu terrorist groups who have created havoc both in India against Muslims, Christians and low caste Hindus, and in the neighboring countries, especially Bangladesh Sri Lanka, and Pakistan. But most importantly, our leadership, our intellectuals, and our writers must ask where is the stolen nuclear material in India? And we must inform the world that Indian terrorists will be held responsible for any nuclear misadventure unless all the stolen nuclear material is accounted for.

Dr. Ali Mohammad

Source: thefrontierpost.com/News.aspx?ncat=ar&nid=642
And a slightly older link: abc.net.au/news/stories/2006/12/23/1817908.htm
He gave a source for his post so its accurate, it doesnt matter if he's new.
Welcome Khangul to Pakistan Defence Forum.
Pakistani officials and politicians who remained silent on this issue have betrayed Pakistan in the worst possible way at the worst possible time. If there were people like that in India, they would have been hanged publicly.
Respected Mr T_rex this regarding ur post of stolen indian material i would like to reminnd u that i case of india no of its any politican hae been hange(reason is known and this not regarding that). I would like to make point that hanging of people has been done in pakistan rember its prime minister Mr Bhutto (whatever be its first name) . And take the case of blangedesh itself where its people killed its owne first prime minister and Sheikh mujibur rahman . Duo ur post was disappoting:tdown::tdown:l:usflag:
Respected Mr T_rex this regarding ur post of stolen indian material i would like to reminnd u that i case of india no of its any politican hae been hange(reason is known and this not regarding that). I would like to make point that hanging of people has been done in pakistan rember its prime minister Mr Bhutto (whatever be its first name) . And take the case of blangedesh itself where its people killed its owne first prime minister and Sheikh mujibur rahman . Duo ur post was disappoting:tdown::tdown:l:usflag:

Please translate into English ! You seemed to be having a convulsion, did I hurt your feelings ?
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