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Statistics in China being falsified to mask slowdown

So, what do chinese do with half the world's coal .... either chinese power plants are damn inefficient, or the chinese consider coal as a food item. They simply eat it.

Probably steel is another item, which chinese could eat ... and then say "Yes, we all ate very well".

We use coal instead of oil to generate electricity...so when Indian Ocean Pirates hijack our oil tank, our oil could be saved for the Navy.
yes yes we have not grown over the past 30 years, all the data have been fake and the actual gdp has been 0%.
so now everyone can stop talking about china and the chinese economy, since we all know its fake and lies.

if you dont believe the numbers then dont report on them, pretty simple.

these people dont believe our numbers yet they are the first ones to report on it and put sooooooo much importance to china.
if its so fake why bother reporting something that is obviously fake according to them.

the less people talk about our economy the better, having so much attention on you is not good.

let everyone talk about india's economy, brazil's economy and russia's economy. they are the countries that produce accurate numbers so report on them.

just leave us alone and we will just get on with our lives.
we just want a decent living, we dont care about economic numbers, they are d*ck measuring contests.

as long as we get food, water, medicine, a job and a house to live, thats all we want.

why we allowed western media in china in the first place is one of the biggest mistakes we ever did. all they do is spew anti-chinese f*lth while living in mainland or hong kong. i hope the government kicks out these western media outlets that try to humiliate china.
the less attention we get, the better.

seriously if it was me i wouldnt even report any numbers. if we report good numbers, its fake, if we report bad numbers we are collapsing and its still fake.
yet the west dont have any problem using our growing consumer markets to get their sales up and maximise their profit. but when we report our economic numbers, then its all fake and we are not growing at all.
just watch and read western media, when a company like apple,GM,etc generates massive sales they boast about how fast we are growing(headlines read "apple sales skyrocket in china"), but when we report that we did well and grew our economy, then all the numbers become fake.

kick out the western media and just stop reporting our numbers to anyone.
problem solved.
And yet during the course of that 30 year journey, China brought 1 billion people out of poverty. Can you or the NYT alter this fact and call it a lie too?

^This very thing is up for debate dude.. which u are trying to peddle here as a fact..

hahahahahahahahaha who fake , india fake data caught !!

It is a fact that China are at least 20 years ahead of India. So it will take at least 20 years of tomfoolery and outright wrenching and distortion of economic data to reach the level which u ppl have set.. :lol:
read the first few lines of the article after reading the title....

This is wha they resort to ... attacking the messenger than the message itself.

the latest thread about India falsyfiying the data is one example.. nevertheless.. totally fake people the CPC are :woot:

sooner or later, world will realize their charade
Here's The Fake Gmail Site Chinese Hackers Used To Steal U.S., Activist Data

Look at the two Gmail login pages in the image below, (click to enlarge them) and ask yourself: Would you have spotted the difference?


On Tuesday, Google revealed on its official blog that it had been the target of a phishing campaign seemingly originating in Jinan, China, and aimed at gaining access to the accounts of senior officials in the U.S., Korea and other governments, as well as those of Chinese activists.

The attack worked–at least in part–by sending the victims spoofed emails, often from accounts that appeared to belong to coworkers, family or friends. Those emails contained links to the spoofed Gmail sites, which harvested the usernames and passwords of anyone fooled by their realistic appearance.

The hackers then used those login details to forward all mail coming into the account to a third party, or in some cases gathered information about contacts to use in other phishing scams.

Google credits the discovery of the scheme in part to the blog Contagio, where a detailed analysis of the scam including images of the spoofed emails and the fake login page above were posted in February.

This kind of phishing scheme isn’t new, and Google warned in its high-profile revelation of Chinese hacking in January of last year that it–like all webmail services–was vulnerable to this sort of spoof attack. But the company has never before revealed so much about its phishing attackers, nor has it shared images of the fake login pages those phishers use.

Contagio points to subtle differences in the two login pages, including the destination of links and small design contrasts. But given the spot-on accuracy of the fake Gmail gateways above, Google isn’t depending on users to tell the difference. Instead, it suggests using its two-factor authentication system, which sends a code to a user’s phone that he or she needs to use to log in. If a user has set up that safeguard and no code appears when he or she is prompted to log in, then the login page might be fake.

Google is also suggesting that users watch for suspicious forwarding settings that might indicate an intruder is copying their mail, as well as a red warning at the top of the page that indicates Google has detected “suspicious activity” that might signal a hacker has gained access to the account.

Here's The Fake Gmail Site Chinese Hackers Used To Steal U.S., Activist Data - Forbes
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