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‘Stay With Me’: Afghan Government Begs Citizens Not to Flee

The government could not provide them security so now it has no reason to stop these people from wanting healthy stable lives abroad. If the Afghanistan government was serious in the peace process then much was possible but unfortunately it seems to be caving in to the demands of the likes of abdullah abdullah and other hawks. Its your own fault and you know it. Running these media campaigns won't help your cause.
People keep saying that the Afghans will go to the west. The reality is that a vast majority will go instead to Pakistan, and slightly less so, Iran.

I have to agree with @MastanKhan, it seems Afghanistan may be on it's death bed. Neighboring nations must plan on what to do if this happens. Preparations must start now, in order to be ready.


If the afghan refugees want to stay in Pakistan---then there is a way to it for them---when they go back----they need to split the bordering provinces and chose to join Pakistan.

The afghan Taliban need to opt for joining and making---they should go in---take over some provinces and declare a unification with Pakistan and sc-rew everyone else----.
Well the government or form of government that has been attempted to be installed has always failed because Afghanistan in itself is not a state it was always a "Semi-State" because it has no real trade.
  • 65-70% of the people have residential ties in Pakistan
  • 75% even Have ties to neighboring villages in Pakistan

Does it have the capacity to survive on its own , well its been proven since 80's that it cannot because every time the so called government is wiped out and some random (lets call them bandits come in and they rule by force)

So here is ground reality ! Pakistan cannot become a Economical positive country as long as there is a
DE-Stabilized Afghan area on our west border. Its like this "Safe Heaven" for groups to run off to hide and then recover there 2-3 months and then plan another attack.

So that means ground operations are an ideal form to clean house as done in SWAT or other Area which had positive outcome.

Afghanistan - is being controlled by a rouge group - not a military, a Rouge group

1- As stated before , if we conclude the Sukhoi deal station the planes in Pakistan
2- Move the F-7PG assets , for Afghanistan operation
3- Move 300-400 Tanks for ground operations
4- Collect the APC for ground operations

Ground Operations : 40,000-50,000 Troops from ground into Afghanistan

Take over the cities (KABUL) , and run Drone operations on the mountain areas

Objectives for Missions:
1- Remove Terrorist Elements (Taliban / Qaeda / ISIS)
2- Setup Ministry of Province
3- Register Political Parties in Afghanistan , which will participate in "Elections" next Pakistan Election
4- Launch Mission to destroy , Drug Trade ( By Air / Helicopters)

Post Mission Completion;
  • Establish Trade Routes to Central Asia
  • Safe Guard construction of Gas pipe line bring it home
  • Connect CPEC to Central Asia , also trade can flow in via Gwadar port from central asia
  • Free Trade Agreement with Iran , connect it to Economy grid , create jobs
  • Completion of Iran - Pakistan Gas line

Afghanistan is not a state , its a region which was part of Pakistan , and left unclaimed because it was too inconvinent to venture in as we lacked a powerful military.

1947 we had limited resources , we were occupied in Kashmir issue and we had no tanks no APC no jets , the excuse was good back in 1947. India seized some Portuguese regions becasue it has military and it claimed the territory and so should we , we need to claim this territory, on basis that most of the civilian are already occupants of Pakistan or have some sorta tie to Pakistan.

This is 2015 !!!

500 Fighter Jets later , 4000 + Tanks later , Million Soldiers Later, 1000 Nuclear Bombs later (We won't use nukes on Afghanistan obviously not), the issue of resources is not there

We need to claim Afghanistan for humanitarian reasons and also for National Security


Afgan , province will get Democracy , Jobs , Open Trade (Not drug trade) open trade
and 50,000-100,000 Strong local Forces , which will Train as Pakistani Forces

And we might as well Keep the F-7PG fleet (150 planes) permanently over Afghanistan for 10-15 years by gradually training local pilots to take over the assets, Extension of Pakistani Miliatry new division Under Pakistani Command. These planes will retire anyways in next 2-3 years or 4

Pakistani Pilots would be gradually transferred over to their origional basis in 4-5 Years time
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People keep saying that the Afghans will go to the west. The reality is that a vast majority will go instead to Pakistan, and slightly less so, Iran.

