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Stand off between ANDSF and FC troops at Spin Boldak, Kandahar

Are you guys still squabbling. Can you just establish a 10km no go zone on Afghanistan border with sniper coverage. Take out whatever is there, man, woman, child, bird just create a no go buffer zone. Drop a JDAM before they even get to the border.
Are you guys still squabbling. Can you just establish a 10km no go zone on Afghanistan border with sniper coverage. Take out whatever is there, man, woman, child, bird just create a no go buffer zone. Drop a JDAM before they even get to the border.

mining,patrolling, observing, build forts with roads, plant in backyard forests, Build more legal crossings points.... is more realistic.
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If ANA posts are directly opposite to this area, wouldn't it be very susceptible to an ATGM and equivalent weaponry?

you must be living in some other world to think they will dare launch a projectile on a tank. Even Indians will think a thousand times if it was LOC.
Are you guys still squabbling. Can you just establish a 10km no go zone on Afghanistan border with sniper coverage. Take out whatever is there, man, woman, child, bird just create a no go buffer zone. Drop a JDAM before they even get to the border.

You clearly lack an understanding of the area and border in question.
There are families that live on the other sides of the border and plenty of them need to cross over every single day.
It seems tensions have climaxed in this instance

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The Pakistani troops seem taller and all. Ha I would have imagined the opposite.
Whoa whoa has there just been a flare up in clashes between the FC and ANA today?

Smart move by commander to diffuse things

Last we thing is someone dying off these bangees(marijuana adicts)
Pakistan needs to focus on.its economy

Learn from china
Afghanistan is both a market and gate way to a market

One of the more sensible posts I've read here in a while.

A lot of the posts here wouldn't be out of place in some KKK type vroup with the names of the target changed.
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