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Staunch Critic Hasan Nisaar All Praise for PMLN Leader Rana Sanaullahs Bravery


Sep 26, 2018
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Pmln faced a brutal crackdown during the Musharaf regime with many leaders imprisoned in solitary confinements and tortured/violated in front of their families. To name a few they were Pervaiz Rashid, Javaid Hashmi, Rana Sana etc but they all stood their ground.


And many of those old members here mocked these persons in every single possible way. Now they can't tolerate to observe their favorite leaders treated in same manner for less than 2 weeks even. They now have become jurists, constitutionalists, human right champions and so on. It's just a trailer now. Just a trailer.
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Non of them live in 6x4 room even single day , extreme heat. ... PTI 10,000 workers under arrest, their families and women humiliated, houses destroyed .... above pictures all live in NAB hostels, Ai conditioned rooms not in jail.

Nawaz live few days and ordered refurbised washroom with 2 servants, daily food delivery ...and they flew away as usual... lolllllllll ............ come on stop this nonsense ...All fabricated jail days number.... When NAB put them in jail next day all end up in hospitals ....now Shahabaz sharif set a new record , since he came in power, not a single day he has back pain ....lolllll
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  1. As if corruption didn't happen on their watch, witness tampering, destruction of proof. What courage? Their family members weren't harassed or victimized, then having the gall to say that the current kidnappings were of the same ferocity when they had to go through it.

  2. What is with the fake cases being piled on PTI? What's with the interior minister's dictatorship orders to apprehend all PTI personnel? What is the problem? Why did you need to come into power to disable and eradicate your own cases?

  3. Why couldn't you control the economy? Why did PDM sit on their asses and put the economic strategy on the rear pedestal when you came back into power last year? Why was PDM's primary objective not related to the country's benefit? Why was it to find dirt on Imran Khan and disable his future chances? Why are you not allowing elections? Why are you defying court orders to hold elections? Why have you giving the courts the run around for people that have been kidnapped? Why are you not producing them before the court? Why are you controlling the media and lying to yourselves? Why are the taxes you are paying so little? How are you driving stolen cars from the toshakhana? How can you justify your assets when the taxes you have paid are so off-balance?
Non of them live in 6x4 room even single day
Nearly all of them with Rana Sana nearly all his term in the Death cell.

Leaders lead by example many Pmln cadres also endured hardships and jail in all eras( a very long history).
During the last regime alone police raids were a regular feature on workers and like-minded journalists. One day I will make a detailed thread on hardships faced for no reason by workers from all eras.
Salute to all political leaders who take the brunt and don't put too much pressure on their poor workers.

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