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Still out there and growing -- al Qaeda on the rebound, experts say


Apr 28, 2011
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(CNN) -- Two years after the end of the Iraq war, the U.S. State Department confirmed this week that it is providing the fragile country with sophisticated weapons and drones. Iraq needs help fighting against a growing and serious threat -- al Qaeda.

For those who don't avidly follow the complicated machinations of the globe's top terror group, this could be confusing.

Hasn't the line for years from the U.S. government and its allies been that al Qaeda is on the run, that its fiercest fighting ability has been weakened by U.S. strikes?

That truth is far more complex, of course. The terror group's manpower has increased in recent years, it has gained control of more territory in North Africa and the Middle East and is taking a different approach to death, according to top lawmakers privy to high-level intelligence and experts who have observed al Qaeda's activities since September 11.

A stake in Yemen

While al Qaeda suffered significant setbacks after Navy SEALs shot and killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan in 2011, and drone strikes have taken out top terrorists along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border, the terror group and its close allies have rebounded in Yemen, the Sinai region of Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and parts of east and west Africa, among other places.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, or AQAP, headquartered in Yemen, is particularly concerning.

CNN has learned of recent intercepts of messages among senior al Qaeda operatives in Yemen, but the messages don't name specific targets. One source told CNN that the chatter suggested "active plotting."

Al Qaeda: We're sorry about Yemen hospital attack

The U.S. has been fighting back, but not every strike has been successful. This month a drone failed to kill an al Qaeda planner believed to be behind a plot to attack the U.S. Embassy in Sanaa. Instead, the drone hit a wedding party, Yemeni officials said.

A powder keg in Syria

Al Qaeda-linked militants have established a formidable foothold in the complicated civil war in Syria.

There are up to 11,000 foreign fighters from 74 nations in the conflict that has raged since April 2011, according to the December report from the International Centre for the Study of Radicalism (ICSR).

READ MORE: Cruickshank: Concerns over al Qaeda's resurgence

An increasing number of them are from Europe -- approaching two thousand, according to the ICSR, an unprecedented number, according to experts.

The United States and its allies fear that those fighters will be able to more easily launch attacks in their homelands or against Western targets, said Cruickshank.

"Syria is now the fuel for the jihadist movement and some of the most experienced operatives from Pakistan and Iraq have relocated there," he said. "Syria has helped al Qaeda rebuild its operations in the Arab world, which has always been its intention anyway."

READ MORE: Al Qaeda-linked group strengthens hold in northern Syria

Cruickshank saiid it's especially scary to consider that al Qaeda members in Syria could receive training in the terror group's traditionally sophisticated bomb-making and detonating courses.

Consider that the Boston Marathon bombing utilized what are considered low-grade explosives, he said. Al Qaeda generally sets the bar higher for destruction on par with the London attacks in the summer of 2005.

"It's possible that new recruits could get training like what we saw al Qaeda in Pakistan giving -- showing people how to make high-explosive bombs made of chemicals bought at beauty or home goods stores and detonate them." Cruickshank said. "All they would need to do is return to Europe, buy what they need to and carry out an attack."

Flashpoint partners, a U.S outfit that tracks jihadist websites, provided the terror analyst with an al Qaeda video that emerged on Christmas day. It features the Boston bombing and also the slaying of a London soldier in May of this year.

The Christmas Day-published video is an updated English language version of al Qaeda's central video "You are Only Responsible for Yourself" which was first issued in June 2011. That video featured senior al Qaeda leaders including Ayman al Zawahiri and American-born al Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn.

It calls for al Qaeda sympathizers to take things into their own hands and launch attacks in the West.

Both attacks are called models for the future.

An elusive peace in Iraq

Syria borders Iraq. Though the causes of violence in Iraq are many-fold, al Qaeda's presence there, aided by Syria's weakened state, is being felt among the fragile nation's law enforcement and civilian population. Between January and November 2013, more than 7,000 Iraqi civilians were killed, including 952 Iraqi Security Forces,according to the United Nations.

April 2013 was Iraq's deadliest month in five years.

Since the overthrow of Saddam Hussein, Sunni Arabs have been politically marginalized and Shiites, who represent a majority of Iraqis, have emerged with more power. That has led to sectarian violence -- constant bombings and various smaller attacks. Al Qaeda is targeting Shiites in an attempt to plunge the country into another civil war and hopes to carve out a larger zone of territory under their control on either side of the Syria-Iraq border, Cruickshank says.

