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Stephen Hawking backs possibility for humans to travel millions of years into the fut

DaRk WaVe

Aug 17, 2009
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Stephen Hawking backs possibility for humans to travel millions of years into the future

Stephen Hawking has claimed that humans might one day be able to use time travel to skip generations into the future.

The famous astrophysicist, speaking in a new documentary, said spaceships could one day be capable of such high speeds that time slowed down for those on board.

He admitted he had avoided talking about time travel previously ' for fear of being labelled a crank', saying the subject had once been 'scientific heresy'. 'These days I'm not so cautious,' he said.

Theoretically, such a space ship would allow the crew to repopulate the earth if they found our species had become extinct during their flight.

Stephen Hawking's Universe, in which he makes the comments, will be screened on Discovery next Sunday. In another part of the series he says alien life is likely to exist but that humans should avoid making contact.

Hawking said a spaceship capable of travelling through time - but only forwards - would breach Albert Einstein's theories of relativity.

Having taken six years to reach its full speed of 98 per cent of the speed of light (650million miles per hour), a day on board the ship would be equivalent to a year on Earth, he said, allowing those on board to reach the edge of the galaxy in just 80 years.

But the ship required for the journey would have to be massive to allow for the required fuel.

He dismissed the idea of travelling backwards through time, saying doing so would violate a fundamental rule that cause comes before effect and that such an act could allow people to make themselves impossible, such as if a person travelled back in time and shot thir former self.

While backing Hawking's theories, Brian Cox, a Manchester University professor and the presenter of BBC's Wonders of the Solar System, admitted there were significant impediments to realising them.

'We can already see how time slows down for objects travelling at high speed by looking at what happens in paricle accelerators,' he told The Times.

'When we accelerate tiny particles to 99.99 per cent of the sped of light in the Large Hadron Collider at Cern in Geneva, the time they experience passes at one-seventhousandth of the rate it does for us.

'If we could build a spaceship that was fast enough, then it could reach other stars in the lifetime of the crew, but maybe 2.5million years would have passed by on earth.'

Stephen Hawking backs possibility of time travel millions of years into the future | Mail Online
The problem is not behind the science/theory of time travel, its the engineering. The challenge mainly starts at fuel. The fictional matter/antimatter reaction is not possible. Carbon fuels are not viable due to efficiency and supply. Nuclear Fusion cannot be controlled, Fission seems to be the best option but the technology is going to take decades if not centuries to mature.
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The problem is not behind the science/theory of time travel, its the engineering. The challenge mainly starts at fuel. The fictional matter/antimatter reaction is not possible. Carbon fuels are not viable due to efficiency and supply. Nuclear Fusion cannot be controlled, Fission seems to be the best option but the technology is going to take decades if not centuries to mature.

Antimatter is not fictional there is a possibleity that it can be used as a fule just check out this video =P

Lazer power spaceships might also help.

But i do agree it will take us atleast another 50 years to bulid somthing like that 0-0.
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Also from where are the stephen hawking threads are poping out 0_o. there wasn't any threads on him about 2 months ago and suddenly loads of em are made :P.
Hum human zameen pay tu sahi say rah tai nahi hai space may ja kar aur gund mach any gay. Lol
Antimatter is not fictional there is a possibleity that it can be used as a fule just check out this video =P

I should have said, matter/antimatter fuel is theoritical. First problem is to be able to produce huge amounts of antimatter. Then comes the problem of storage, the only way to contain antimatter is by using strong magnetic fields.
I think any future long distance space flight will be done by creating wormholes (Einstein Rosen bridges).
Wormhole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dr. Michio Kaku is a co-founder of super string theory. and is probably one of the best at explaining in simple terms complex physics.

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I should have said, matter/antimatter fuel is theoritical. First problem is to be able to produce huge amounts of antimatter. Then comes the problem of storage, the only way to contain antimatter is by using strong magnetic fields.

The Antiproton Decelerator Manufacturing antimatter
CERN - AD: Manufacturing antimatter

The Antiproton Decelerator is a unique machine providing low-energy antiprotons for studies of antimatter, in particular for creating anti-atoms. Previously, ‘antiparticle factories’ at CERN or elsewhere consisted of a chain of accelerators, each performing one of the steps needed to provide antiparticles for experiments. Now the AD performs all the tasks alone, from producing the antiprotons to delivering them to the experiments.

The starting point, surprisingly, is a beam of protons from the Proton Synchrotron (PS), which is fired into a block of metal. The energy of the collisions is enough to create a new proton-antiproton pair about once in every million collisions. The antiprotons are produced travelling at almost the speed of light and have too much energy to be useful for making anti-atoms. They also have a range of energies and move randomly in all directions. The job of the AD is to tame these unruly particles into a useful, low-energy beam.

A ring of bending and focussing magnets keeps the antiprotons on the same track, while strong electric fields decelerate them. A technique known as ‘cooling’ reduces the sideways motion and the spread in energies. Finally, when the antiprotons have slowed down to about 10% of the speed of light, they are ready to be ejected. One ‘deceleration cycle’ is over: it has lasted about one minute.

In 2002 the AD made headlines around the world when the ATHENA and ATRAP experiments successfully made large numbers of anti-atoms for the first time. Currently it serves three experiments that are studying antimatter: ALPHA, ASACUSA and ATRAP. The ACE experiment also uses antiprotons, in this case to assess their suitability for cancer therapy.

Theoretically, such a space ship would allow the crew to repopulate the earth if they found our species had become extinct during their flight.

I would love to be one of those travellers :D

The job is to travel in space and when ever there is a chance of human extinct just make a few babies ;-) Boy a dream job for all guys I believe ;-)

They've been saying that for the past ... DECADE or so.

I hope they keep saying it. barring some alien race coming to Earth and giving us the technology. Humans will not have the technology especially the power requirements. for probably tens of thousands of years. That is if we don't kill ourselves off first.
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