I have to agree with @MastanKhan, it seems Afghanistan may be on it's death bed. Neighboring nations must plan on what to do if this happens. Preparations must start now, in order to be ready.
We ca help by repopulating Afghanistan. There are millions of them living in Pakistan right now and we must take measures to rehabilitate them in Afghanistan itself. They can build their country up from scratch and finally bring development to their native homeland.
We ca help by repopulating Afghanistan. There are millions of them living in Pakistan right now and we must take measures to rehabilitate them in Afghanistan itself. They can build their country up from scratch and finally bring development to their native homeland.
but they will never go back even pakitan try now pakistna is lala land anyone can come live enjoy

  • Erase border
  • Go in , 7 New Miliatry Basis / Air Force bases , 150 planes , 300 Tanks , 60,000 Troops
  • Direct Trade routes to Central Asia
  • Door way to Free Trade

> 7 Air-force bases , 21 planes per base
> 42 Tanks per military Base
> 8,500 Troops per Military Base
> All placed strategically along the trade routes inside Afghanistan

  • 10,000 Afghan Ranger's Force Trained by Pakistani Military
  • 40 Pilots trained initially for Afghanistan Province


Give Command of Mission to a Commander who can lead from front to eradicate Taliban/ISIS/Qaeda

We have all the tools we need
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  • Erase border
  • Go in , 7 New Miliatry Basis / Air Force bases , 150 planes , 300 Tanks , 60,000 Troops
  • Direct Trade routes to Central Asia
  • Door way to Free Trade

> 7 Air-force bases , 21 planes per base
> 42 Tanks per military Base
> 8,500 Troops per Military Base
> All placed strategically along the trade routes inside Afghanistan

  • 10,000 Afghan Ranger's Force Trained by Pakistani Military
  • 40 Pilots trained initially for Afghanistan Province


Give Command of Mission to a Commander who can lead from front to eradicate Taliban/ISIS/Qaeda

We have all the tools we need
Come out of your wet dreams dear.
Hamid gul is dead and so does his ideology.
Well I was just going to propose to take it all
  • We will have border with Turkaministan - trade route
  • We will have border with Uzbakistan - trade route
  • We will have new borders with Tajakistani - trade route
  • Connect GWADAR with central Asia & China
  • Larger boarder share with Iran
  • Take over the flat areas / cities. And put drones on mountain patrol
Do a free trade agreement with Iran

Iran - Pakistan - Chnia (Trade route), afghan province gets some traffic / jobs creation due to stuff travelling to central asia

  • Move the whole F-7PG fleet to cover Afghanistan operation (150 Jets), after 60 Sukhoi-35 are attained put them in Pakistani side
  • Move in 300 Tanks into Kabul operation

Move in 50,000-60,000 Soldiers into Kabul
  • Dissolve the afghan parliment , hold new elections and make it new province end of story
  • Hold new elections in Afgan province in next Pakistan election
  • Allow formation of Afghan political parties
  • Get Al Qaida out of Afghanistan
  • Get ISIS elements out of Afghan area
  • Ban cultivation of drugs in Afghan area and focus on edible crops
  • Set up amnesty program to give up Guns
Establish : 4 Military bases / 4 Airport basis
Done...setup program to train 10,000 Soldiers locally yearly untill 80,000 Troops are trained

Set up Ministry of Afgan Province of Pakistan :pakistan:
Your wish list is unending.
And after doing all this, what the fu........k we gone achieve for common pakistani
A union between AF and PAK make the most logical sense. But then again you have secular nationalism which is antithetical to common sense. And there r people on both sides who espouse such non-sense.
to all the people suggesting afghanistan should become a province of Pakistan : i thank the heavens you people are not high ranking military personnel, otherwise our country would be doomed.
read this article and decide if you want these dirty, disgusting afghans in our country : The filthy culture of bacha bazi in Afghanistan – The Express Tribune Blog

To be fair such practice exists in Pakistan too.