Smaller bursts of violence are the hallmark of al Qaeda's new approach to terrorism, according to the chairs of the Senate and House intelligence committees who appeared on CNN's "State of the Union" in early December.

CNN's Candy Crowley asked House Intelligence Committee Chair Mike Rogers if he thought Americans were safer in 2013 than they were a few years ago.

He insisted they're not, and that U.S. intelligence and security officials are having a tougher time than ever before trying to stop so many smaller-scale plots.

But does that translate into a threat specifically in the U.S.? To Rogers, it does.

"All of them have at least some aspiration to commit an act of violence in the United States or against Western targets all around the world," he said.

However, CNN national security analyst Peter Bergen said earlier this month that the data on al Qaeda-linked or influenced militants indicted in the United States suggests that the threat of terrorism has actually markedly declined over the past couple of years.

At least for the moment, "these al Qaeda groups in Syria and Iraq are completely focused on overthrowing the Assad regime (in Syria) or attacking what they regard as the Shia-dominated government of Iraq. And, at least so far, these groups have shown no ability to attack in Europe, let alone in the United States," he said in a column published on CNN.com.

Bergen: Are we hyping the terror risk?

The new Al Qaeda

What motivates al Qaeda's newest members?

Sen. Dianne Feinstein told Crowley she thought there is still a pervasive belief among extremists that a caliphate -- an Islamic state governed strictly by Sharia, or Islamic, law -- is possible and should be fought for.

"I think there is a real displaced aggression in this very fundamentalist, jihadist, Islamic community," she said. "And that is that the west is responsible for everything that goes wrong...I see more groups, more fundamentalists, more jihadists more determined to kill to get to where they want to get."

Cruickshank points to the disappointment many young men felt over what they perceive as a failed Arab Spring revolution.

(Al Qaeda is still mostly comprised of younger men, though women are taking backseat support roles, he added.)

In 2011, tens of thousands of protesters staged a revolution in Egypt that unseated longtime dictator Hosni Mubarak. Mohamed Morsy, then a Muslim Brotherhood leader, was elected president in the country's first democratic election in 2012. He was deposed by the military last summer.

This week Egypt's military-backed government declared the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist group. On Thursday, dozens of members of the Islamist party were arrested and their property seized, authorities said.

"The great hope of the Arab Spring was that it would liberate the political system. But instead it resulted in increased repression against Islamists," Cruickshank said. "For a lot of young men going into Syria, in some respect, it's a reaction to that feeling."

"They see the Egyptian and Syrian government as tarred with the same brush. They see those governments as blocking the true flourishing of Islam."

CNN's Barbara Starr contributed to this report.
Still out there and growing -- al Qaeda on the rebound, experts say - CNN.com
First of all, Ayman Al Zawahri and Jew Adam Gadahn have nothing to do with any rebel movements in Syria.

Second, they don't care about the USA.

Third, there are a lot more than 11,000 foreign fighters in Syria.

Finally, there isn't really AQ in Syria, they are mostly movements created in the past 3 years besides the ISIL.
Also, please don't post propaganda from CNN which pushes such articles out daily to keep Americans in fear even though the scenario is nothing as CNN makes it. People who are more likely to inflict danger on populations are nations such as the USA.

Rebel movements in Syria are not capable at all of inflicting damage on US civilian population and have no interest in doing so.

These reports are to rile up Americans so we can consider military action in many countries in the Middle East with the support of the American population as a means for justification under the false narrative that were preventing 'terror' against America.
The so-called AQP in Yemen are criminals. Misguided souls and probably directed by outsiders and anti-Muslims to cause havoc.

Not much different from the Houthi cult.

But the Syrian and Iraqi ones are cool?
The so-called AQP in Yemen are criminals. Misguided souls and probably directed by outsiders and anti-Muslims to cause havoc. If they chased to target civilians and Muslims then this might have been another discussion. You don't implement a Islamic system (Yemen is already mostly ruled by Sharia and the most conservative Muslim country in the world) by doing un-Islamic things.

Not much different from the Houthi cult.

But the Syrian and Iraqi ones are cool?

There is no real "Al-Qaeda" there. At least not in Syria and they don't target civilians in Syria and the Syrian opposition is made up by hundred of thousand of Muslim Syrians and others that have a legitimate fight and who are part of legitimate Muslim groups and struggle fighting against a child-murdering tyrant and anti-Muslim.

BTW are you not the same anti-Muslim that used a pig as you avatar?

No group whether Muslim or not that deliberately targets civilians and especially Muslims is a good group.

