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State Bank of Pakistan did not provide Funds for Election, Govt Refused !

Terrible precedent. This provides any government a huge incentive to purposely make things bad in Pakistan and delay elections indefinitely. Why will anyone voluntarily give power when they can find any excuse to remain in government.
The Government has been able to exploit a loophole which the creators of the law in the constitution had not envisaged, especially as it was given life after the 18th Amendment granting autonomy to provinces. The contention is, what will be the fate of the provincial Governments during elections for the Federal Government as law stipulates caretaker setup which cannot happen if the provinces are already operating (which in this case will be true as the provincial governments will not dissolve with the federal government).

The political parties should have sat together to find a solution out rather than to hold on to their egos. The Supreme Court annihilated the constitution when they gifted Punjab Government to Imran Khan by not counting votes of the dissidents and disqualifying them. I mean, how can the SC punish any member if their so called sin is invalidated in the first place? Anyway, IK was foolish enough to dissolve the Punjab Government as he was led to believe it would create pressure on the federal government to call for National Elections.......The rest, as they say, is history.
looks like court will.make.another account like dam fund where people will donate $70 million needed
All are wasting our lives and passing time, I blame the awaam. 240M people and cannot remove these corrupt lol. Come on, they should carry them and throw them off the himalayas or in to tarbela dam. Who will stop 240M people, unless they themselves are the same. The way you are, that's how your ruled.

Don't worry. These sheep will find out in due time. When it is too late.
Don't worry. These sheep will find out in due time. When it is too late.
send me nationality and proper business plan to settle abroad

I dont want to remain sheep, would like to be lion lol
send me nationality and proper business plan to settle abroad

I dont want to remain sheep, would like to be lion lol

Those that can run are already running away. Who would want to live in a hopeless country run by these boomer bandits?


Just look at their faces. Defeated, hopeless, selfish and corrupt to the bone. Even if they somehow became good I don't expect these inept and incompetent uncles to lead the way. Out of touch with reality. Completely and utterly useless.
Those that can run are already running away. Who would want to live in a hopeless country run by these boomer bandits?

View attachment 925258

Just look at their faces. Defeated, hopeless, selfish and corrupt to the bone. Even if they somehow became good I don't expect these inept and incompetent uncles to lead the way. Out of touch with reality. Completely and utterly useless.
why would they become good? no one can touch them
why would they become good? no one can touch them

I said it hypothetically. Even if these impure and evil souls became righteous you can't expect any good. They don't have the skills nor the brains to develop any nation. This is garbage. Useless garbage. Incompetent and unskilled for the job at hand.
why would they become good? no one can touch them

why even question them? their boot wearing handlers are the main problem, this cabal of crooks would not exist without them, literally. It is boot mafia, who nurtures and rises them to prominence, it is boot mafia who continually puts them back into power.

For 70 years we have been blaming politician But now, People have woke up and realized it is the army who is to blame for all of Pakistans problems
I think brown nations fare far better under monarchy. Look at all the successful Arab nations, all are monarchies. Those that arent are crap even with resources, we brown folk are not suited to democray, its either dictatorship or monarchy. Dictatorship never ends well. I was checking out Jordans economy today and even with no oil, they are doing pretty well, making clothes, solar panels, electronics. Reason is simple, the king of Jordan cannot settle aborad because he wont be a king there. he will be a commoner.
Slam dunk Article 6.

Have a feeling SC judges were on establishment side all along. They were just playing good cop.

Another day, another one exposed.

Its like Allah (SWT) is saying, I am exposing all the crooks and giving Pakistanis the opportunity to rise and destroy the current system.

Hopefully more and more open their eyes and make sure the cabal crooks are held accountable, of course within the limits of constitution.
Slam dunk Article 6.

Have a feeling SC judges were on establishment side all along. They were just playing good cop.

Another day, another one exposed.

Its like Allah (SWT) is saying, I am exposing all the crooks and giving Pakistanis the opportunity to rise and destroy the current system.

Hopefully more and more open their eyes and make sure the cabal crooks are held accountable, of course within the limits of constitution.

A bit naive to think otherwise given their midnight shenanigans previously.
Article 6
Article 6
Article 6
Article 6
Article 6
Article 6
Article 6
Article 6
So govt surely is in contempt of Court. Subversion of Constitution can also be alleged. If Supreme Court is serious about protecting Democratic traditions, a case of treason can also be considered against ruling cabinet. However looks like Supreme Court is either playing along and wasting time or, knows its limitations.

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