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Statistics in China being falsified to mask slowdown

people may cancel subscriptions or simply choose to ignore but the writing is on the wall... that most Chinese (CPC) is a totally shameless bunch of ruthless cons.. their entire economy is based on false data and god knows what crap is going down that sh!t hole called CPC..

As a Singaporean I was brought up with the fear and hatred of CCP and felt immense sorrows for for my brothers and sisters living in the mainland. However their collective performances in the past decades convince me they are there to work for the betterment of the country and the people. Yes there are short comings, as all counties do, but at the end their final goal are for the prosperity and dignity of the country and the people. Peace.
Massaging economic data is not new. Even India even had their exports overstated by 9 billion:eek::eek::eek:. Every county does that but there is only so much you can massage.
Because there are also many figures that cannot be falsified. Freight movement on trains, imports-exports, direct investments power consumption etc.
This NYtimes article is bullsh-t if anyone knows the fact that Chinese National Grid is as advanced as that of Japan, both are among the best in the world. Anyone in the biz should well know that. Data is all metered by advanced system if that can be bugged, there won't be china or Japan miracle. This is not india style manual hacking 19th century grid.

Economic data can be forged but not the electric consumption data in China.
Massaging economic data is not new. Even India even had their exports overstated by 9 billion:eek::eek::eek:. Every county does that but there is only so much you can massage.
Because there are also many figures that cannot be falsified. Freight movement on trains, imports-exports, direct investments power consumption etc.

Some one's questioning the last one .... the one thought to be the "gold standard". (as per the NYT article).

CPC can force every chinese to say that .. "Yes, we all ate very well."

Only if "national pride" is the first and last goal that matters .... and nothing else.

Speaking a lie is the least sacrifice a chinese could do to salvage national pride.... what's the big deal if they do so, for the honour of mother china.

But china does produce 48.3% of the total coal produced in a year:

List of countries by coal production - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

But even the "official" electricition production figures don't suggest that they produce half the world's electricity.
(though, again steel production = half the word's steel production, which also should consume the coal in the same proportion).

List of countries by steel production - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

i.e. 45.8% of world production.

So, what do chinese do with half the world's coal .... either chinese power plants are damn inefficient, or the chinese consider coal as a food item. They simply eat it.

Probably steel is another item, which chinese could eat ... and then say "Yes, we all ate very well".
Well I still don't get why coal mounts in port but power gen plants need minimize there inventory. Or its the amassing effect out of China's huge booming renewable energy sector?
Well I still don't get why coal mounts in port but power gen plants need minimize there inventory. Or its the amassing effect out of China's huge booming renewable energy sector?

It's the amassing effect of China's huge booming renewable energy sector.

People Daily clearly says so.
It's the amassing effect of China's huge booming renewable energy sector.

People Daily clearly says so.

Well for China it's a yes as China account for nearly half of world's new energy generation.
better tell me the whole fake indian democracy is going down the drains through its massive rebellions against the gravely incapable government, cheerleading populace, sliding rupees, rise of loan defaults, collapsing airline industry and more economic downgrading is forthcoming!

I can see some a$$ burning here.. plz don't cry.. u ppl did well but were just caught playing oversmart :lol:

As a Singaporean I was brought up with the fear and hatred of CCP and felt immense sorrows for for my brothers and sisters living in the mainland. However their collective performances in the past decades convince me they are there to work for the betterment of the country and the people. Yes there are short comings, as all counties do, but at the end their final goal are for the prosperity and dignity of the country and the people. Peace.

there's a philosophy.. end justify means or the journey itself is more important.. I will stick with later..
One amusing thing noticed, Pakistanis try to act more Chinese than Chinese and try to act stupid by posting idiotic things in totally unrelated threads..

Same can be said about Indian members who every time try to become more of the Americans rather then Americans themselves with it comes to Pak-US relations.

Don't just blame us, you guys are no different then us.

All of the members try to talk on the topic, if you can't then shut up and do something else.
LOL at cluless indians if the west economic data is so accurate why didnt they spoted the banking collapse in 2008 before hand , man is it completely wasting time debating economic with indians
there's a philosophy.. end justify means or the journey itself is more important.. I will stick with later..

And yet during the course of that 30 year journey, China brought 1 billion people out of poverty. Can you or the NYT alter this fact and call it a lie too?
this has nothing to do with economics data falsification.

this is a smear campaign against china using the powerful western media because we increasingly stand upto the western hegemonic agenda from the syrian veto to not bowing to the west regarding iranian oil imports, etc.

the western media has been on an anti-china campaign ever since the global financial crisis, the west is jealous the china has done reasonably well compared with the west ever since 2008.

read any western article or watch any video from the western financial shows like bloomberg, fox business, cnbc.
all these media outlets always have the most anti-china guests on to either predict the collapse of china or that our economic numbers are fake. its one or the other, sometimes its both.

the west is so scared of our rise that now they have a pivot to asia.
in africa the western media have been spewing anti-china propaganda trying to turn africans against chinese investment.
remember the western media pulled a similar campaign against china before and during the 2008 olympics.

the west cannot stand that china is rising, it eats them up alive.
we must also increase our media power.

the west have been saying that we have been faking our numbers since 1978, despite their hatred, china has risen and become more powerful and influencial in this world.
the west can spew their hate and venom all they want, but we will continue to get bigger, stronger and more influencial.

let the west cry, and let the indians defend their white masters.

we just gotta work even harder, we need to reform more to make our economy and our country stronger.
the more we get stronger, the more the west cries, the more they cannot handle it, the more venom they spew, thats when we know we are doing things right.

its like this, if you do things for the best interest of your own country, the more the west hates you eg. china, russia, iran, syria.
if you have an independent foreign policy, the west hates you (thats why the west loves india because india follow the west on everything).
if you dont follow western led sanctions, the west hates you (west loves india because they reduced iranian oil imports).
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