The "Al-Qaeda" nosense is used by individuals such as you to defame the entire Syrian opposition and their legitimate fight. Like people calling the Palestinians terrorists for defending themselves, Chechens, Kashmiris etc.

Don't dare to call Muslims struggling in legitimate fights for "Al-Qaeda" or terrorists. This is pagan speech and the same people Prophet Muhammad (saws) fought against and WON.
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First of all, Ayman Al Zawahri and Jew Adam Gadahn have nothing to do with any rebel movements in Syria.

with all due respect my dear bro , i think you are wrong

:D IMHO btw .

with all due respect my dear bro , i think you are wrong

:D IMHO btw .

He can say what he wants but shouldn't try to take responsibility for anything, I've always thought of this guy as an American agent and don't buy into his crap.
There is no real "Al-Qaeda" there. At least not in Syria and they don't target civilians in Syria and the Syrian opposition is made up by hundred of thousand of Muslim Syrians and others that have a legitimate fight and who are part of legitimate Muslim groups and struggle fighting against a child-murdering tyrant and anti-Muslim.

BTW are you not the same anti-Muslim that used a pig as you avatar?

No group whether Muslim or not that deliberately targets civilians and especially Muslims is a good group.

The "Al-Qaeda" nosense is used by individuals such as you to defame the entire Syrian opposition and their legitimate fight. Like people calling the Palestinians terrorists for defending themselves, Chechens, Kashmiris etc.

Don't dare to call Muslims struggling in legitimate fights for "Al-Qaeda" or terrorists. This is pagan speech and the same people Prophet Muhammad (saws) fought against and WON.

Dont get your panties in a bunch buddy, that was a rhetorical question. Deep inside you know the answer to that too. So if I dare call muslims something you dont like will you call a legitimate freedom fighting alqaeda cell on me?
Every time a Muslim gives some money at Mosque collections, he's probably funding terror.
Dont get your panties in a bunch buddy, that was a rhetorical question. Deep inside you know the answer to that too. So if I dare call muslims something you dont like will you call a legitimate freedom fighting alqaeda cell on me?

Don't understand your first sentence.

Instead of trolling and not reading what I have written then maybe stop trolling?
Why not use that avatar with a pig again to provoke people here or make fun of Islam?
Muslims are not supposed to support killings of civilians. Very simple. Even animals are given much respect. I have for example only killed flies of animals outside of sacrificing a lamb for eid once a few years ago.
Don't understand your first sentence.

Instead of trolling and not reading what I have written then maybe stop trolling?
Why not use that avatar with a pig again to provoke people here or make fun of Islam?
Muslims are not supposed to support killings of civilians. Very simple. Even animals are given much respect. I have for example only killed flies of animals outside of sacrificing a lamb for eid once a few years ago.

It is a very legitimate question, and as I said yesterday to Yzd Khalifa in the thread : Russia bear rising.

You have a problem with Al Qaeda based on their location, in Iraq they aren’t as bad as in Saudi Arabia or Yemen.

Seems like i’m not the only one with that opinion here + your posts lead to it.

It is a very legitimate question, and as I said yesterday to Yzd Khalifa in the thread : Russia bear rising.

You have a problem with Al Qaeda based on their location, in Iraq they aren’t as bad as in Saudi Arabia or Yemen.

Seems like i’m not the only one with that opinion here + your posts lead to it.

What are you talking about? Trolling again?

Never supported "Al-Qaeda" anywhere. End of discussion.

I don't consider the Syrian opposition to be Al-Qaeda or the Palestinian resistance against Israel to be Al-Qaeda or terrorists like that user with the former pig avatar is saying.

End of discussion for my part.
The Al Qaeda has metamorphosed into various branching groups like AQIM - AQ in the Islamic Magrib, AQAP, ISIS and significantly - the TTP in Pakistan, with the AQ core being in Pakistan. Syria just like Pakistan is fighting against the AQ's attempts at overrunning it.

From a South Asia perspective, it is highly imperative to ensure that Pakistan and its forces do not lose against the TTP, the Islamists or any other forces thats out to destabilize or radicalize it.
What are you talking about? Trolling again?

Never supported "Al-Qaeda" anywhere. End of discussion.

I don't consider the Syrian opposition to be Al-Qaeda or the Palestinian resistance against Israel to be Al-Qaeda or terrorists like that user with the former pig avatar is saying.

End of discussion for my part.

That’s because you don’t call them Al Qaeda when supporting them, quit bullshitting.
No trolling here.
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