A united Pakistan/Afghanistan can be (not necessarily will be)

1. Secure -- Pakistan gets depth and Afghanistan removes what it perceives a hostile state.
2. Economically viable -- the Human Resource pool, mineral resources, access to the sea, access to central Asia
3. It would produce a more ethnically balanced union -- the Punjabis and Pakhtuns will cease to be large constituents
4. Expansion -- consider that in another three decades we could add the other CARs

The only downside I see is that we won't be able to get rid of cricket and Bollywood :-(

To be fair such practice exists in Pakistan too.

A united Pakistan/Afghanistan can be (not necessarily will be)

1. Secure -- Pakistan gets depth and Afghanistan removes what it perceives a hostile state.
2. Economically viable -- the Human Resource pool, mineral resources, access to the sea, access to central Asia
3. It would produce a more ethnically balanced union -- the Punjabis and Pakhtuns will cease to be large constituents
4. Expansion -- consider that in another three decades we could add the other CARs

The only downside I see is that we won't be able to get rid of cricket and Bollywood :-(

secure? m8 whatever karachi is today is because of the fire the afghan refugees lit in the 1980s which the mqm happily carried forward.
economically viable? Human resource??? afghanistan is illiterate, and we need to focus more on our own people first!!
ethnic balance? right now, Pakistan is more unified than it has ever been. sindhis and muhajirs are not fighting anymore and neither are balochis and punjabis or giligitis and pathans! adding more to the gene pool would be disastrous for this peace.
and anyways, it would never work out on the ideological front since they are massively conservative whereas we are much more liberal (comparatively) and our leaders are not their leaders. their masses will never identify with jinnah or liaqat ali khan or bhutto or ayub khan.
its absolutely 100% not possible at all.
have you even considered the insurgent type situation that will pop up if we invade afg? they're not afraid of suicide and they'll bomb us in the 1000s if we dont give them freedom.
its just impossible.
secure? m8 whatever karachi is today is because of the fire the afghan refugees lit in the 1980s which the mqm happily carried forward.
economically viable? Human resource??? afghanistan is illiterate, and we need to focus more on our own people first!!
ethnic balance? right now, Pakistan is more unified than it has ever been. sindhis and muhajirs are not fighting anymore and neither are balochis and punjabis or giligitis and pathans! adding more to the gene pool would be disastrous for this peace.
and anyways, it would never work out on the ideological front since they are massively conservative whereas we are much more liberal (comparatively) and our leaders are not their leaders. their masses will never identify with jinnah or liaqat ali khan or bhutto or ayub khan.
its absolutely 100% not possible at all.
have you even considered the insurgent type situation that will pop up if we invade afg? they're not afraid of suicide and they'll bomb us in the 1000s if we dont give them freedom.
its just impossible.

Well yes it may totally backfire -- but I think if Pakistan want's to realize its ambitions it cannot do it from the present geography. But yes I think there are two extreme options:
1. Isolation
... send the Afghans back
... mine the border
... imagine Afghanistan don't exist
... if Afghans cosy up to India use what ever means to wreak havoc and increase the cost
...... once the Afghan brain drain is irreversible -- Afghanistan will be fragile again

2. Mutual sovereignty as equals/Confederation
... unified foreign policy
... restricter internal movement for the next 2-3 decades
... slowly unify currency
... focus on internal security ... use an Muslim denomination say Dirham or something like that
... continue building a MAD nuclear capability towards India
... but other than that respect the great power status of India and seek one for yourself
... Have good relations with both China and India
... Kashmir to be solved in the next 100 years ... as I've said ... Kashmir will be the final arbitrary of this
... start integrating with CARs
... work with China to produce a manufacturing base with Afghan resources and Pakistani labor
... Incorporate Taliban as a foreign legion and some structures of ANSF
... have a super assembly like a superior senate with both Afghan and Pakistani membership
... hard yes ... but ... scholars have argued that in the long run it is inevitable
... the current problem with Pakistan is that Punjabis constitute 50% of the population
... the current problem with Pakistan is that the Pakhtuns are split
... the least common denominator is if you can marry the other and the children have legitimacy ... Afghans and Pakistan can and do marry the other and the children have legitimacy ... that's my test for cultural continuity
... it will further Farisi-ize Urdu -- remember Lahore was one the city of Farsi Poets

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