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State Duma chief suggests trying US for WWII nuke attacks

Although pearl harbour was an attack on a military target.. whilst Hiroshima and Nagasaki.. well.

However, the Russians have their excesses in Afghanistan and chechnya.

Both cities were important military and industrial production hubs.
We already dealt with this topic on another thread on here started by atawolf. Seinheiser you are still going on about this? Even our Japanese friend on here said you should let it go, yet you are still persisting? :lol: Since when have you become the devils advocate of imperial Japan? :chilli: :rofl:
Its not "Imperial Japan". The correct term is The Japanese Empire , or The Empire of Japan.

Although pearl harbour was an attack on a military target.. whilst Hiroshima and Nagasaki.. well.

However, the Russians have their excesses in Afghanistan and chechnya.

They should not have struck Hiroshima because the city was primarily a civilian city with little to no defense production sites. In fact, the decision to strike Hiroshima was by meteorological chance ; weather was poor and clouds had blocked their primary choice, which was Yokohama, which was home to Yokohama Industrial zone, and home to major production sites for the Imperial Navy and Imperial Air Force, meaning it had powerful anti air systems . Whereas Hiroshima was primarily a civilian city with many children evacuated there in bomb centers . The decision was poor, in my honest opinion.

I say let the dead rest . Honoring their souls and memory by ensuring that no nation ever strikes another the way the United States struck the Japanese Empire.

As for Pearl Harbor; we struck a military installation and specifically evaded civilian centers. Either way, many wrongs were done on both sides. Japan was not innocent either.
As for Pearl Harbor; we struck a military installation and specifically evaded civilian centers. Either way, many wrongs were done on both sides. Japan was not innocent either.

Biggest single mistake was not bombing the fuel depots. That would have crippled the entire fleet for a long time.

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I'm sure it was a calculated gamble that Japan could take over the island and use the depot. However it didn't work out.
You think I care ? Just because you do not have the brains to understand, it does not mean others will follow you.

The Soviet Union was an evil empire and we who lived through those yrs will never let the world forget. You exported, violently if necessary, an evil ideology that brought out the worst of human nature and done it without moral restraints. Poverty and abject misery followed everywhere the Soviet Union went. And you think your Russia under a Cold War warrior like Putin is any better ?
That's unfair, US didn't do much better, I'm not sure the US definitely went in with better intentions, though maybe it did, hard to say.

But name something the US has done in the cold war that has had a positive impact, or recently.

Is Africa any less messed up? Is the Arab spring making any Arab countries better? Is South America the beacon of the prosperous and free? Other than Japan and Korea that were empires in their own right before European contact.

Even looking at China, Chang was a crook, what about your Vietnam? Democratic Vietnam's president, was just as bad as his communist buddies in the North. How can someone get 600,000 votes from 450,000 votes?!

Now, I'm obviously not saying the Soviets did any better, but that's how the game is played, and calling the Soviets the evil empire for playing the great power game, is like calling double dribble on the special Olympics basketball while playing the same game.
That's unfair, US didn't do much better, I'm not sure the US definitely went in with better intentions, though maybe it did, hard to say.

The idea is to open up world trade and move the majority of humanity out of a never-ending cycle of wondering where their next meal is to a level where they can worry about other things.

Do you really think there was much chance of quick advancement in China before Nixon visited?

Russia was ignored. You really want to trade places?
The idea is to open up world trade and move the majority of humanity out of a never-ending cycle of wondering where their next meal is to a level where they can worry about other things.

Do you really think there was much chance of quick advancement in China before Nixon visited?

Russia was ignored. You really want to trade places?
Nixon didn't solve anything, Deng XiaoPing opened up China. Opening up started with Deng, not Nixon.

This is a short version of US conditions on China for WTO, turns out, we made the best of it and turn it against you, but US deliberately placed conditions that it didn't ask of others on us.
China and the World Trade Organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Did America play a role? Of course, but again, China was an old empire, and while poor, all we lacked was the modern know how, the basic infrastructure was there.

Let's also not pretend we didn't make America rich as well, we took lands away from our people to give to you guys to make factories and let them work our people for nothing. Ironically that's the exact thing you guys are calling us out on, Human Rights.

You can't blame us, now that we know how to do it, we kicked your *** on the curb and started to accumulate our own wealth and power.

Obviously you brought up China, the one "US" success story. Name some other nations.
Biggest single mistake was not bombing the fuel depots. That would have crippled the entire fleet for a long time.

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I'm sure it was a calculated gamble that Japan could take over the island and use the depot. However it didn't work out.

Historically speaking, you're right. The oil depot and also the mere fact that the USS Lexington was not present during the attack. Had the Kido Butai made a second round of attack, it could have managed to complete more of the objective.

Or, had the Nihon Kaigun launched an invasion of Hawaii proper, that would have effectively negated the threat of Hawaii as a repair , military installation throughout the war.

In the end of the day , The Japanese Empire had underestimated the American resolve to prosecute the war to the bitter end. We, unfortunately, believed that The war would be swift and a decisive blow would render them to submission, as we had done to Russia during the 1904-1905 Russo Japanese War's Battle of Tsushima Strait -- where the Imperial Navy annihilate the Russian Baltic Fleet, the cream of the Imperial Russian Navy.
Calling a country 'third world' is not racism. For all the military might of the Soviet Union, Russia and her lackeys back then were very much 3rd world countries, from the heart of Mother Russia all the way to the East/West German border.

I have always asked a simple question and never received a satisfactory answer: Could the microwave oven come from the Soviet Union or Red China ?

Answer: No. Never could.

Unlike an ICBM or Sputnik, the microwave oven is a mass consumption product. The principles of the device are well known when they are separated into discrete theoretical components.

Soviet/Chinese scientists do not know about EM radiation ? Of course they knew and many of them are intellectual rivals to the Western scientists. Some are even intellectual superiors.

Soviet/Chinese engineers cannot put together a containment system for EM radiation ? Of course they can and many of them are engineering rivals to the Western engineers. Some are even superior engineers.

But the hallmark of any 'first world' country is how well the ordinary citizens live in receiving the physical benefits of the intellectual might of scientists and engineers. The microwave oven is one of the many physical benefits the Western citizens have that citizens under the Soviet Union and Red China never had. It is a simple device based upon openly known scientific principles. All it does is excite molecules and that produces heat. The ordinary citizen who bought it uses it to heat water and warm food, all the while completely oblivious of those fine scientific principles and that is the way it should be.

And yet the oppression that the Soviet Union and Red China had over the people denied their citizens the many benefits of their country's scientific resources. That is what made the Soviet Union and Red China very much third world countries.

Today, your Russia is not that far removed from the Soviet Union's third world category despite any gains in economics. All the modern conveniences Russians enjoys came from the West. Instead of political oppression that stifled creativity, Russians now sees themselves so far behind, thanks to the Cold War, that they might as well be oppressed in a different perspective.

How do you personally feel about the Bombings? It must have been known to US that it would mark the largest civilian attack in the history of the mankind, if it was to make japan surrender, why wasn't the attack on coast line to minimize civilian casualties? What kind of reactions were observed in the US wrt to th bomb?
How do you personally feel about the Bombings? It must have been known to US that it would mark the largest civilian attack in the history of the mankind, if it was to make japan surrender, why wasn't the attack on coast line to minimize civilian casualties? What kind of reactions were observed in the US wrt to th bomb?

Tokyo was far worse.
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