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Staying up late to watch swimming world championships

This American woman named Kate Ledecky has been shaving massive chunks of her personal best and breaking world records but western media don't even question how she did it. It's only how awesome she is. But when a non-white swimmer does it, the western media starts their propaganda campaign how it must be through cheating.

The whites think only they can swim and don't like it when non-white swimmers start beating the white swimmers. It's the worst form of racism.

Some Chinese swimmers were disappointing. Ye Shiwen had a poor swim in the 200m IM final. Women's relay teams were poor too. Tang Yi had a shocker in the women's 100m freestyle final finishing 7th. She won bronze in the London Olympics. Women have been pretty disappointing compared to what I was expecting and their potential.

Sun Yang is a superstar. It's his incredible swim that won China a bronze in the relays, the other 3 swimmers were pretty poor. Hopefully he can keep it up.

I will be happy if we can finish 2nd in the swimming medal table. Americans have too much depth for us to beat them right now. We need to build more depth in each event to hang with the Americans.

Swimming is one area we can eventually overtake the Americans but it will take a while. Swimming and Athletics are the 2 events the Americans vastly outperform China in the Olympic medal table.

Coincidentally, Athletics and Swimming are also, by far, the largest events....

In swimming China is catching up, though still behind. How do you think they will do in 2016?

And what about 2016 Athletics? Athletics is the Achilles heel of all of East Asians.... I hope China can pull at least a few medals. The Americans think themselves superior athletes because of all of their medals, yet they are only running West Africans for the sprint and East Africans for long-distance!!
Coincidentally, Athletics and Swimming are also, by far, the largest events....

In swimming China is catching up, though still behind. How do you think they will do in 2016?

And what about 2016 Athletics? Athletics is the Achilles heel of all of East Asians.... I hope China can pull at least a few medals. The Americans think themselves superior athletes because of all of their medals, yet they are only running West Africans for the sprint and East Africans for long-distance!!

In 2016, we will still be behind the US. But I hope we cut down America's lead in swimming. Chinese swimmers need to peak for major international events like the Americans do.

In athletics, East Asians can compete in field events like shot put, javelin throw, high jump, long jump, triple jump, etc.
It's in running events that we struggle. But Liu Xiang has proven that East Asians can beat the African-Americans in sprints when he won gold in 2004 Olympics and he has always been world class in the 100m hurdles. In long distance the Africans are the best. I think East Asians can compete in middle distance events.

In walking events China is good.

It's in sprinting that America has a huge advantage due to the black Americans. As I said, East Asians can compete with anyone in field events. If White Russians can do well in athletics including field events, middle distance running, walking, there is no reason why East Asians cannot do the same.
i am very big fan of swimming-

thats been said can i have more photos of LU YING :D-
In the London Olympics, the track & field event results were USA win 9 gold and 29 overall. Russia finished second with 8 gold and 17 overall.
So...China is not the winner.

Disappointing as usual!
Japan hasn't scored any gold by now,usually they can get one or two.
China, as usual is shining in the current world swimming championship with Sun Yang clinching/getting gold in 400, 800 and hopefully 1500 m events and with China getting most of the gold medals in diving. However we must also highlight the racist rumours from the US and EU media and swimming specialists in view of preventing China to break the White western hegemony in swimming. While 15yrs old Chinese Olympic champion is being tagged of doping by the West, 15 yrs Olympic US champion is tagged as natural talent or wondergirl. Anyway great performance by China while mighty and shining India is still inexistent in world swimming but always existent in weapons procurement, money laundering, swindling, corruption and.....China bashing.
While 15yrs old Chinese Olympic champion is being tagged of doping by the West, 15 yrs Olympic US champion is tagged as natural talent or wondergirl.

That's what the west can do the best,all non white athletic achievements are worth investigating and subject to open questioning.
SUN YONG bagged his third golds!!!!!!!!China swimmer Sun Yang proves peerless in long-distance freestyle. took 1500m freestyle gold.


Barcelona 2013 swimming world championships final result:1.US 15 golds 2.China 14 gold
Yang Sun Of China Wins The Award For Best Male Swimmer the 15th FINA World Championships

China's Sun Yang poses with his FINA trophy for best male swimmer

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