Why is the thread being derailed by talks of Indian SF and other stuff?
And to the Indian guy trying so hard to show off Indian SF, unlike all of those guys lined up with the few examples of the best kit they have for Photoshoots, our best kit is being used in actual OPs and not being shown in pictures because that’s called common sense. The SSG alone has probably done more OPs in the last 20 years than all of India’s special forces have done since they were raised, because we had a certain War on terror to fight, so don’t compare a few gadgets to feel better about yourselves, especially when Pakistan probably has the same, but isn’t showing off. Cherry picking pictures doesn’t tell the story of a whole force, Wether best equipment or worst. At the end of the day it’s the man behind the gadgets and the weapons. And I’m sure we have some damn fine men.
now can we keep it on topic?