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Donot forget the Kashmiri people. They are waiting for the moment to avenge all the killings done by India.
How can a Pakistani forgot our Kashmiri brothers and sisters? We know and appreciate that you are bravest among us and you definitely stand against the oppressors. We all pray that one day you gain your independence from the insane vicious and cruel oppressors of Hindutva regime. Insha Allah, that day is very near. May Allah protect us and guide us to achieve this holy task of freeing Muslim community from hands of infidel tyrants.
@Saahir Malik, I have humbly written down a solution not only for the Kashmir issue but also to resolve the wider India-Pakistan hostility. To bring both countries towards a progressive political system. Please read it here. I am interested in your opinion as someone from India-administered Kashmir.
@SuperStar20 & gowthamraj...hello bros,wish well for u both,as u both have mentioned in your posts that you both are interested in to know exact ground situation in Kashmir.im from heart of the Kashmir which is its summer capital Srinagar & heart of the Srinagar which is called downtown.it z same as Gaza of Palestine.now coming back to exact ground reality of Kashmir.There are different theoris what kashmiris want,why are they fighting with India,some with ak47 some with stones.You people have must seen the news channels showing clips of stone pelting & live encounter with whom you call terrorists or militants but we see them as freedom fighters.You also have seen different debates on Indian news channels about Kashmir.Kashmir is a dispute between India & Pakistan since partition 1947.when lord Mountbatten partitioned India on basis of ethics,two countries came into existence one India a Hindu dominated country second Pakistan a Muslim dominated country.You people might be surprised to know that Kashmir was not partitioned because Kashmir was an independent country not ruled by British empire,till 27th October 1948 Kashmir was an independent country with their own constitution own laws own prime minister,Well that is past & past is history. You want to know present situation ground position.We Kashmiri want India out of our lands & join Pakistan.Please don't take it ethically,kashmiris are so much attached with Pakistan even a Pakistani is not attached that much with their own country.Even I say Kashmiri are emotionally attached with Pakistan.i can write for days on this topic as it is so complex issue.why we are so much attached with Pakistan.there are million reasons & I can explain & justify each one.but right now I'm at hospital one of my uncle is on ventilator he is suffering from covid-19.in short I say kashmiris want to join Pakistan & be a part of it.This is only answer to any query about Kashmir issue..This could be never changed,even 3 generations passed still stand of Kashmiri is same,more generations will pass still it will be same.it is sort of fate destiny whatever you cannot change it.it z simple
Sir, I have no words to say. I am patriot but same time humanity helping heart. I hope the need of Kashmiri valley people meet soon , even if losing territory. Peace is good for humanity
Sir, I have no words to say. I am patriot but same time humanity helping heart. I hope the need of Kashmiri valley people meet soon , even if losing territory. Peace is good for humanity
I areally appreciate your humanism at the same time I respect you been patriotic,one should stand with their flag firmly,no need to lose any territory my brother when you think above the level of regionalism religion nationalism then whole world is ours home and we are two brothers....isn't it
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